Yanagi flew through the sky using float sudden a bullet whizzed past her which then collided with the building behind her quickly looking around as danger sense was beginning to annoy her with an awful headache
She See's something speeding towards her swiftly she then dodges it but danger sense then gave a warning behind her looking back she saw the bullet make a U-turn at her
Eyes widening she uses poltergeist to capture the bullet and make it slam into the building to her right
"W-what the hell?" She whispered under her breath she has no idea who this skilled marksman is...
"Your in trouble I suggest running" 2nd whispered in her head as Yanagi dodges another and she ran in the building the bullet followed suit scaring her as she uses poltergeist to grab the Bullet and make it hit the ground breathing heavily she knew even if she ran she's dead
"I can't! I can't run nor can I hide! It's like the hunter has a quirk that can find me!" She breathed heavily complaining to the users as she couldn't run out this predicament
6th appears to her "maybe try using my quirk to get yourself out of this situation?" She thought about it and quickly nodded "yeah maybe I can! Thanks En!" She thanked the 6th user and ran out into the street emitting smoke from her body soon she covered the street in smoke she tries to use the cover to run away but something felt off
A bullet headed towards her she quickly used poltergeist to redirect it making it hit somewhere off
She decided to best hide for now and try not to risk being out in the open with the mystery marksman
(Somewhere the bullet landed...)
A group of 1B students after capturing a few gangster's jumped in surprise something fast landed near them
It was a bullet made of hair???
"It Came from over there!" Xinyan called out as she gripped the hilt of her claymore with her free hand pointing to the area where the bullet came from
Quickly they rushed over to see their classmate Yanagi in a predicament
"Guoba! Let's go! Yun Jin me and you will go to the marksman! By the looks of it she has an extra quirk!" Xiangling commands them as she and Yun Jin run to the rooftops as Xinyan ran over to hide somewhere
"I'll call Itto to come quickly and the other's too Xingqui and chongyun try and help Reiko and xiangling!" Xinyan orders the 2 blue haired boys as they nod and rush off to go help
Once xiangling and Yun Jin were on the roof where the marksman is they see it isn't a man but a woman
A markswoman her arm folded up with a barrel patruding out her elbow and purple hair with pink highlights and a semi muscular build
And a armless weeping man on the side of the building muttering something incoherent to xiangling and Yun Jin
As Yun Jin began to use her quirk she manages to calm down the armless man who had been muttering something but the markswoman turned around the barrel of her quirk pointed at the 2 women
"Tsk leave now kids I don't wanna hurt you both" the woman scoffs at them as she took a piece of her hair and loaded it into the quirk
"No way! Guoba cook her!" Xiangling yelled as guoba ran and jumped boosted by his thrusters and began to breath out flames but the markswoman fires the booming sound of a sniper rattles the girls as guoba is busted from just 1 bullet
"Guoba!" Xiangling ran to the small droid she had created in memory of the stove god as Yun Jin looked on frightened by the power the woman possessed
"Coming at ya!" The voice of an Oni and something mooing? Suddenly something crashes into the woman
"Yeah!" Itto appears from above Grasping his hands together to take the woman out in blunt force but the woman scoffs and ran off the ledge but seemingly she stood on air as if flying
She then fired 4 shots Itto then ran Infront of them taking it all xiangling and Yun Jin saw this and are frightened by the attack as chongyun and Xingqui appear out the door to the roof they immediately threw elemental attacks fusing both cryo and hydro together making a deadly combination to freeze the woman but she fires at them and even made the bullets reach around for them to be shot at
"Oklahoma smash!" A gust of air propels the woman upwards into the sky surprised by the sudden wind blast as all the sudden 4 more shocking booms that rattle the sky Yanagi then flew out from beneath
As they direct themselves at Yanagi the girl quickly thinking and using 40% of OfA she annihilates the bullets and quickly zooming in at the markswoman Yanagi Punches the woman hard breaking her quirk as the punch collided the barrel bent to the left as the woman screams in pain
Suddenly her veins start to glow purple slowly shifting to a vibrant red as the markswomans quirk is broken as well as she could no longer fight so she accepted her fate as if glad about something
Danger sense making a headache saying to stay away from the woman as she explodes pushing thing's back due to the force of the shockwave of the explosion caused
"ACK-!" Yanagi spat out as she's blown back several feet down as the nearby buildings infrastructure were severely damaged
As for those on the roof they were blown back too almost falling but black feathers for some reason appeared and put them back on the building
"Target neutralized nice job kids you neutralized-" a man dressed in all black in a trenchcoat appears with wings as black as the nights sky as the feather's return to his wings
His eye glowing a inhumane orange glow "shit! She's severely injured! This is Arsenal incoming Arsenal! Hawk's are you hear yet?" He spoke to the communications as he dove for the woman that had started to fall
Arsenal being a fast flyer than Yanagi appears Infront of the woman and grabbing her bridal style he slowly descends from the sky as a vehicle appears at a screeching halt
"Vital signs show severe injuries Hawks and Yagi can you both make a call to the hospital? Asap I need to get her there fast" Arsenal orders as green glow appears on his hand as the small and tiny cuts repair themselves but the most devastating injuries didn't heal fast enough
As Arsenal flew again he swooped down at Yanagi and tapping her shoulder for an unknown reason to why
But Arsenal's bioelectricity glowed a darker red with black instantly disappearing leaving the 1b students
"T-that was...Lady Nagant... Kiana tsutsumi" Hawks mumbles as he looked at the tired Yanagi whom disappears again
As Hawks and Yagi looked at her direction in silence...

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...