5Nezu dropped down as a screen lit up
1. Nezu vs. ashido and kaminari
2. Power loader vs. ojiro and Iida
5. Eraserhead vs. todoroki and yayorozu
7. Cementos vs. kirishima and shiozaki
8. Midnight vs. sero and bennett
11. AllMight vs. bakuguo and both midoriyas
4. Ectoplasm vs. asui and tokoyami
6. Thirtheen vs kujuo, hu tao
9. Present mic vs. jiruo, Der verurteilung and kaeya
3. Snipe vs. hagakure and shoji
10. Vlad King vs. Kendo,Razor, and diluc
"We'll also provide teacher's bracelets that weigh us down to give you peasents a chance to even slip pass," nezu explains
A few paled as they saw the match upsBattles from 1-5 played out the same as in canon. Now it was battle number 6...
"Now!" Hu tao ducked down as sara springs into action wings flapping, keeping the tengu in the air as she rained down arrows of electro onto thirteen who had to use her black hole to not get injured "did you forget me! How bout 50% off on your funeral!" Hu tao giggled as she created a tornado of pyro in her wake and slamming thirteen with the staff of homa into her as sara flew down and pinned the hero.
<magnificent! Bravo! Students won! Don't think you'll be able to escape is~> a sinister laugh from nezu over the p.a system.
battle 7 was fairly quick as shiozaki planned on using kirishima as a shield and a distraction from cementos who fell in the said trap, giving them victory.
Battle 8 sero and bennett thought together hard and bennett. Being the adventurer , he grabbed tape and prayed that he didn't pass out to the quirk and took down the hero, giving them a victory.
Battle 9...
"Let's do this!" Jiruo was bout to run, but kaaeya grabbed her, being the sly calvery man he is has observed the heroes and even got some info from izuku who had the tendency to run his mouth when explaining quirks and heroes "not yet" he paused looking up seeing birds fly "close your ears!" He plugged his ears.Fischl and jiruo followed as a sonic boom of a yell crashed into them "everyone alright?" He yelled in a concerned manner, his ears still ringing. jiruo nodded as well as fischl "fischl think you can get Oz out and survey the area or perhaps distract the present mic?" He asked the prinzessin who nodded,"jiruo pinpointed his location. " he adjusted his glove. A smirk played its way to his face.
"Where are those kids? Maybe i would give them a scare that'd be fine. " Inhaling, he spotted something flyint high above he then screamed at the thing, but it only vanished."Cool it!" Kaeya yelled out as frostgnaw was active as he also shot out cryo at the poor hero and now has to deal with the student with a blade "e-easy there kid" sweating he took a breath but kaeya was alreadh up to his face blade pointed to his throat as fischl grabbed his arms and put the cuffs on "what the?".
<students win> nezu said darkly.
"Man, i didn't know kaeya was scary ribbit!" She shivered at the thought of him turning on the heroes, and so did a few."kaeya has a way of doing things using people as tools to get the said achievement," diluc said, scoffing at his brother's plan it only fueled the fear of his brother.
Battle 10
Razor sniffed the air an ability he still kept from his time in teyvat before his timely demise in liyue fending off giant hilichurls in the war against the heavenly principles "he's close..." he furrowed his brows as he carefully grabbed the hilt of his claymore.

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...