after fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...
Fourth round was on the way as Bakuguo and his group ran onto the scene with sero, jiruo, Fischl and kaeya
"Heh! Their no match against me! I'll kill them all! And it'll be a flawless victory no wounds no eliminations!" Bakuguo yelled out as he grins wildly as he flew onto a pipe overhead of his group
"Bakuguo! There's too many noises I can't pinpoint where they are!" Jiruo yelled as she had her jacks stuck into the earth as she hears for any vibrations but all she heard was tapping in every direction
"I'll set up a perimeter to catch them!" Sero called out as he began putting up tape everywhere to capture whoever walks into the trap
Just then Bondo and Kamakiri appear from above with a piece of Setsuna Tokages appendage appears being her mouth goes up to Bakuguo "heya Blasty! Nice to catch you off guard doesn't it?!" She laughed
As Bakuguos eyes widened as he turned back to his group seeing them in trouble
If it weren't for sero adding his tape everywhere he would've easily gotten to them but Bondo had added a much difficult problem as he sprayed glue everywhere on the group
"Heya! Earplugs!" Kamakiri slashes towards jiruo but Bakuguo took quick action and blasted himself towards jiruo and stepped on Kamakiris face as another appendage of Setsuna was seen flying off
"Like I said a flawless victory! You call them out I kill em!" He blasted himself off Kamakiri and went after the appendage after he quickly left Kamakiri was then all alone as he's then wrapped up in tape thanks to sero being quick witted
<Togaru Kamakiri has been eliminated!> Vladking had announced to everyone
Hearing that Bondo used this as motivation to stay out of their grasps as he fled
As Kaeya and Fischl run off to chase Bondo "Oz! Reveal thyself! And after the culprit!" Fischl summons Oz as the raven chases down Bondo "I'll cut him off!" Kaeya yelled as he breaks from Fischl and went a separate way
"Let's Rock n' Roll!" Xinyan yells as she strums her guitar loudly as it causes a tremor making some loose pipes fall as Kaeya dodge and weaves out in time now facing off against someone from class 1B and from Teyvat
"Why don't ya cool it?" Kaeya smirked as he shot a layer of cryo at xinyan who used pyrotechnics to dispell the attack sent at her as Kaeya clicks his tongue seeing his opponent will be a bit difficult
With Bakuguo he chased after Setsunas appendage as he blasts through twin pipes Awase appears welding several pieces of metal to his back shoulders as well as gauntlets "damn you!" Explosions rattle the air as he forces himself out the welded metal
Down below...
Fischl heard the explosions and called out to OZ "Oz take care of him I shall tend to sir Bakuguo!" As she didn't give time for Oz to speak She jumped up using her acrobatics to get up higher and fire a barrage of arrows embued with electro as they made a chain reaction to the explosions Bakuguo was producing
Awase stunned by this event as he's slammed into a pipe by several arrows that made his outline as he saw fischl pointing her arrow in his direction with a cocky smirk
"Finally! Haha!" Blasting away from them he set his sights at Setsuna and take the flawless victory
With the spectators...
"Hah seems like Bakuguo is having a hard time dealing with class 1B! Take that 1A!" Monoma cackles as itto tried to grab him before he stepped out of line as Uraraka was quick to chop his neck
"Kacchans grown since the last time hasn't he?" Izuku said as he wrote down info about the class B students as Xiao leaned against a wall beside him "seems so and judging by how he's doing a good job I'd say he'd win this exercise in no time" Xiao compliments the explosive Pomeranian
"KERO KERO" tsu ribbits
(Exams are tomorrow DUCK FUCK DUCK FUCK and my ass just memorized stuff :| I think I'll be fine👍 plus I have to worry about Sept 22nd for open water)
"I say he's doing a rather good job at thrashing around our classmates" shishida said as he crossed his arms as the rest of his classmates looked at him with a 'are you serious?' look
Back to the fight
Kaeya decided he had enough of the constant counterattacks and created 4 shards of cryo that circled him as he dashed at xinyan "oh h-hey now partner le-lets talk! Ah!" Trying to negotiate after Dodging a slash from Kaeya she started backing up and dodged more and more until she uses her guitar to block a slash
The throat of her guitar snaps in a single slash "I'll pay you after this no hard feelings?" Kaeya said as he smirked pointing his blade to her throat as xinyan put her hands up in defeat "no hard feelings" she smiled
With Oz
The Raven had been close to zapping Bondo several times at most but he's dodged everything that Oz has shot at him till
<Xinyan Kajimi has been eliminated!...wait what's this?! Yosetsu Awase has been eliminated as well!>
Bondo had gasped and screamed some more as Oz chuckles "there's no way for you to run with me out here!" Oz had just enough as he fired volt after volt at Bondo now cornering him
As Fischl teleports from nowhere and had her cross hairs at Bondo and fired at him as the electro hit him he screams as he's electrocuted by electro embued arrows before dropping down
With Setsuna
<Kojiro Bondo has been eliminated! Fuck! Don't loose guys! I made a bet with aizawa and I don't wanna pay 30k!> Vladking had called out to them
Bakuguo had chasing the appendages but to no luck as Setsuna hovers above the sky in frustration and distraught as she's the last remaining of her team as she thinks of a way on how to clutch a 1v5
As Bakuguo saw he couldn't get to her by any means as she can just fly away he went back down to his team "here! Take one" he tosses a grenade to sero, jiruo and Kaeya as well as Fischl
As they fumble to not drop the grenade they were given "give her hell!" He grins mischievously...
As Setsunas appendages come out everywhere trying to spy on them and maybe get some info but what she didn't know as she retracts her appendages to her she See's something attached
"N-no! How!" She screams as she's blown up but the grenades attached to them thanks to sero putting tape and as she was woozy after taking 4 grenades to the face Bakuguo arrives with flying right hook accompanied by an explosion "As I said! FLAWLESS!" Blowing Setsuna out the sky permanently
<Class 1A wins!> Vladking announces in a grumpy mood as class 1B is salty about not winning
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