"Ladies...gentlemen...ARE YOU READY!" Mic yelled into his microphone both diluc and tsuboi we're in their respective prep rooms "good luck out there luc..." kaeya said patting the readhead on the back and leaving the room "hi..." kaeya ran into hatsume "hey! Sorry i gotta go! So many babies to make!" She ran off confusing kaeya but shrugged it off.
Both walked out both staring at eachother tsuboi had the digital display in a 'surrender:D' no words from tsuboi diluc pulled out his claymore spinning it "I'm ready" midnight looksbat tsuboi who gives a curt nod and she cracks her whip "Ready!..." diluc gripped his blade tight "play nice boy's!" Tsuboi's digital display '>:(' "GO" both took off diluc unleashed a Phoenix at tsuboi who absorbed the flames and shot out blue fire it looked as if it was sticky as it was shot from his palms "burn..." tsuboi muttured above a whisper diluc rolled and put on a black glove.
"Black fire!" He pulled up his arms as if he was holding a rifle as black fire on chains launched from his palm straight at tsuboi taking the latter by surprise, he put up a wall of blue hot flames quickly but it was too late as he was singed a little the display on his face had the words 'FUCK' he looked up at diluc who smirked.
Both clashed at eachother black and blue flames clashed against eachother scorching the ground around them "getting a little hot here!" Midnight spoke to a radio "yeah i know maybe wearing leather isn't a good choice in heat" midnight laughs at present mic who proceeds to down a litter of water while aizawa was just staring at the voice hero. Those on the stands had to get water poured on them by any hydrokenesis quirked hero or from student's as they felt the heat soon temperatures skyrocketed "damn its getting hotter by the second!" Larson said clearly pissed off as he's using a invention of his cooling him off but it quickly overheats due to the temperature.
"Ok um folks weather forcast changed we'll be expecting a dry season for the next month or so by the weather forcast" mic annouced a clear whirring of a fan in the background down below diluc activates his quirk doubling the damage as he does a Searing onslaught of strikes and slashes at tsuboi who tried all he can to dodge and diluc accidentally hits the digital display off breaking it. The face of alexander tsuboi now revealed with various burns over his eye's "your blind?" Diluc asked "of course you fool!" Alexander spoke he sounded foreign and not from japan diluc who knew some bit of the history in this world guessed he was from Philippines, "why'd they stop?" The stadium murmured tsuboi breathed in and out flames rising and falling diluc took that sign to prepare and the blue fire user rocketed towards him a trail of blue fire following tsuboi. Diluc charged head on vision and delusion both active black fire emanating off him as the two collided causing a heatwave, "heh luc will win I'm positive of it" kaeya responded with a sly smirk "really? That tsuboi guy looks scary and powerful" hagakure responded "so is luc he won't get defeated that easily he's faced much worse" the cryo user said this made hagakure silent wondering what kaeya meant 'what did he mean by faced much worse? They did kill villains in self defense in the usj so what does he mean?' She ponders.
Tsuboi looked like a living flame the fire he made eminated off his eyes and mouth like ghost rider but with flesh of course, "HAH!" diluc strikes tsuboi in the stomach making the boy skid several inches only to charge again diluc resorted to using the delusion shooting chain after chain at him "i win" a smirk grew on tsuboi but diluc smirked he clasped his hand into a ball and the chains that he shot suddenly grew entangling the cremation user each movement tsuboi did only hurt him more. Diluc threw his hind to the side chains following and releasing the latter and crashing against the wall hard knocking him out.
The crowed erupted in a cocaphany of applause as medical bots rushed tsuboi to recovery girl.
(Look this is my first fic alright?)
Xiao watched the fight it was an outstanding fight for a mere mortal like diluc... after going to recovery girl diluc returned to class1-A where he was praised by everyone except sara, kaeya, bakugou Iida and todoroki and xiao.

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...