Miruko fought off dottore, NOMUs as well as trying to reach for garaki and take him down but the NOMUs proved to be a challenge as they were HIGH ENDs
She flips through the air dodging a blast from dottore who didn't seem to be happy as she See's the last NOMU fly up to her she kicks it "Lunar fall!" Square in the skull immediately killing the NOMU
Dodging a NOMU built like a battering ram she watches it lodge itself into the wall grabbing a piece of the rebar and stuffing it down the creatures brain making it drop down looking back to the first NOMU due to the weird gurgling sounds it started producing as acidic blood started to pour out creeping her out
And back to the NOMU in the wall she recently killed it started to bloat like a balloon as it's body was like a battering ram but had needle like spines all over it's hide side like a porcupine seeing it bloat like it'll pop gave her an idea
She rounded up the remaining live HIGH ENDs being only 3 alive she managed to put them Infront of the one that'll pop smirking as she See's dottore rush up behind them
Her grin grew wider as she says "see ya in high hell ya ass!" She ducked for cover behind a tube as dottore looked back seeing the bloating HIGH END he sighs "mother-"
the innards of the HIGH END fly out everywhere making it rain in the basement laboratory as the spines flew everywhere skewering whatever crosses their path
Taking out the remaining HIGH ENDs skewering dottore in the process as the mutated abomination falls down dead the other clones rush her
Seeing they have quirks varying from elemental, energy, emitter or stockpile and even mutation quirks rushed towards miruko
Till a sonic screech of pure agony and rage rang throughout the lab breaking whatever is caught in it's path scaring miruko in the process at the scream as she See's present mic and Erasurehead appear running in and taking out the rest of the clones dottore has in the place
"Go after the doctor we have them covered!" PM yelled as he wounded up another scream it was so horrendous it made miruko shiver as it wasn't a yeah or anything fun from the joyful radio hero but instead pure agony, misery and anguish came from the hero As he wipes out the humongculi hoard of dottores...
Miruko dashes to take down garaki as she busts through the tubes Infront of her and killing a dottore inside it as she slams down on the doctor pinning him down to the ground with an umph...
As endeavour and the rest arrived at the scene a few heroes also arriving such as X-less and a few others "here mic I got him for ya" Erasurehead glares as garaki and threw his weapon at him capturing the villainous doctor and restrained him
As mic walked up to the man "Dj punch!" Giving the man a big punch to the face angrily glaring at the doctor as Erasurehead tightens the scarf on him making him unable to move before moving him out the place and to the police...
As the heroes investigated the place they saw many and I mean very many quirks of people a few being bodies of the dead that have died recently their quirks activated as if a last ditch effort
Miruko crosses one recently dead civilian her quirk had sprouted foliage on her body as she laid lifeless on a operating table as her chest was cut open inhumanly by someone
A cackle rang out the place as the actual dottore walked out just finishing an injection in his left arm his veins glowed a sinister purple "you pesky heroes know nothing about privacy do you not? Your like the vigilantes of mond and that blond traveller that foiled my plans back in teyvat! Tsk bone spikes Peirce!" He yells as bone spikes sprung from his hands like projectile's at miruko
As they were faster than her she's hit in the arm as she only reacted fast enough to cover herself with her arm
She dashes dottore "lunar crescent!" Giving dottore a nasty kick to the side of his body before kicking upwards breaking his teeth and shattering them
She manages to get another strike in before dottore warps himself out but not without telling her this
"There are bigger things at play than this little raid you have going on here as the gods and the devil clash only one outcome will arise between the 2 you can't stop fate nor will you be able to stop the Fatui nor is harbingers"
He laughs
"For I am the 4th of the Fatui harbingers you do not have a chance in defeating me for I I'll dottore have won this fight for now!"
Before fully warping out himself leaving miruko to question what he meant by those words as she looked around she saw endeavour looking through some records and books
And most of which were full of how to genetically modify a body to withstand the effects of altered bodies to contain a delusion and quirks together
It made miruko shiver thinking the horrific experimented bodies she saw in the tubes being actual people that had been replaced by dottore
With x-less
The hero shot the container containing shigaraki blowing up the charger and blasting the tube open
Now Busted out and dead on the ground lifeless the liquid that once covered his tank now all on the floor as the Cold breeze of the world after the experiments
As x-less checked the body before securing it to be lifeless suddenly jolts awake and spasms and getting up to his knees "the fu-" the man mortified as he's cut off from speaking as he rapidly deteriorated into dust as a hand with missing finger's placed themselves on the heroes face
As the cloak of the hero drops after being dusted Shigaraki awakes himself as he puts on the cloak...
"So cold" the villain mutters as he clutches the cloak he had stolen from the dusted hero as he god up seeing the many heroes around him
His brain splits
Shigaraki stood Infront of All for One who smiled down onto the boy as he put his hands on his shoulders
"Young tomura your time has come to decimate the heroes and remove them off the face of the earth and soon we can take control of this world for our own cause" AfO says grinning
But shigaraki put his hand on AfO as he questions the action suddenly AfO started to dust "You can't do this to me! Why you!" Grabbing shigaraki in the face as they both yell...
Shigaraki screams loudly as he drops to the ground as ice spreads out to the ground his arms turning black due to frostbite from the unconscious use of his vision as decay rapidly spreads
The heroes call out to each other to evacuate everyone in the lab as they all clung together as the remaining NOMU that have activated by themselves as shigaraki awakened
"So cold"

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...