Chapter Forty Two - A Final Feast

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After the match, everyone headed back to their rooms to get showered, changed and ready for dinner. Hermione actually wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed but she knew she would regret it if she did. This was her last night to enjoy with everyone before they all headed home tomorrow and back to reality.

She had to admit she was desperately missing Sienna and wanted nothing more than to kiss and cuddle her. She also would be glad when Draco and her were home and out of danger. She dreaded to think how this weekend would have turned out if Ron was successful in even one of his plans.

But she was determined not to let him ruin what was left of their little getaway. So she slipped on her little cram shift dress with black trim detailing and did her makeup and hair before adding her heels and her bag. 'Thank Merlin for Pansy,' she giggled as she checked herself in the mirror.

She was still checking her dress when she saw Draco in the mirror approach her from behind, wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin on her shoulder. "Stunning as always," he smiled as she twisted her head around and reaching up to kiss him.
"You look pretty good yourself," she winked. "I have another pain potion for you on the dresser there. How are you feeling?" She had wanted him to take a nap at least to rest himself but he wasn't having it.

He sighed as he peeled himself off her and moved to the dresser downing the vial contents. "I am very thankful for these," he chuckled holding up the empty bottle. She walked towards him and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "And very thankful that I married the brightest witch of our age who was able to invent a nifty little spell that saved my life." He leaned in and kissed her. "Did I thank you for saving me?"

Hermione blushed. "You don't need to thank me. I am your wife. I love you of course I was going to do everything I could to keep you safe."

"Where did you come up with that spell?" He asked curiously as he sat on the bed to put on his own shoes.
"A few years ago. I could never reach the top shelf of the library. Remember the contractor couldn't attach the ladder to the front shelves as they were ceiling to floor and the ceiling is painted so he couldn't add the tracking to the ceiling. So I created a little spell to help me."
Draco tilted his head. "Why didn't you just accio the book you wanted?"
Hermione mock gasped. "And risk damaging the book? No way!"
Draco stood up again pulling Hermione by the hips into him. "I know you were joking but I bet that's exactly why you did it. You were afraid you wouldn't catch the books when you used accio and you would risk damaging them." He kissed her cheek. "Are you ready to dazzle?"

Within 10 minutes, Hermione and Draco were once again seated in the Great Hall, surrounded by their family and friends. Ron had been escorted back to the castle where his parents and two Aurora were waiting for him to take him back to the Ministry. This time he was charged with assault, and it was Hogwarts school to did it rather than an individual person. Draco still refused as he didn't want to inflict more pain the the rest of the Weasley clan. It wasn't their fault that Weasley was a dickhead.

However Professor McGonagall knew he needed to face some charges for his actions over the weekend. If not he would get away with assault, poisoning someone, almost killing someone else as well as Merlin knows what else. Plus she also had to have a viable reason so he could be banned. The Headmistress was serious about him never coming back to the school. He was unpredictable and potentially dangerous. It may have been extreme but she felt it was the right thing to do. After all she never before would have believed him capable of some of the things he did these past few days and if he was capable of that, who knows what else he was capable of.

So he was gone. Unable to cause anymore pain or damage. Not that anyone really grieved his absence. He had made his bed, exposed the kind of man he really was and everyone now saw the real Ron Weasley and the levels he would stoop to just to be seen as the better man. But he was now out of everyone's hair and were all able to enjoy their final feast.

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