A car pulled up to the midoriya residence. "This the place?" Toshinori retired from AllMight due to the fight "yeah the midoriyas, then the bakugous after that is miruko, then after them is the kaminaris. And were done for the day, you face them i don't wanna face a greiving family" aizawa slammed his head on the steering wheel of the car, causing a honk he didn't wanna deal with miruko...
"Alright, see you in a bit then," Toshinori left (his firsy name is so loooong. let's just go with yagi, his last name)
Yagi knocked on the door of the midoriya residence the person who answered? Xiao he wasn't happy for 2 reasons not eating the cookies inko baked and his almond tofu. He asked inko to make "yes?" Xiao answered the hunched over retired hero."I'm here to talk about the dorms, Mr. Midoriya" xiao nodded and let the man in he saw izuku about to eat xiaos portion of cookies he tackles izuku while inko shook her head "ah m-mr. AllMight! I'm sorry my son didn't say you were visiting. " she explains while putting his hands up."mrs midoriya m-may we please have your permission to put your son in U.A. dorms? Please!" He was on the floor begging, inko thought about his words "I'm sorry but the schools been attacked several times and that kaminari kid is kidnapped and cloned do you think i would allow my children to go to U.A even if they still have dorms?" Inko explained yagi still on the floor.
"we promise to up the security ma'am! And we're doing our best to find kaminari! We assure you we'll find him sooner!"
Inko thought about it and finally nodded. "You better, the poor boy's parents are worried sick!" Yagi nods."Thank you mrs midoriya please inform your children the dorms will be open on monday next week" before he left."Excuse me, Mr. AllMight" inko held a bag "please have this as a parting gift from the midoriyas and please share them" he opened the bag after inkos explation he saw cookies and smiled "thank you" he said before leaving...
"Hey, that was my bowl! Give it back!" Xiao and izuku still fought over xiaos' portion of cookies...
The bakugou interaction went like in cannon (what? Do you want me to change it cause katsuki is more tame here? Nah, pak u)
They then went to the miruko agency and went to the receptionist "hello i am Katherine. Welcome to miruko Agency. How may i help you?" She asked the 2 yagi basically dragged aizawa out the car after he ate one of the cookies inko made and wanted more...
"Were uh here to talk to mrs. Usagiyama young one, " yagi explains as he stares at the receptionist. She is rather young "ah let me inform her then, and please follow Arsenal he'll lead you to her office," she called miruko as yui kon walked towards them, his mask is on a subtle mechanical breathing is heard "oh AllMight weird seeing you here also please follow me" he gestures the 2 of them did notice his gloves are gone seeing 1 hand is black and mechanical "i have to say sir you did well in the raid helping to clear the civillians" yagi complimented "i was merely there to assist in capturing the abyss order and helping you tire out all for one plus i needed to grab the kids out too" kon explains his reasoning in the raid...
'What the hell? What is One For All? My analysis quirk isn't able to match this quirk to anything' kon thought as his eye glowed an inhuman orange while staring at yagi "were here. Good luck" as kon stops infront a door as he knocks and opens it, seeing miruko munching on carrots while Razor and bennett are sitting on similar seats next to her "oh it's you both" in a annoyed tone from miruko "hey mom can we go get ice-cream?" Bennett asks, and miruko nods as the 2 boys walk to a mini fridge in the room and take out 3 popsicles. The 3rd is a carrot one. "Hey miruko um look," yagi scratched the back of his neck. "Ah no, i don't wanna hear it. You failed to rescue that kaminari kid back at kamino. Now we have his doppelganger running around killing heroes. " she is still mad how she wasn't able to interfere with the afo vs. All might fight and rescue kaminari "here mom" razor handed miruko a carrot popsicle as miruko thanked her child and ate it...
"Look, we just want your approval to get your kids into the dorms," aizawa explains why their here "fine you better keep my babies safe!" She hugged razor and bennett tightly while they still had popsicles in their mouths."we promise miruko we already installed a better security at U.A," aizawa assured. "You better keep your word," she threatened as they both left the room with kon waiting for them outside. "i take it, you got her approval?" His mask is open "yeah we did all that's the kaminari family, " yagi said with a bit of hesitancy."Tsk you better find the kid or else consequences will happen just remember that Toshinori yagi." Both yagi and aizawa saw his right glow, a bright, dangerous red as the hallway lights flickered too...
Inside, they were greeted with a punch from denkis mom who was in her hero uniform, fresh from her agency. "You! you let my son get kidnapped! You were supposed to watch over him!" Sparks of yellow electricity danced around her palms angrily."You both better have a reason why you couldn't save my poor baby denki!"
Aizawa and yagi were silent, unable to form a reasonable answer as she fell crying as aizawa stopped her quirk from going haywire as yagi knelt down and hugged the grieving mother "we promise to find him as soon as we can we'll give him back to you we promise ma'am we promise" yagi patted the grieving mother on the back till she fell asleep...
Outside the residence...
"I'm sorry, mom. I'm sorry, everyone, " denki fixed his mask as black and yellow electricity danced around his new suit his forearms had holes that exposed his bones, which were now metallic grey in color because of the experiments his hair has gotten a bit long too rapid regeneration?
(just picture what the winter soldier wore from Captain america Winter soldier, but with 2 sleeves and are rolled up)
He watched for a few more minutes, eventually turned into living lightning and zipped off...
His original quirkHigh-regen:
Gives the user accelerated regeneration, but the side effect is that the user would feel the pain of it regeneratingQuick-step:
Makes the user silent and able to disappear on a whim when needed
Downside users will need large amounts of energy to use, like the exact 8 hours of sleep for it to functionDelusion: HYDRO
Age: 16
Quirk: DEAL
The user has the ability to switch quirks or swap them out! They have a stockpile of quirks stored in them, they have all quirks types (Mutation, transformation, Emitter, and Stockpile) they need though is skin-to-skin contact with the quirk and a good understanding of the quirk. The more quirks the user has, example:
The flame quirk, the more the user over uses it, the drawback is times 10, then the original drawback, which can potentially kill the user early signs are fatigue and blood!Vision: N/A
Age: 17

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...