AfO faces against the Pyro and Cryo Archon's and against his greatest foe that hunted him in his prime
(Side note I read somewhere that All Might hunted down AfO like a menace in his prime so yeh)
AfO laughed amused by this turn of events as he gets to permanently kill the last of OfA
Rushing in he's immediately tackled by the scorching flame's of Pyro of Mavuika whom revved her motorcycle with a smirk her hair burned brighter as she revved it before she went zooming towards the demon
She then creates an arrow... "Celestial burst: War-flaming arrow!" She spoke with a smirk
Releasing the arrow it shot forwards before multiplying into a thousand which then followed AfOs movements
Seeing the threat AfO tries to escape but the attack followed him like it was stuck which he then creates a shield to defend himself but that barely blocked the onslaught of the powerful attacks
"Hah! Hope your ready cause things are about to heat up!" Mavuika yells grinning ear to ear as her motorcycle rumbles before unleashing a streak of flame's out the back of her motorcycle as she full speeds AfO
"Why don't you have a little taste of my flame's!" She pulled out 2 claymores she then uses her powers making the claymores burst into flames as she threw them at AfO who blocks them but he them eats rubber tires and dirt
He screams as his face is ripped up by tire's he then grabs the front wheel of the motorcycle and crushes it before Mavuika pulled out 2 guns and empties them on AfO "not going to lie why didn't we invent these thing's so much sooner?!" She mumbles to herself as she emptied the entire magazine on AfO
But alas the villain chuckles as he's taken it all before grabbing Mavuika by the throat and throwing her into the ground before blasting her even more until she was unconscious he then walked towards her to rip her heart out and drink the blood of a fallen god but something stopped him as Cryo danced and climbed his body like a disease
"Going after an unconscious woman? How utterly depraved!" Tsaritsa yells as she blasts AfO into oblivion with Cryo creating a massive glacier that rivals what quirks can make as the base is blue ice being colder than it should be as the temperature changes drastically and too fast to even comprehend that it turned the Pyro that was still burning into solid ice
Surprising AfO of the sheer power the Tsaritsa holds as she grabs AfO and jabs a icicle in his abdomen impaling the demon before AfO melts it easily and grabbed her hand crushing it before heating up his hand burning the Archon's hand in the process
She screams as she grabs his face blasting Cryo trying to kill him with frostbite but AfO reverses it with rewind as he laughs Punching the goddess in the stomach as Tsaritsa creates armour out of Cryo before bashing AfO with a cryo hammer but AfO shatters it and pulled her in by a quirk and threw her around like a ragdoll she screamed in pain as AfO dragged her around before almost impaling her
Hu tao stopped it by piercing AfO in the chest with the staff of Homa he chuckled as he drops the Tsaritsa onto the ground before snapping the staff of Homa in 2 as AfO laughed at how weak the girl was but she pulled out Boo tao
Creating a ring of flame's as AfO is caught off guard as Hu tao grabbed the Tsaritsa and took off with her running as fast as her legs could take her looking over her shoulder could she see AfO catching up fast with the intent to tear her apart from just his gaze alone but
A cackle as someone lands Infront of AfO...
It was All Might
"Oklahoma smash! Delaware Smash! Kansas smash! Texas smash!" All Might yells as he gave AfO an onslaught of powerful punches that caused the ground to rumble and quake beneath them all the while buildings couldn't withstand the sheer power when they collided
Suddenly electricity danced around All Might as he cackles maniacally "indiscriminate shock! 500 million voltz!" He placed his hands down onto the pavement as the attack traversed towards AfO who was shocked to be attacked by electricity
"Acid dance: deadly veil!" All Might laughed as he secreted a deadly acid rain on AfO surprising the villain further as AfO didn't expect a quirkless insect to still have a quirk let alone multiple of them
But AfO used a quirk to scan All Might and it showed him Yagi is completely quirkless which pissed him off further as he couldnt sense a quirk in the retired hero
"Haha! Why don't you take a load of this?" 5 mega weapons fly out from his back which glow a deadly blue
"I call this howitzer Impact!" The mega weapons blast and true to it's name it hit like a howitzer piercing through defensive quirks and even the regeneration quirks creating a hole to the other side of AfO but he laughs as everything is out back together the sound of muscle and bones growing and returning back a disgusting and grotesque sound
All Might then releases weird drone's up to the air his speed shot to the max as if he was going at 500% of OfA along with engines on his calves boosting him even further not only that but vents on several places to mimic Anemo and wind quirks boosting the mobility of the suit even more making All Might a living missile that's going mach 3 as each punch created sonic booms that broke ears and even made buildings shake and sway
All Might then does an axe kick down on AfO but the villain took advantage and held the leg but the speed was too much leaving an afterimage and a roundhouse kick sent AfO flying far not even crashing into something All might hit him again making the demon fly upwards but AfO created a swift plan
Blow him to kingdom come
Which he does exploding All Might sky high sending the hero reeling back and crashing into buildings as a titanium platform falls down created by a quirk AfO has he lets it fall down on his greatest enemy crushing All Might completely but that was nothing as the suit held together and even kept Yagi from being turned into a red stain on the platform and ground
"Have a taste of my might!" Having 5 drones again they buzzed with electricity before blasting AfO mimicking Oz as All Might creates a bow he imbues it with electricity before releasing the arrow mimicking Sara and fischls and their archery skills
The attacks hit and explode but that was futile as AfO creates a powerful EMP and disables all electronic devices for day's in a 5 block radius
All Might laughed as he still moves but all his power gone in an instant as he's thrashed around like Loki in the first avengers movie before getting several super punches that rocked the buildings next to them
"I'll sever that head of your's and put it on a pike to show the world I killed their symbol of peace! Now let me hear you scream Toshinori Yagi! LET ME HEAR YOU!" AfO yells as he slams All Might over and over down to the ground each slam was powerful than the last before AfO threw him hard and made a wall which All Might slams Into before getting up AfO was already there ready to tear Yagi apart from the head but All Might creates a blade and chuckled "did you think I was giving up? I let you have a few licks in before I tear that ugly smirk off your mug!" His grin grew as All Might stabs AfO in the gut the villain screaming like a whiny bitch before chuckling "well I never! You dare to use such a crude object to harm me?" Flabbergasted he punches a hole straight through the suit almost taking out half of All Might but doesn't he then thrashes All Might into a building causing the building to sink inwards on it's self
As dust settles All Might was already battered and bruised as well as bleeding from the impacts and crushing blows to the suit
<Warning: power levels are dangerously low>
<Warning: you have broken bones in your ribcage and both legs along with your right arm your cheek is also fractured>
All Might groaned as he sat up the suit keeping him alive due to its life support system put in by Mellisa shield and the support course his vision is blurred but he can see AfO walking slowly towards him with a devilish grin
"I'd kill you but this god will give you his mercy as I have somewhere to be at and it's worth my time than fighting a quirkless insect" AfO mumbles out loud to All Might before the hero chuckled as he sat there in the crater in the middle of the building bleeding out

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...