Chapter 24 • Forgive (FFAF)

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Includes strong language.

- Y/N's POV (Falling For A Fan)-
While seated at the police station, waiting for the all call to be allowed to leave, I began overthinking about my life choices for the thousandth time.

"I killed someone without even hesitating..." That thought ran through my head more than once, "But he was going to hurt me again, hurt us again...I did the right thing...unless I'm trying to gaslight myself into thinking I'm not bad but I actually am—"

I sighed in great annoyance at the words going off in my head, when suddenly, my phone rang. It was Sapnap. I pressed the green button to answer, holding it up to my ear.


"Y/N—you need to get down here now—it's Clay—"

My heart dropped, along with every one of my thoughts.

"O—Okay—I'm on my way—" I stuttered nervously and hung up.

I breathed heavily in fear, and ran out of the police station. I drove myself down to the hospital as fast as I could, not caring if I got a ticket.

Once I finally arrived after more traffic than I wanted, I met Nick at the front entrance, running up to him.

"What happened?? Is he okay??" I asked while out of breath.

"He woke up." He smiled.

My expression dropped instantly. Tears filled my eyes fast as a smile grew.

"A—Are you serious??"

"Yeah, go see for yourself." He chuckled.

I didn't hesitate to get to Clay's room. Dashing down the hallways, not caring who stared.

After a minute, I made it to his room, running inside, to see him sitting up, awake. Clay shortly noticed me and looked up with those mesmerizing emeralds I love so much.

"Y/N—" His eyes widened, along with his smile.

I laughed, unable to contain my happiness. I ran to him and engulfed him in a tight hug around his shoulders. Clay wrapped his arms around my waist while hugging me tightly back. Both of our eyes were shut, yet my tears still escaped. The two of us had our eyes buried into each other's shoulders.

I held him even tighter while bursting out crying, letting my emotions surface, since I almost lost him again. All Clay did was rub my back with his hand and speak softly to me.

"I'm okay baby, don't worry. You won't lose me ever again, I promise..." He spoke in my ear.

Him calling me "baby" again made me cry harder, along with the rest of his sentence. I let out my tears for a minute, until I calmed down.

Once I did, we split apart, yet I still had my hands placed on his shoulders, he still had his on my waist.

"A—Are you okay...?" I met his eyes as my voice cracked.

"Better than okay..." He whispered with a sad smile.

"You..." I sniffled, "You gave me your kidney..."

He nodded.

"Why did you do that for me...?" I shook my head with squished brows.

"Well...because it's you..." He softly smiled, "Ever since we met, Y/N...I've felt a connection and it's only grown stronger...I can't explain it, being with you just feels so right..."

I sadly smiled.

"Ever since we met at the park, I was attracted to you. I just didn't say anything since Lia and I were...I don't know."

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