Chapter Forty Three - An Idea

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The following morning there were tears already as the group headed to the Great Hall for breakfast, meeting Ginny and Harry at the bottom of the Grand Staircase. The hall had a sort of melancholy atmosphere to it as they took their seats and began to eat breakfast.

Hermione would miss the school. She had forgotten just how beautiful the building and grounds were. She took the castle for granted when she was a student. She always thought it was beautiful but as a homeowner now herself she appreciated the castle so much more. The portraits, the artwork, the views, the secret passageways. There were so many secrets about the castle she never got to explore. There were probably parts of the school that no one alive had seen. For instance she was pretty sure that out of all the students, that she, Harry, Ginny and Ron were the only ones to ever be in the Chamber of Secrets. How many other secret chambers or rooms were there that had not been opened in years? It was fascinating.

"You alright Mia?" Daphne asked as she sat on Hermione's left.
The brunette nodded. "Sorry just thinking."
"Do we dare even ask?" Theo wiggled his eyebrows.
Hermione threw a sugar cube at him. "No I was just thinking about maybe starting a new book when I got back to the office."
"Oh a new book?" Pansy asked excited.
"Do we get to know what this one is about?" Blaise smiled and then pouted. "Or are you going to make us wait like last time."

Ginny was looking confused as she looked from Blaise to Hermione to Pansy to Hermione. "You write books Hermione?" She raised her eyebrows. "I thought you just published them."
Hermione took a sip of her coffee before she answered. "I do publish them but I have written a few. Some children's books, some which introduce muggle borns to the wizard world."

"That one was amazing!" Luna smiled proud of her friend. "The school here keep stock of them for students to get along with their letters."
"Cool!" Harry said excitedly. "That would have been so handy when we were in first year."
"That's what gave me the idea," Hermione beamed. "Actually Harry I supposed I would need to ask you permission for the book I'm thinking of."

Harry sat his teacup down. "Me?" He wasn't sure why she would need his permission.
"Yes. I was thinking about writing about your years at school. From first to final year. I would like to go into detail about all our years at school. Tell people of our adventures. No exaggerations, no fiction. All the truth, the good and the bad."

Harry frowned a little as he thought. Even after the war, he would receive hundreds of letters asking and some demanding that he do an interview to talk about his fight with Voldemort. He never before went into much detail. He didn't want to.
But it wasn't a bad idea. He liked the thought of the world knowing his story, without him having to tell it. And there was no one he trusted more than Hermione. People would finally see everything he went through. He could shed light on some discrepancies that had haunted him these last few years.

"I won't do it if you are not comfortable Harry. I just thought it was good to write it all down. If nothing else it will be a good way to remember when we are older." Hermione reached across the table and took Harry's hand. "I put you on the spot. My apologies. I won't write it. Don't worry. It was just a silly -"
"Write it," Harry said squeezing her hand and placing his other one on top of hers. "Tell our story. I would love to be able to read it to my own kids someday."

Hermione's heart skipped a beat. She perked up right away, sitting up straighter and a gleam shining in her eyes. "Are you sure?"
Harry nodded. "I wouldn't trust anyone else. But it's a story that I hate to tell so it will be nice to have a text to tell reporters to read." He smiled proudly at her. "And I can even help if you like. We could work on it together....only if you want that is."

Hermione stood up putting both her hands on Harry's cheeks and pulled him into her kissing every inch of his face. "I would LOVE that! This is going to be so amazing!" Ideas were already popping into her head as everyone finished breakfast. Hermione and Harry discussed details as everyone listened happily, each quite excited for the two of them already knowing how big of a deal this book would be.

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