Xiao fell face first into a mud puddle whioe izuku landed on a tree the others just rolled or fell down "ugh why did she throw us off that cliff" hu tao groaned while getting up.
"Ugh i think some got in my mouth!" Xiao was spitting mud as hu tao and izuku as well as bakugou laughed at him.
"Serves you right emo!" Bakugou mocked the yaksha who took his shirt off and the others could see what seemed to be a birthmark or tattoo or a side effect of the quirk on his right shoulder being a vermillion bird.
"Listen up, everyone -" Iida was about to say something but was cut off by a roar, and it was an earth dragon made of dirt. "New plan! Slay thy beast!" Yayorozu created a sword and shield and ran at it a few, namely, hu tao laughed at the action before charging head on with it.
"Finally! Something to kill! DIEE!" Bakugou blasted himself at it, going straight for the head till 4 more appeared 1 being a snake, the other a bear, and 2 spiders.
You can faintly hear kirishima scream when he saw the spider.
"Shiozaki! Keep it steady!" Kendo yelled out as they took on the mud serpent as vines wrapped around the monster, not letting it go as Kendo made her hands big and crushed the head."You did it!" Shiozaki celebrated but was cut short as she was tail whipped by a salamander mud monster from behind.
"Pyre! Pyre! Pants! On! Fire!" Hu tao was thrusting and peircing the mud bear with the staff of homa it did little dmg to it while also being ignited by flames "out of the way!" Xiao jumped down, crushing the head with a log he found. "That should be it" he huffed as he stared at the mud beast.
The snake and bear mud monsters regenerated getting even larger. "we aren't gonna survive this!" Sero yelled as he shot tape at izuku, who was about to be crushed by the bear while distracting the spider monster.
"Thanks, sero!" Izuku thanked before launching himself up again with anemo and doing a spin kick that did little dmg "we have to escape this forest! We can't kill these things they keep regenerating!" Yayorozu yelled out as she sliced the snake in half but regenerated fast.
"So um, I'm bennett. Nice to meet you," the unlucky boy introduced himself to mandalay, who curtly nodded. "Say your mother Rumi have been boasting about the two of you" she smiled.
"R-really?" Bennett stuttered, not used to praise even back in teyvat he wasn't used to it "of course, " mandalay patted razor on the head, who just sat like a dog.
"I fischl der verurteilung! Shall cast thy flame onto thy stove to cook! My squire benny! Ignite it if you will!" She demmanded but "she said please bennett" oz translated as bennett waved bye to mandalay as he ignited the stove for fischl.
"Remind me again. What's her name?" Mandalay turned to aizawa who's drinking coffee."i handed the sheet to Ragdoll. Go check yourself. I'm off to go do something. " he walked away.
"Hey ragdoll, what's her name?" Pointing at fischl "in the sheet it says amy der verurteilung! What an interesting name. She's german if i had to guess, " ragdoll was sitting on a bench looking over the class names.
"Tch heroes..." a kid walked off...
Sun was setting, and 22 of the students fumbled and stumbled out the tree line covered in mud and sweat "damn you... icy hot, you too, as well, ivy! Those were mine to kill!" Bakugou yelled at shiozaki and todoroki while xiao was carrying a tired hu tao via piggy back riding she exhausted herself in the bus btw.
"Oh, there they are!" Pixie-bob yelled out, looking to the tree line, and she saw bakugou, izuku, xiao, kaeya, and diluc and kaminari soaked in sweat and mud upon seeing them she ran and started poking and squeezing their faces.
"Wow, so toned~ and handsome~!" She felt the abs of the boys."Oh! I can't wait, to mate!" She she said as the said boys sweat dropped at that "cut that shit it out your in your late thirties" aizawa walked in from nowhere "and besides their too young" he continued on.
"Oh come on, can't have a little fun, can we~?" She giggled before getting neck chopped by tiger and hoisted away by the burly man the rest were just dumbfounded as they see bennett, razor, and fischl in one piece and not hurt.
A few of them are cursing for getting off the bus, mainly ashido and hagakure, but besides that, anyway they were told to set up and kirishima went to a black haired kid with a red hat with 2 gold horns on it
"Hey little guy, what's y-OOR!" Hit in the jibblets he fell clutching them." name..." he uttered out before folding head pressed on the ground."oof! Not in the nut crackers!" Kaminari expressed covering his.
"Not the crown jewels, child!" Kota walked off, not before punching Iida in the same place who then folded like a lawn chair to the ground, convulsing in pain as bakugou laughed."My hero,"
"You idiots go eat and rest the real training starts tomorrow," aizawa declared with a sinister smile as he's bout to send these kids through hell and back 4x...
"Wow, i didn't know you guys cooked so well!" Mina and sero expressed their thanks to the trio who were forgotten by the class on the bus "well it was mostly fischl who did the cooking i just helped light the fire and not get in the way" bennett flushed red still not used to getting compliments even if he fought and saved teyvat...
"Razor cook!" Razor had helped by putting the food in bowls for the class since the ingredients weren't what he was used to (cough he doesn't know how to cook other dishes besides his specialty cough)
Even still, he was proud as he handed out portions of the food to the rest while bennett sat it out since he feared he'd mess up something so simple as cutting the ingredients or spilling the bowls "Oz go inquire if sir bakugou would like spice with his portion of the meal" fischl summoned Oz who flew to katsuki...
"This is good, right alatus?" Izuki asked xiao, who simply nodded yeah sure it wasn't almond tofu, but food is food, plus it was like he was back in teyvat due to how they made it
Sooner or later, the class went to bed, plopping down and immediately getting knocked out
"Hwe, hwe, those pesky children won't know what's going to hit them," the cryo abyss giggles as the pyro one appears beside it. "Tsk so bothersome all this to retrieve this explosion kid?" Dabi walked out the portal hands in pockets...
"Why is this stupid puppet even following us?" Spinner yelled at chide whose eyes were pure white, almost robotic like movements,"the kids mind controlled. The boss did say he's powerful, so we might as well trust the dude, " mustard said as he stepped out loading his revolver "fuck yes! I get to slaughter some heroes!" Muscular was full on hard as Mr. Compress took a step to the side cause it was poking his back
"The LoV vanguard action squad has been deployed! Tehee!" Toga fixed her gear
LoV x fatui vs abyss order vs yakuza?

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...