Part 1: Origin of the Chaquetrix

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Bellwood. A small town in the middle of nowhere USA. A town I had called home for all my life. It was an alright place, some decent people, good job availability and some half decent schooling for the American Education system. It's the perfect place to live a perfectly average life. Well if you aren't me.

"I'm sorry Y/N... It just... Isn't going to work." A woman with beautiful orange hair spoke as she turned and left me sitting on the benches by the soccer fields. I sat as my head slowly hung downwards.

Yup. That's me. The sulking mess of a human being who just got dumped by his lifelong crush. And cousin to my best friend. I had been dating her for a few months now. It felt so short. After all the projects we worked on together. All the late nights talking on the phone? Wasted breath. I felt tired of this. Been unlucky my whole life. Parents? Dead. Family? Gone. Every relationship I ever had? Crashed and burned. Hell I can barely walk the halls without something going wrong with me.

Nothing had ever gone well for me. And now I was back at rock bottom, again. Same as always.

"And that's how she left." I say as I sit at Mr. Smoothie with Ben in front of me. He barely touched his smoothie as he just listened to me talk. He used to be arrogant but he's mellowed out over the last 5 years. That nation wide trip he took with his grandfather sure knocked some sense into him.

"Shit Y/N... I don't even know what to say. It was like last week she wouldn't shut up about you and now this? You sure it was Gwen?" He asked as I slowly nod sipping on my straw reaching the bottom of my cup. Did the Mega Gulp get smaller? Just my luck.

"Gwen never did have good taste." He said as he drank from his drink before he stood up and slapped my shoulders. I look back at him from the corner of my eye as he gave me his signature smile. "No point in crying and whining about things we can't change. Now lets get your stuff. You're sleeping over at my place tonight." He said as I raise my eyebrow.

"You deciding things for me now?"

"Well, knowing you? You're gonna lay in bed and not come out for three days straight. And I need you at the match tomorrow." He said tossing his cup into the bin as I stand up doing the same sighing.

"Alright Mom I'm coming." I said mockingly as he turned and wagged his finger.

"Nuh uh! That's Mr. Mom to you." He said as I jab him in the ribs as he chuckles coughing a bit. As we walked I put my arm around his neck as I ruffle his hair. "Dickhead. You're a good kid Tennyson." I said pushing him forward causing him to stumble. He looked back his hair a mess as I just laughed and kept walking.

 He looked back his hair a mess as I just laughed and kept walking

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(Change image because of comments not exactly enjoying it so I went for something that fits a little better, bit thinner as well.)

I gaze into the mirror seeing myself as I just think a bit. It had been a while since I'd been alone with my thoughts. I did hate it. Nothing good ever came from listening to yourself speak. This was no exception. A pit formed in my chest that burned like a gaping hole as thoughts of how pathetic and useless I was filled my mind. I hated hearing my own voice. I hated how I looked as well. Bags under my eyes with pale sludge I call skin. The only color on me was from my tattoos. I had quite a few. The school hated it but I couldn't care. I'd be out this year anyways. 

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