after fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...
(fuck shittttt now I have to write this all over again I thought this saved but FUCKING NOP😭)
Yagi along with the Archons stood Ground as shogun, scaramouche, Ei and Morax were together standing from below watching the skies
As tsukauchi monitors AfO flight path
"Heh never fear my dear friend tsukauchi! For I AM HERE!"
All Might aims a lazer cannon at AfO and fires destroying buildings
Shogun and Ei rushed in hacking down at his quirks and attacks like nothing as Morax flew from above as the clouds part showing 10 Geo Spears from the Sky that he manifested
"I Will Have Order" he drops them all on AfO as Ei and shogun destroyed all his defensive quirks for the time being the Spears crash and disintegrated his flesh but thanks to the rewind quirk he had manufactured from the small traces of the quirk eraser bullets he reverts back to his original form cackling how powerless gods are to a simple power of time
"Why don't you have a load of this! I call this special move Glacial Onslaught!" All Might laughs as he creates a claymore and smashes AfO with it delivering cuts that froze his limbs instantly and then cauterized the missing limbs
"You pathetic insect! Once I'm done with you I'll hang your head on a spike and show you off to the world that I killed their symbol of fucking peace! OMEGA BEANZ"
(Yes fuck you that omega beanz was intentional because I have to redo this whole chapter again cause this shit didn't save and I'm pissed)
All Might laughs as Scaramouche creates hands to block the attack as Ei slashes down at him completely destroying buildings and even the ground as Morax dove in "we may be old and rusty but that doesn't mean we can't beat you" Morax say's as he created massive pillars of Geo that covered up AfO completely as Shogun walked up and placed her hand on it electro danced around her before the sky turned purple before AfO was heard screaming through the pillars
He then destroys the pillars using a quirk then went after Morax whom can create constructs and even shields powerful that can withstand the force of a nuke
Choking the Geo Archon he creates a sword and jams it into the god's side as Morax groans in pain before creating a spear and making it fly from the side of AfO which took him off Morax as the god then creates a meteorite letting it fall on AfO
AfO destroys the meteorite but scaramouche tightly grabbed him with his mechanical arms "torn to oblivion!" Scaramouche yells as he creates a massive slash of electro deleting the ground showing what's left of the sewers as he then creates a rail gun aiming it at AfO before pulling the trigger "know your place" after pulling the trigger scaramouche flew up and gathered electro and infused Anemo with it creating a swirl reaction before creating the rail gun again and firing at AfO as both attacks hit it tore off massive chunks of AfO but the villain instantly rewinds back
"Expelliaemus mother fucker!" Scaramouche yells as he pointed a blade at AfO which shot electro at him as Shogun laughed "my what a reference but here's a better one AVADA KEDAVERA!" Firing a powerful blast of electro at AfO both attacks hit frying the villain only to chuckle
"References from that old 2000's harry Potter movie's? How adorable" AfO said as he fires rivet stab into both the Raidens as he then let's go after not sensing any quirk in them but licked thier blood off of rivet stab as he felt the power's of an Archon
"Now, you shall perish!" Ei pulled the musou no hitotachi before striking down AfO but he manages to parry it shocking her and pissing her off as only 2 people have done that before and it's The all mighty traveller who prevailed and survived through everything teyvat had offered from the 11 harbingers to stopping a prophecy and even sealing a god back and blocking a god's all powerful attack that destroyed the very landscape and a wandering samurai of the extinct kaedehara clan
"Impossible! How can you block it?!" Ei yells as she forces more pressure on the blade before snapping and hurling her backwards as her attack backfires
All the while Morax who stood his ground holding his side "This Is Order!" Letting a bigger meteorite fall but AfO blows it up before jumping up at Morax only to punch him square in the face burying the Geo Archon deep in the earth as he then goes for Yagi whom waited all his time for AfO to fight him
"Expecto patronum asshole!" His arms transforms into cannons before obliterating AfO but the villain rewinded and laughs before burying All Might in concrete from a single attack
"All Might your foolish without One for All your nothing" he smiles but All might laughs wildly in fact cackling as things separate from All Might and power up AfO questions what it is before being handed a face full of repulser blasts to the face and a full on jet packed punch straight to the gut that was supposed to mimic One for All for All Might as he then creates a sword
"Blazing onslaught!" The blade ignited as he cut through AfO quickly mimicking Diluc and Bennetts attacks before switching elements "Thundering tempest!" As the sword turned into claws and tore through AfO like how razor fought "Glacial Fall!" Swiftly shifting to another element he blasted AfO with Cryo doing a flurry of combo attacks with the elements and even using other fighting styles before settling on something different
"Cyclone!" Punching AfO with a Anemo full power punch straight to the jaw as he then does an kick to the side as engines roared and vents exploded with Air propelling the kick hard into the side of AfO as All Might laughed and smiled wildly he was definitely winning this rematch with his mortal foe but AfO cheats as he forms a abyssal lazer which All Might used a nano shield trying to mimic a Geo shield but it breaks hitting All Might with less force than it had as he flew hard and long before notifications popped up as he ignored them for a long while
<Warning: low power, damaged lung and 57 broken bones, left thruster is unavailable, life support is engaged, life support is failing, signal sent>
He smiled his own blood pouring down his head as he smiled through all the pain his gaze was crazy as he knew AfO is surprised because he didn't think All Might would have the guts to fight him quirkless
(Mf All Might was throwing hands at AfO while QUIRKLESS!!!)
He stood up with a crazy look as AfO laughed but a little afraid as he knew All Might won't go down without a fight but he watches as the man fall and collapse thinking he won as his ego was as big as the planet he is on he then left to went to Shigarakis location...
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