after fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...
"Bennett we'll need your help if possible get as close as you can to them and make them mess up as much as possible since your luck affects those around you" Iida devises a plan on the fly as they walked taking every precaution of not getting seen as the match had already started
"I'll see what I can do then" our boy gave a thumbs up and rushed off to sabotage the other team
After walking for a few minutes they encounter Honenuki who literally swims out the fucking concrete ground before the sound of drilling is heard from afar as Iida had made everyone split when they were spectating the 2nd fight
With Ojiro
The man has been blocking the attacks kaibara had been dishing to him thanks to kaibaras quirk called gyrate he spun his fingers right into Ojiro who had been blocking each attack was also getting hurt despite blocking
Suddenly a literal pipe falls on kaibaras head immediately taking out the gyrate user as he collapses to the ground as Ojiro looked around to find where in the name of god a pipe fell on kaibara as they were fighting in a open space "hey I'm here did I miss something?" Bennett called out as Ojiro looked at Bennett "ah so that's where the pipe came from" Bennett stopped Infront of Ojiro a few meter's away "what?" Bennett asked but Ojiro dismissed it "can you help me with him?" Ojiro asked as he carried kaibara which Bennett did so
Honenuki started clashing with Iida as the man started to turn the ground liquid suddenly Iida was stuck 'damn it I'm stuck!' Iida tried to swim out the quick sand like mud ground
The more he flails around the more he gets stuck eventually getting knee deep into the ground...
While with Todoroki
The man had encountered tetsutetsu who was hard as titanium as he gave a brutal smack down to the half and half boy <sen kaibara has been eliminated!> Vladking announced hearing the announcement tetsutetsu got more brutal...
Todoroki slowly bubbled up his fire as he fought tetsutetsu as he ate tetsutetsus punches like nothing being bruised and battered and possibly breaking his own bones
"Agh! Oof! I won't let you wi-Agh!" Todoroki spouted out as he gets punched in the stomach vomiting his breakfast "come on Todo-bro! Your one of the strongest in class! Come and fight back!" Tetsutetsu yelled at him as he gave a brutal beat down
Things started to heat up as Todoroki unleashes flames that literally melted the pipes around them but not enough to make the concrete bubble to the heat
And since tetsutetsu is a living and walking shield he started feeling the heat but it wasn't enough to actually fatigue him "you know Todo-bro I trained my body to withstand high temperatures since I couldn't compete with kiri-bros unbreakable so I opted to withstand heat instead!" Tetsutetsu yelled as he gave Todoroki a punch to the jaw as Todoroki spat out blood he laughs
"But did you account for ice?" Todoroki panted as the heat was overwhelming...
With Iida
Honenuki and Iida could feel the flames even when they were far enough away "Jesus it's getting hotter is that Todorokis doing?" Honenuki asked Iida "yes I think so" he responded still unable to get out
With Benny
Bennett and Ojiro after putting away kaibara they were a very far distance away from the fight but even then they could feel the heat "what the hell is this heat wave?" Ojiro fans himself as he felt the heat from afar
While Bennett did his best to keep himself cool by pouring a canteen of water on himself but that did little to suppress the massive heatwave
Back with Todoroki
Todoroki was grinning as the flames flicker around the two with Todoroki being battered and bruised as well as bleeding he crouches putting his right hand to the ground as ice erupts from all over surprising tetsutetsu as he gets stuck in the glacier
As everything freezes over...
Todoroki exhales a frozen breath and chuckles "i win"
With shoji...
He felt the massive heatwave and suddenly it cooled off to freezing he shivered feeling the heatwave disappear "the heck?" As he walked around alone scouting till he comes across 4 horns almost pinning him to the ground as they shatter upon impact as an American accent was heard mumbling to herself as she revealed herself standing on top 2 floating horns
"I will capture you and bring honor to my class! Horny cannon!" Pony fired out her horns at shoji as he dodges swiftly as they shatter just behind shoji
Shoji knew he couldn't win this fight as his opponent is literally flying and all he can do is dodge and grow his 6 limbs or find something that he can throw but even if he did he wouldn't be able to hit her as his opponent can freely fly so the best option he did was run
With Iida
He was now burried neck deep in ice all that was left was his head sticking out but the ground rumbles like a twin-turbo charged v8 engine Honenuki had to turn around to see what the fuck the living car engine is planning
"Recipro Turbo!" Breaking through the ice by sheer force of will from just going full throttle as time felt like it stopped as he rockets through the ground as he turns to Honenuki his arms extended to take out the boy
As he rams into the boy and quickly taking out the boy by force as he rockets through the grounds as the quick burst of power runs out as he's back to just running at a normal speed looking back he destroyed some support structures from that move alone by accident so he ran for his life
"Iida run faster!" Todoroki quickly joined him as he glides on ice with Todoroki was tetsutetsu on his shoulder as they pass a water tower it quickly collapses as Todoroki threw the unconscious tetsutetsu onto Iida as he blocks the water tower forgetting the collapsing structures behind him he's taken out but thankfully burried under some ice
Iida after being hit he became unconscious...
With Ojiro and Bennett
They come across a singing that was eeriely scary...
Once they got closer they saw Yun Jin as she glares at them before sending geo at them Ojiro pushing Bennett out the way he takes the hit and is immediately hit in the balls as Yun Jin gasps "oh! I didn't mean to hit him there! I deeply apologize!" She stopped for a second as every boy that was watching felt the pain and winced
Bennett stood Infront of Yun Jin as the girl was ready to grab the unconscious Ojiro but since both were far from Ojiro they were at a standstill
With shoji
The man had arrived to grab the unconscious teammates and enemy teammates to win but realized how heavy they were combined and when pony arrived she took Todoroki and Iida while shoji has tetsutetsu and Honenuki
<50 seconds left! Start deciding now! Or it'll be another stalemate!> Vladking yelled out to everyone as time ticked
They couldn't do anything as it would still result in a stalemate...
So they let it go to a stalemate
You know what fuck this shit I'm playing zzz again I need to get Jane doe
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