Another day at class bakugou was infuriated as usual the Ragvindr bro's we're "chilling" together
Hu tao was pestering the Midoriyas with her joke's
Everyone formed group's with themselves
"Hey Midoriya-san"
Yayorozu asked Xiao"Looking for izu? Or me?"
Xiao said impatiently"Um you actually i have this question" yayorozu asked
"What is it?" Xiao said as he was twirling his pen
"What do i call you? Like a nickname"
"Xiao" he said
Boots we're heard from outside the door
"HELLO EVERYONE! IT IS I! ALL MIGHT!" The muscular blond named allmight boomed as he opened the door wearing his silver age costume
"ALL MIGHT!" Everyone in class except the genshin
"Today's topic is..." The latter put his hands behind him swiftly pulling out two card's 'BATTLE' one said the other 'TRAINING'
"Please grab your hero costumes!" Allmight smiled greatly the class looked at him dumbfounded
Allmight then pressed a button which the back side of the room began to push out cases of their exact seat numbers
"Meet me at the bus! To fake city 1-b! See you all there class1-A!"
The latter boomed and ran offMinutes later
Diluc walked towards the rest of the class he wore his 'Red Dead of Night" outfit
While kaeya walked with him wearing his usual clothes being his KoF uniform in game
Xiao wore the same thing in game
Hu tao wore a suit with gauntlets
Bennett wore much armoured version of his in game clothes having more pouches and straps aswell as gauntlets and kneepads
razor wore 'Dark Night's Blaze'
Fischl wore her usual dress from in game
Izuku wore a sleeveless version of his 3rd season outfit all the white part's being black
Everyone looked at them
"Yo midobro! That looks so sick!"
Kirishima said amazed"Thanks? And midobro?" Izuku said confused who he's referring to either him or xiao
"Wow! So cute! You look like a princess from a fairy tale!" Hagakure said fangirling over Fischls clothes
Yayorozu, tsuyu,jirou,ojiro,shoji and itsuka we're staring at Xiao,Diluc and Kaeya
Amazement filled their eye's looking at them
"EVERYONE BOARD THE BUS SINGLE FILE LINE PLEASE!" Iida said shrouded in armour his head exposed his helmet in his arms
Everyone boarded and went to the city
Once they arrived they saw allmight standing alone in a dark room looking up at a bunch of monitors in the city
"Hello class 1-A" this made some of the class flinch cause it was creepy
"Anyway! We'll be having a two versus two battle! Heroes will have to touch the bomb or tie up the villain in capture tape!
Villain's will have to knockout the Heroes or capture them with the tape!"
Allmight explained to the youth's

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...