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Erasurehead and Nighteye came in the nick of time as reiko used Nighteyes heavy weight stamps and threw them back again using her poltergeist quirk

As Nighteye caught them, he threw it back at Overhaul, but suddenly, his actions slowed down as if in slow motion, he saw Erasurehead the same as a man dressed in white with clock hands like hair "good job chronostasis" Overhaul says as he walked up his hands ready to Overhaul the 2 pros

But Lemillion jumps in "Power!!" He yells, slamming an OfA powered kick into Overhauls abdomen, knocking the villain back hard to the point he had to Overhaul his abdomen."I'll kill you for that, you diseased vermin," Overhaul angrily says, as he launched large spikes at the hero who phases through it

He then phased through the ground and popped up next to reiko and whispered to her, "Drink this," wiping some blood onto his hand and giving it to reiko as he phased through the ground as reiko saw how serious he was she didn't question why

As Lemillion fought Overhaul and the officers appeared, they started to fight chronostasis. Suddenly, shin was blown through 20 walls into the area barely alive as Izuku did the same with diedoro seeing the opportunity Overhaul rushed to both his henchmen and started to reform his body as Lemillion and the rest looked on to see the abomination Overhaul does to his own body

Bone, flesh, and clothes, as well as the debris of the room, were fusing into Overhaul, creating some abomination with 4 arms and drooling drunkenly

He screams wildly as he swipes at the 2 pro heroes. Suddenly, a flash of teal green rips a massive cut on his chest as it slides across, revealing xiao, who now has a flustered Hu tao on his back

The 2 then got into fighting stances and twirled their polearms in sync, "Evil conquering!" "Let's go!" Xiao and Hu tao said as they ran at Overhaul, who created massive constructs trying to push away the duo

"Know your place!" Izuku screams as he sends his heel down onto Overhauls back as Erasurehead is trying to fight chronostasis, but the latter managed to slow the hero again

Whilst trying to kill Erasurehead, the man pulled a gun out and was blocked by Lemillion as he left to protect Erasurehead. The boy felt his quirk perish as he was shot straight out of the ground

And near Overhaul as the yakuza leader quickly swipes at Xiao and Hu tao as well as Izuku and leaves a massive gash on a stunned Nighteye and to add salt to it several spikes peirce the pro leaving him a skewered mess barely alive as he pukes large blotches of blood onto the ground

As Overhaul fuses chronostasis with himself and makes the ground lift him up, the ceiling broke seeing ryukyu and miruko together as they plummeted down with an unconscious rikiya katsukame under their feet seeing it Overhaul laughs as he fuses with the man making miruko and ryukyu back away in shock

"What the hell!" Miruko yells as she climbs onto ryukyu to save herself from being Overhauled by the yakuza leader and then has now made himself fly

(Also, Razor was with chiyo and some of the police and and rocklock so no need to worry bout him dying off screen, though, for chiyo? I have future plans for the poor lassy)

Reiko was confused with Lemillions orders she wanted to ask but couldn't "Oni coming through!" A big stone club smashes into Overhaul as he swipes across to miss the red oni that hit him, and now he was outside in the streets seeing his thugs veing put away and into transport vehicles giving the ones above a big surprise

"A.P Machine gun!" Bakugou yelled, firing hundreds of condensed explosions at the monster, but it did little to it as xiao, Hu tao who was thrown by izuku were now up in the air

"Lament!" "Whirlwind stride!" "Pyre pyre pants on fire!" Xiao izuku and Hu tao yelled as the unleashed powerful attacks creating a swirling reaction of pyro as Itto and bakugou got up as well with bakugou using his explosions and Itto using his Oni quirk he jumps onto a roof and onto Overhauls leg

"Howitzer Impact!" As bakugou explodes into Overhaul, which did no significant damage as the monster just Overhauls himself again as Itto hacked away into the monster trying to reach the core but to no avail

"Karmic Burst Hundred Fold!" Xiao smacks into the monster, creating a massive opening to the single body inside as Hu tao plunges down onto the main body as they all crash back into the crater the amalgamation Overhaul did suddenly turns into a pile of flesh and debris as chronostasis body was fused with rikiya and shin as nothing more than a pile of clothes and diedoro was a block of debris

As they all fell xiao, Izuku, Hu tao as well as Itto all were caught by ryukyu and miruko as they all landed xiao was breathing faster and not in a good mental state as he writhes and groans in agony as itto just sat exhausted and Hu tao and izuku were at the point of just passing out from exhausting themselves

"Hey! We need a medical team here asap!" Centipeder yelled out as bubble girl ran to them along with 3 officers "no...put him out..." izuku whispered as he was held by nejire-chan."Put him out?" She questioned izuku but quickly got the idea via pitting him to sleep

They all scramble to get a bottle of sleeping gas that midnight politely gave to the department in case the heroes were doing a raid on a villain hideout without midnight as they quickly administered it to xiao he began to stop moving and began to stablize...

Soon later, the transportation truck was off to tartarus prison accommodated by 4 heroes and a white van with a scarred man behind the vehicle

"Oi! Keep it steady, Doctor!" Dabi yelled angrily as he had trouble holding in his motion sickness as he fired his nasty blue flames at the 4 hero vehicle

Who were trying to thwart the oncoming villains while they defended the transport vehicle

"Bingo!" Dottore laughed as he rams a semi truck as compress almost dropping his phone, shigaraki and dabi to hold on tight as the semi truck rams into the side of the highway as dabi laughs as he cooks a pro in armour and the 3 others were compressed into marbles

The officers that were in the transport were either impaled by debris or died on impact as the LoV pulled Overhaul out the back and onto the ground. shigaraki laughs

"An eye for an eye, isn't it right Overhaul?" Shigaraki says as he decays his arm and dabi cuts it off and does the same to the other as Overhaul screams wildly at them as they reached into his jacket pulling out a small case with that held were quirk erasing bullets

"Thanks for your contribution, Kai chisaki." shigaraki laughs as he leaves the man screaming as dottore was dealing with the police that are after them

Shigaraki, dabi, and compress walk away as the sounds of gunfire ring out behind them...




Vision: N/A

Age: 17



Vision: N/A

Age: 15

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