"Shit, this is bad!" Izuku mutters as he dual wields the kagotsurube isshin and jade cutter blade anemo swirling around him
"Tsk what now, kid? It seems like you both know what to do with it, so tell me, what do we do? " miruko inquires izuku
"We kill!" Razor appears from nowhere and slashes at the massive hili on the back, leaving a giant gash that left electro sparking on its back
"What! Kill?" Miruko yelled at her son "yes kill!" Razor dodges a swing from it as the electro left served as a conduit to bring back its armor
"HURAH!" It roared as it swung down a fist at razor. Suddenly, the wolf lept from nowhere and bit it redirecting the swing
(What do we name the wolf?)
"Lupical!" Razor rushed to his wolf and mounted it, and Razor pets the wolf for a good job
Teal blur zipping past them it hits the lawachurl several times before vanishing and appearing beside izuku and miruko. "Glad to have you back, alatus. Anyway, let's make this quick, " izuku says as xiao nods
'Finally an excuse to go all out... Karma: 100%' xiao thought as his body got more tensed and his grip on the jade spear became tighter he breathed out a small amout of steam
Izuku, xiao, and Razor took turns hitting the hili Razor, providing an element to swirl on top of his wolf, izuku swirling the element and xiao dealing the heavy blows
"Evil conquering!" Plunging down, xiao decapitated the hili as it went down onto its knees and finally fell to its side
"Razor, xiao, and izuku tell me something. What was that?" Miruko angrily asked."It's best we tell you about it back at your agency," xiao says as he looks at the slowly dusting hili
"Fine," she agrees...
Bennett ,diluc, and kaeya all walked to the agency following the instructions Endevour gave them to meet
"So you're the brats my master piece is competing with." Endevour has a harsh and cold tone the 3 of them
"And your mirukos brat?" Endevour glances at bennet "y-yes sir I'm her son" bennet responds to him "Let's go, shoto is waiting at the agency " Endevour says as he starts walking to a car...
(Note: that some interactions will be the same, so i won't put write them in the chapters like kirishima getting unbreakable or how
Fischl scouted the skies, looking through Ozs' eyes, <fischl any sign of a villain?> nejire asks over the communications "nothing has caught my gaze but alas i see a purse snatcher down 5 blocks east" fischl responds
<thanks! On my way!> nejire says to take care of the purse snatcher...
<Ribbit fischl i spotted villain headed your way kero> tsuyu says "very well Oz and i shall subdue thy crook!"
Note: todoroki and bakugou completed the exam by day 2 of the time skip. Nothing was different from that experience, so that means the latter are currently in their agencies for the sake of my sanity i will leave out actual locations of said stuff like locations since i couldn't find where some of these are located in the official wiki of mha
◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇[LOCATION: KYUSHU: HAWKS AGENCY]
Hawks flew in the sky as sara and tokoyami followed from the ground. "Come on birds! You got quirks that can let you fly, right? Use them!" Sara ran, and her wings appeared 2 pairs on her shoulders, another on her above her hips she started to fly leaving tokoyami

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...