Chapter Forty - Aftermath

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"I've got you," Draco heard as he landed with a thump. He kept his eyes closed, groaning with the pain of his shoulder from the landing and his hands from the burning. He looked up to see his broom burst into flames and the ash come down upon him like rainfall.

And yet not one piece of ash hit him. He expected more burning but it never came. He looked around, realising he was in mid air, and then noticed Hermione next to him. Both floating as if it were the most obvious and natural thing to be doing at that moment. Hermione had her wand pointed to the sky and the ash seemed to pelt off an invisible force and simply fall to either side of the couple.

"Are you OK?" Hermione asked worried as she moved hair out of his face.
"Are we fucking floating?" He asked shocked and a little scared.
"Sort of," she shrugged. "It's hard to explain."
"DRACO! HERMIONE!" Blaise said being the first one to catch up to them, Harry and Ginny hot on his heels. "What the fu- are you alright?" He was staring wide eyed at the scene in front of him. His best friend and his wife were sitting in mid air, holding onto each other like they would on the ground. But they weren't on the ground. They were about 130ft above it.

"Can one of you levitate us down?" Hermione asked pulling Draco closer to her as he wrapped his arms around her. "I'm not sure how to -" she didn't have to finish as they began to move. Slowly they were lowered towards the ground, coming to sit on the grass as the other players landed off their brooms around them. It was Professor McGonagall who had her wand raised, helping the couple. She then turned to a retreating Ron, who looked like he was trying to sneak off and flicked her wand, causing ropes to wrap themselves around the red head who tried to fight them off.

"That Mrs Malfoy was a neat little spell," the Headmistress commended.
Hermione blushed. "That''s one of my own. I could never reach the top shelf of the library at home so I created it to help."
Minerva was impressed. She knew how difficult it was to come up with new spells even for an Alchemist. But she didn't know why she was so surprised. There never was a brighter and more in touch witch than Hermione. "We need to get you seen to Mr Malfoy," she said looking behind her. "Mrs Zamboni would you be so kind as to fetch Madame Pomfrey? I believe she is on the staff -"

"No need Minerva I am here!" Called the school matron as she came bounding across the pitch with her hospital bag floating behind her. "I saw the whole thing!" She snapped turning to Ron as she slowed her pace. "I even saw Mr Weasley take his wand out of his boot and cast a spell at Me Malfoy."

Ron paled not exactly able to move too much. Every time he did, the ropes would tighten. At this rate he would soon suffocate. "I did nothing!" He objected. Everyone rolled their eyes at him
As Madame Pomfrey bent down and started tending to her patient.
"I saw you Mr Weasley!" She snapped again.
"Me too," Neville Longbottom said running towards the group. He stopped putting his hand on his hip. "I saw it all.....oh stitch!! Crap!!" He rubbed his side as he stood up. "I saw Ron pulling the wand out of his pocket and tucking it back in."
"Fuck up Neville!" Ron growled.
"I don't think I will actually. I know you cast a spell on him and then flew down here to watch your plan in action."

Ron jumped forward and Neville, who would usually shy away from conflict, stepped forward too so they were right in front of each other. "Don't deny it Ron. I know what I saw." He bent down quickly and before Ron had time to react and he pulled Ron's wand out of his boot, holding it up for everyone to see and making most of the stands gasp in shock.

Draco was barely listening. He knew it was Ron who was responsible. And he was glad he had been caught in the act. But he was also in a serious amount of pain. His solider was searing with the pain and he swore there was still smoke emulating from his hands.

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