Training Camp (1 Mall)

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The class went to the mall to buy things while xiao went over to the food court to see if there was any almond tofu it had been long since he had some since every friday was katsudon night though he didn't complain since he was trying to get a new life in this reincarnated world full of meta abilities. He did miss lantern rite and liyue, but he did know that some of the people he knew were present in this world, too, like barbatos and Hu tao.

"One almond tofu, please..." he said at the employee at the stand "ah sure! One almond tofu coming right up!" The stand owner was a grey haired young man with a bird that helped him."caw! Caw! Caw!" The man squawked at the bird as if talking to it as they made it."Here you go, sir! One bowl of almond tofu" it was freshly made he was glad that some shops in this world had the same things back at teyvat taking the tray of his food he sat at a empty chair and ate since he knew how to take care of things alone without the help of anyone such as laundry and even the outdoors full of mosquitoes.

"Mind if i take a seat here?" A hooded figure asked, pulling a seat out next to him. "Uh sure," skeptical of the stranger that took a seat, he then grabbed xiao by the neck "look i want to know what makes stain so great after all you fought him" the voice soon came to be as tomura shigiraki.

"What do you want?" xiaos heartbeat ran miles about his face ever stone cold,"just your opinion on what makes stain so great, " he uttered, his breath raspy."Can you at least let me eat? I'm not even going anywhere, " xiao says as he takes a spoon full of almknd tofu and ate shigaraki. Did let go after seeing the spoon full? "His ideals make him want to purge this world of fake heroes he says heroes that do bad deeds if you will an anti-hero, you call it," xiao says, eating another spoon full.

"So that's what this is all -" before he could continue, "though i want to ask you what's your goal is in all of this? What's your reason to destroy hero society?" Xiaos question dug into him."My goal?" Asked shigaraki as xiao nodded."i wanna kill AllMight and remake this world for my master," xiao almost laughed and choked on his food "that doesn't sound much of a goal i want you to really think about it think hard on why you want to remake society" xiao inquired him again made shigaraki turn the cogs in his brain turn

There was silence as xiao ate uncomfortably with the man so close to him, but he did finish his almond tofu. "i have to go pay for this. I'll be right back. " Being really blunt, he left as he took his wallet out and paid and came back now holding a smoothie and drank."i got it now. i want to be a hero. A hero for villains, " he said."Thank you for helping me realize i don't need to be a pawn in my master's plan. Thank you, midoriya. " he thanked xiao as he went on his way

'Damn, this smoothie is good. teyvat could never, " xiao thought...

the next week

"Everyone single file! Now, no pushing!" Iida yelled out, chopping the air. "Iida chill, dude," sero said. "Yeah, it isn't that kind of bus," ashido said as they walked in the bus

Once on the road, the class was lively

"Hey xiao and izuku," tsu said. "Why do you both have less luggage than everyone else? Ribbit, " She asked. The duo had only a small backpack. "Well, xiao told me how to camp with only a few things, and i have to agree he's good at using limited resources" tsu nodded as she went behind her seat, to bennett, fischl and razor "why do you have less luggage? And why doesn't Razor have one?" She asked.

"Oh, i just love camping in the wild, so I'm used to very little equipment while razor well um he's a survival expert of sorts hehe" bennett rubbed the back of his head while fischl was fidgeting with her fingers "well i just felt like testing myself" fischl responded.

Diluc and kaeya were different they had a satchel with them, and hu tao had a suit case similar to the others...

A few hours had passed...

Xiao was asleep face on the window next to izuku, both asleep
Fischl fell asleep on bennetts right shoulder, and Razor fell asleep on the other side of bennett

While hu tao was smugly drawing on a sleeping todoroki on the bus with the help of ashido and kaminari.

Sero was smoking a blunt

"Alright, brats! Wake the fuck up were here" the class hopped off and saw a black car parked and 4 people all dressed in cat like clothes

"Hey hey! I'm ragdoll!" A girl with green hair said,"heya! I'm pixie-bob!" A girl in blue introduced "Hello I'm mandalay." A girl in red said,"and I'm a tiger!" A bulky man said," And in unison, they all yelled."Together were the wild, wild pussycats!" They introduced themselves as thy did a pose.

"Woah so manly!" Kirishima said as he pumped his fist in the air. "You all must be class1-A! There's so many of you all!" Pixie-bob said as she looked at them.

"And that over there is the training camp!" Tiger said, doing a lat pose in the direction of the training camp.

"Now welcome to the beasts forest everyone and your goal..." aizawa smiled. The class was looking his direction with absolute fear in their eyes. "Survive." With that one word, the ground was swept under the class, throwing them off the fucking cliff as you could faintly hear Iida curse for the first time as he fell.

Aizawa seemed satisfied. "Good, let them suffer." he walked back to the bus, stopping only a few meters from it as he saw 3 people exit all yawning

"Where are the others?" Bennett asked tiredly "what the fuck?" Aizawa said in a surprised tone as the pussycats look at him and are surprised by left over student's

"We just threw them off the cliff" Pixie-bob answered as she looked at them "i think you should take them down aizawa after all we did throw half your class down the cliff and they might be far ahead now" mandalay explained

Aizawa just groans as he looks at the bennys adventure team trio in a tired gaze "go back in the bus we're headed down" the trio just went back in and looked at the window as the bus started moving



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