Winds started to shift all the while everyone and everything at U.A froze for several moments of silence
Something strange was happening...
Arrows made of Anemo come from nowhere and clash into shigaraki all the while a laugh from nowhere but everywhere
Barbatos arrives fuming all the while a grin had masked his face
"My my~ never thought I'd face you again!" Barbatos yells as she shot a barrage of Anemo infused arrows at shigaraki which caused an Explosion
Meanwhile those whom were with Bakuguo were doing all they could to revive him namely Jeanist and Edgeshot
Edgeshot was deep in Bakuguos body trying to stich back the boy's heart back together while Jeanist covered for the boy as he fought off the NOMUs that were now rampant across the battlefield
"So your saying you died to an explosion?" Bakuguo asked shimura who sat with him along with a bunch of other's that had died
"Yeah apparently I was incinerated to nothing from the explosion" shimura said as they watch a big screen well a 3rd person POV as the fight against hero and villain rages on
"Never knew the popcorn in the afterlife was good" Midnight said as she threw a hand full into her mouth as she watched with the other's
E"I'll kill you!" Barbatos, Xiao and Izuku along with Yanagi took blows as they gave everything they have at shigaraki which the villain just shrugs them all off as they were nothing but mosquitos to him
"P-p-p-p-p-p-POWER!!" Lemillion rose from the ground delivering powerful punches thanks to the law of gravity which helped a lot as he kept this up Shigaraki was overwhelmed as he now had to focus on the mosquito that's biting him
Tentacles wrapped and held shigaraki as they try and tear his limbs off but we're cut off "such a useless quirk" he mumbles as he aims his hands at the culprit of the attack
Amajiki whom was front center in the open trying to divert attention but his quirk was useless to even fight back as he witnesses a purple beam rocket towards him but was stopped by yellow rings as they intercept the attack
"Tamaki! Do it! We'll hold him off for you long enough to use it!" Nejirie intervied as she held the attacks back using herself as bait
Amajiki then started the process to create his weapon
Xiao and Izuku along with Yanagi were giving powerful punches and attacks that were equal to a prime punch from All Might
Hack, slash and slam as they did so but doing nothing but to overwhelm the quirks shigaraki held deep while constantly avoiding being grabbed or crushed trying not to turn to a red gory paste on the ground of the field
Things then took a turn as the twice hoard rushes breaking through the defense line for aizawa and monoma as the clones beside them were doubling themselves at a rapid pace while melting as they have endured too much pain to even hold on any longer
"Damn it the defense line!" Manual yells as he helped moisten the duos eye's as they negate the various quirk's shigaraki held
The support course we're busy hammering away and trying to power the whole of U.A up in the sky as they repair and fuel it with various thing's
3 students held their phones up high live streaming the inner workings of the floating fortress

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...