Fleeting the scene, izuku carried kota in his arms, who was frightened. "Why did you save me?" Kota fearfully asked as izuku boosted himself up in the air it was as if izuku was just jumping in the air "heroes save everyone no matter who they are, kota and its our business to butt in on other's whether they hate us or not!" He said...
"Damn twerp! Get back here!" Muscular was jumping after izuku but saw a teal blur zip past izuku knew who it was as he headed to the lodge to drop kota off and possibly disobey orders "lament" punching muscular xiao arrives, going all out his body aching severely as he struggled to not go into insanity as he gave muscular lefts and rights and kicks so hard that it was creating wind pressure from the forces alone as musclar didn't have a chance to even recover or take a breather he was tossed around midair like a ragdoll till "i should kill you" he whispered as xiao slams muscular into a tree skewering him in the abdomen before vanishing to find the others...
With katsuki and todoroki
"Damn this ginger! He's fucking annoying to kill!" He dodged several water bullets from childe around them were several cut or blown off trees all from hydro "you distract him I'll kill him" katsuki glared at todoroki as the 2 split as todoroki created walls of ice and fire distracting childe as katsuki falls onto childe grabbing his face and popping a powerful explosion that sent him into a tree after doing so he was relieved falling to his knees that he didn't actually kill someone that all came to an end as "pleasure to have you here gentlemen!" Mr. Compress turned them to marbles...
With Hu tao, shiozaki,kaeya, diluc awase, kendo and tetsutetsu
The latter were avoiding abyss haralds innthe bushes "dark knight hero we meet again!" The hydro abyss harald said as it punched diluc so hard it broke several bones in him and threw him into the open coughing blood "damn it" kaeya ran out seeing him bout to be knocked unconscious "freez-Ack!" The harald laughs as both fall unconscious."I'll smoke them out, boss did say to get that Hu tao girl. " mustard said as smoke stretched to them. Hu tao was the first since she couldn't run anywhere else. "pleasure doing business with you, gentlemen." Putting Hu tao in a marble as well as diluc and kaeya, they walked off, leaving the rest scared... unable to move out from hiding...
With Chongyun
The boy was alone, having been separated he could hear the obvious battles beyond his position, but he didn't know where they were or who was near him "eyes lungs pancreas so many snacks so little time!" A voice wheezed chongyun saw someone crouched over by a severed hand "no i must work..." it turned to chongyun and shot thousands of blades out its mouth he looked like he was in a cocoon of straps as he used the blades to get around like spider would like walking chongyun ran and hid breathing heavily 'whatthefuckwasthatwhatthefuckwasthat' he thought he was so scared and as he got his bearings together he saw Xingqui holding onto shoji and tsuyu as well as uraraka is unconscious he got a little jealous seeing his crush hold onto someone else "what the f-" someone beside him shushed him it was tokoyami and yunjin "shhhh!" They both sushed him...
As dabi walked passes followed by twice and 2 NOMUs...
With itto sara and fischl and the bennys adventure team
the latter were lost in the forest as dabi encounters them "well well we got some stragglers here sik em now to return the rendezvous point" he walked off into the bushes disappearing as bennett was prepared to defend his new friends itto grabbed his shoulder "let me at em" cracking his knuckles he tore through the NOMUs like paper sara saw him covered in it's blood she felt like she lost a bit of him during the war back then in teyvat bennett, razor and fischl were just thankful he saved them.
[LOCATION: wild wild pussycats lodge]
Aizawa had just encountered dabi in the lodge and had met up with tiger, mandalay, and pixie-bob "mandalay what's happening!" Aizawa yelled as he disabled magnes quirk "were under attack i don't know how or by who!" She explained as a cryo abyss popped in giggling."Were the LoV vanguard squad! You pests won't be here for long!" Pixie-bob squealed seeing the thing "ugh annoying where is paueru when you need him!" As a pyro abyss mage popped in and threw fire at them "tsk incompetent as always allee!" The 2 abyss mages started to fight the heroes."Come on, magne!" Spinner and magne ran into the lodge as the heroes were busy fighting the abyss mages...
Every attack they did nothing to dent their force fields aizawa was confused on why his quirk wasn't affecting them...
Tiger didn't phase it much while mandalay couldn't even get close, while pixie-bob did somewhat damage the shields...
"Where are they?" Spinner walked with magne in the lodge they looked through the rooms looking for someone."Do you think we'll get paid?" Magne asked "dunno it's up to that crusty freak and boss, " Spinner said as they heard something smash into the ground, halting their advances, "get ready, " 2 of them stalked the empty hallway as they reached the final door...
Spinner reached for the handle "halt villains." vladking was behind them as he held a baseball bat made out of his own blood
Spinner grinned as he launges at him, taking out a claymore. "In the words of stain 'purge this world of fakes!' And so i shall enact upon his words!" He blocked the swing, but magne used the opportunity to jump at him by slamming the big ass metal column of a magnet onto his head. The force alone was enough to break something...
Vladking fell to the floor, blood spurting from his head he was still breathing but barely "unconscious that should be good. Let's go!" They opened the last door and activated the magnes quirk, pulling all down to the ground,"sending coordinates to kuroguiri, " spinner said as he texted on his phone as kaminari was sucked screaming as they hoped in the portal leaving Hu tao, monoma, ashido and hagakure in the room...
Xiao teleported the rest of the students, which took a big toll on him as he collapsed to his knees, barely able to keep his emotions in check. "Someone help me out here!"
"The rest of you stay in the lodge -" cut off by screams of their students running out barely scratched and a realization of a missing kaeya, Hu tao diluc,todorki, kaminari and bakugou after the abyss mages have left...
Aizawa had failed as he heard the others that were in the lodge that vlad was hurt too...

[genshinxMha] Reincarnation?!
Fantasyafter fighting alongside aether and all of the seven against the heavenly principals and celestia you xiao the conqueror of demons and last yaksha succumbed to your wound's and karma after the massive battle you are laid to rest but when you awoke y...