after fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...
(as I write the I'm watching alya hides her feelings in Russian also I'm sick with a headache,runny nose and cough no fever or whatsoever
Hundreds of heroes marched spread out around the city of jaku as many have started evacuating the civilians to busses
With the endeavour group
(Ngl this anime is 🔥 no wonder it was a talk for a few weeks)
Endeavour as well as present mic, miruko, Erasurehead and rock lock as they traverse inside the hospital yelling for people to evacuate...
'maybe my kids were right and those Midoriyas too something feels off in this hospital' miruko thought as she ran through the hospital hopping across walls as endeavour calls out to the staff to evacuate everyone in the hospital
(Why tf do I keep spelling office RAHHH)
"Hey! You! Evacuate right now! No questions asked! Evacuate!" Endeavour yells at the doctors and nurses In the hospital as they started using their quirks to evacuate and some rolling out the patients out their rooms
(I just got a school bus graveyard ad noice)
With the villains
Dottore was walking with Garaki out in the open as they discuss a topic till a nurse walks by them "oh good morning doctors!" A nurse skilled as she walked pass them "ah good morning" dottore smiled as garaki waved her bye as they continue their walk
"You get out of here now! And evacuate the patients!" Miruko yells as she hops forth through the hallway passing the two doctor's as endeavour yells at them "you! Your both under arrest for medical malpractice and many other crimes!" Endeavour said as Erasurehead ran up to them as he used his quirk on them both erasing their quirks
Garaki started to age to 200 years his body now frail and old his clothes suddenly oversized his skin being flappy and overstretched
While dottore ran up to them "why outta! Just perish so I can use you for my experiments! Especially you Erasurehead!" He laughs as cryo spreads down the widows and hallway and floor
Rock lock throws a chair at him and locks it in place "yo watch out Erasurehead! He's got something!" Dottore smashes into the chair in the air and mud splashes onto them shocking the rest of them
As garaki still held his sneers at the heroes till present mic grabs him "what did you do to my friend!!" PM screams at him in anger
As Aizawa threw his capture scarf and restrained him his gaze only at garaki with hatred as garaki spills out why
Why he used oboro shirakumo as kuroguiri
"My original plan was to use your body because of your quirk Erasurehead hehe or should I say shouta aizawa~ the use of your erasure quirk would've been better but instead we got your friend what troublesome matter!" He laughs mocking aizawa as PM huffs in anger before punching the literal shit out of garaki as the man started to melt like ice cream as he laughs
<Hey hotshot! I found the basement! Don't mind if I do cause I'll beat the literal shit out this guy! HAHA!> Miruko yells over the comes as she went ahead of them
"Roger that miruko!" Endeavour said as the ground started to rumble as NOMUs started coming through the ground for them to battle
With miruko
She raced through the basement encountering tube after tube full of NOMUs floating inside the tanks a good few being bodies of dottore in many and I mean many looks from children to teens and adults all looking different but having a common trait
She was a bit creeped out as she raced through the basement before encountering a fist coming straight at her and dodged it at the last second
(This incest is Wincest rn in alya hides her feelings in Russian tf?)
"Woah hey! Watch it!" She yells out as she saw the person's who's fist she saw as he walks out "a rabbit quirk? My I have to say this world is magnificent haha" dottore laughs his body disfigured and mutated with the quirks he's injected into his body becoming a semi NOMU with the quirks he injected himself
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As miruko dodges the swift punches from dottore he laughs as he started speeding up "I'll activate the NOMUs! Keep her busy my fellow doctor!" Garaki laughs running to the button as Miruko dashes at him to kick the shit out of garaki but she dodges another punch from dottore making her back away angrily
(Well I just got flashed😐)
With the city
Xiao and Izuku were helping the civilians to the busses "come on we need some help over here! And quickly!" A hero yelled out as he struggled to carry the patients that are coming by
"Don't worry! We'll help!" Uraraka calls out as she began to run around tapping the civilians and making them float as Xiao and Izuku ran up "we'll steer them to where they need to be! Go focus on the others!" Izuku yelled as they blow the patients to the busses
'something doesn't set right with me their main goal is the hospital and something lies sinister beneath it and I don't like it' Xiao thought to himself as he blows the patients past a crowd
'tsk the others are at the villa I wonder how thinks are going over there though' Xiao thought as he remembers half his class was sent to the gunga villa along with the other vision holders except Yanagi, himself and Izuku as well as Bakuguo and chiyo and even Alex
"Well well I didn't expect to see you here" Alexander stood Infront of a woman with 2 beauty marks on her lips 1 atop her lip to the far right and another under her lip on the far left
"Oh your here too Alexander?" The girl scoffs as roses arose from the ground as they helped civilians to the busses
"Tsk it's tsuboi to you missy!" Tsuboi yelled angrily as he signs civilians to go to the busses before they ran to another group to escort them
All the while Xiao was above them escorting or well moving the patients above them
Once tsuboi was alone as the woman ran off to god knows where in the city
"Who was that?" Xiao lands next to the blind hero student as he turns around "oh that's my Ex girlfriend haha no need to worry Xiao and uh good luck out there we're going to need it probably" he pats Xiao on the shoulder as Xiao showed a small smirk as he watches tsuboi fire his grappling hook and took off to find more civilians
"Well then thing's are getting interesting- woah!" The ground rumbles his eyes widening seeing the mass of decaying ground