Rescue/secrets (2)

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Team Alpha was set. Team Bravo was set. Student Rescue Team was set to pull out their 6 classmates...

<i do wish we could have had better circumstances right now, but we really don't> aizawa from the press conference said grimly...

The student's made their way to the location while the heroes started to get into position

Inside the Bar...

"Ugh, is this really all they have to say? No bounty, no nothing?" The pyro abyss said as it waddled around the bar as toga was glaring at it like a cat ready to pounce her prey "the brats wouldn't join but we do have some hope with the other's!" They pyro abyss said as it climbed on top a stool...

"Hello! Papa johns Pizza delivery!" The villains looked at each other confused."Who ord-" the wall came crumbling down as each villain was snared into branches tightly, and before kuroguiri could create a warp out for any of them, edgeshot went in and knocked him out "d-damn it!" Shigaraki yelled."Tsk humans!" The pyro abyss mage teleported out, but water came out of nowhere destroying the force field "Y0u §h0ulðñT lE@ve Y€T p@RŤy JuSt St@rted!" The man showed himself as he grabbed twice by the head a purple glow emanating from beneath his hair as he moved on to Mr. Compress as he slowly made his way to the rest. "we got you kids, don't worry!" Kamui yelled as he dragged out Hu tao, katsuki, todoroki, and the ragvindr brothers...

"The heroes are here! Hurray!" Hu tao was still optimistic, but once she threw up black goo and so did the other villains and hostages fear crept onto the heroes "wildcard!/Arsenal! Save them!" The man that was about to grab toga by the face lept towards the hostages but he was too late as AllMight screamed in pure rage...

At the warehouse...

"What the fu-" a clone was smushed to a red stain on the ground as mt lady crushed him as all for one made his appearance known as news helicopters flew around live on air as the hostages and LoV were teleported into the crater "i haven't had one in ages!" Twenty said with a smirk as he ripped his clothes growing to an upmost 9ft tall 1 arm was larger with bones poking out the other was somewhat smaller same size as AllMights arm as multiple faces mutate onto the body his laugh was horrendous Mt lady held her stomach in at the sight as gang orca shot his sonic blasts only to be met with the abomination "in fontaine we say au revoir!" Prime dottore and few of the clones barf up black goo and disapear with the real denki Kaminari with them leaving t-33-1 behind and scaramouche...

"We have civillians here! Stay alert!" Best jeanist walked on the scene using his quirk. He restrained afo, who easily ripped up his coat just to fire at him with an abomination of quirks. "Behold i All For One will kill your pathetic symbol of peace!" The LoV members looked at the 3 abyss order members being the abyss herald and the cryo and pyro abyss mages "kill them!" Shigaraki orders as compress compresses the hostages to ensure they don't run, but they burst out his clothes and onto the ground as they jump compress "coupe-son!" A powerful screech hitting afo but the two titans of both worlds kept fighting being afo and ofa as gran torino jumping in to help his student as the 2 titans backed off to a stand still "spring like limbs, kenetic booster x4 ,strength enhancer x3, hypertrophy, Rivets, Air Walk and Spearlike Bones" afo announced as his right arm grew to an abnormal size...

With the rescue team...

"H-holy shit!" Yayorozu whispered as the group was beneath a small pile of rubble as something hit the ground sounding like a pair of classical shoes on concrete an audible hissing sound as metal scrapping together "you kids shouldn't be here" kon muttered aloud as he took a deep breath before going over the rubble to the direction where afo is and yelled "mur du son!" It was so loud it was as if present mic was doing it...

"S-sir, we need to save our classmates down there," kirishima managed to utter. "Please save them," xiao begged the man. "First of all, I'm 17 but sure, i count 5 targets your classmate kaminari is a spy and a kidnapped civillian tsk so troublesome but you stay here I'll be sure to save them" blood ran down his nose as he explained tears fell from his left eye that was shadowed by his hair

"Tsk, i can't keep this up for long." Blood began to drip from his mouth as red and black electricity crackled around him before he was gone. xiao saw dottore bashing the abyss to lifeless corpses "damn it their here too..." he mutters as he tries to summon his nuo and jade spear, but he can't since they shattered back at the final exam...

"We can't go in there and just grab them out while not being turned to a red mist by them!" Uraraka explains,"then use me! I'll keep you all safe even if it means-" Kirishima was cut off."we don't need any more of us getting hurt!" Iida yelled as yayorozu was done she couldn't think of something since they didn't have something that could boost them into the sky without a self building ramp...

In the crater...

AllMight was bare bones already exhausted the clone dottore that turned abomination has targeted the student's "Run!" Diluc yelled while carrying a frostbitten kaeya as Bakugou couldn't move his arms anymore due to trying to fight the monster that dislocated both arms. Hu tao was limping due to t-33-1 shooting her via gun and todoroki using his quirk to keep the 2 villains at bay while the titans fought

The latter ran towards the edge of the crater. kon appeared out of nowhere and scooped them up into marbles and shot plasma at them from his left palm. A metalic cough came as he did so before vanishing again and reappeared in front of the rescue team a quick hissing of the mask blood spilling out his mouth crimson red and sticky "here" he managed to utter before collapsing unconscious as bakugou, kaeya, Hu tao, diluc and kaeya as well as scaramouche are dropped out "kacchan!/ Hu tao!/ todoroki!" Izuku, xiao, and yayorozu said in unision."Come on! We can't be here anymore!" Wanderer was holding his arm it was opened up showing the bones in his arm and hand they all agreed and ran away...

"Tsk Arsenal is down! I repeat, Arsenal is down!" Endevour yelled as he took civillians out the danger zone while looking with his eyes for the boy while best jeanist ran in to help AllMight, but he got a powerful punch to the body that left a big hole with edgeshot tunning in to the rescue Mt lady was busy keeping damage to a minimum as civillians took cover beneath her and gang orca couldn't interfere in the all out brawl of the 2 number ones of hero and villain who were making crazy wknd pressures...

Gran torino was out for the count as he was thrown to the side like garbage as the abomination walked towards him but best jeanist being the good mentor he is for bakugou used the last of his strenght to throw the old man towards his direction and landing safely ontop edgeshot like a cushion "tsk looms like this battle is about to reach it's conclusion i think it's time to get away" the abomination said as he creates a warp gate and warps himself and the doppelganger of kaminari out the field...

With the students...

They followed scaramouche out of the area and onto the main street that was busy watching the big brutes duking it out. "You've gotten weaker AllMight" afo mocked, "and you've gotten fatter ever plan on changing out that cosplay?" All might retorted (if you get the reference, let's be friends, please)

All for one, I prepared a powerful attack as AllMight did the same "United!/ strenght enhancer boost x10!"
The two of them plunged at each other ."Smash!/booster x15!" The attacks collided afo had his ribcage blown through his healing quirks activating quickly sealing up the massive wound but not repairing his missing lung and ribs as the attack he sent to AllMight missing by inches now reduced to his skeletal form blood covering his fist...

Raising his non-bloodied hand to the air before going to his buff form for the final time, "I Am Here!" Before he pointed to a fallen camera that was recording, still live "now its up to you and be a hero!" He dropped to his knees and turned to a skeleton as afo layed heaving and gasping for air next to him..


"The abyss will have their way just you wait my loyal subjects! We shall do this in the name of the abyss order!" A abyss mage declares below it were 7 colums of the 7 elements stood together they were all humans while 3 colums of abyss haralds and the whole legion of black serpents were standing around

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