Part 30: All I'll Ever Be

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A hulking figure paces in his ship gazing outward towards the planet below him. His ships slowly descending to attack and wreck havoc wherever they deemed fit. His piercing red gaze glanced down towards Bellwood. There was someone down there, who was a hinderance to his plans. A single boy, everyone else in his little group mattered far too little. He was the only problem. The man gripped his axe hard as the metal pole could be heard creaking, until it snapped in half showing the mans rage. 

A figure slowly walked out from the darkness. Tall and massive its steps deliberate. Carefully picking up the severed axe. "Come now, you must calm yourself Vilgax. The boy has no ability to stop us. You can quell your rage." The figure handed the axe back as Vilgax turned looking at the figure.

" The figure handed the axe back as Vilgax turned looking at the figure

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"I despise wasting time on lower life forms! I want him destroyed and the corpse brought to me to be hung up." He turned to face the wall seeing three humans with spears and daggers, swords and needles impaling them. Kept on the edge of death. Undying but close to it dripping blood and tears. "Just like my prized possessions. Ben Tennyson and that meddling cousin, and a bonus Osmosian to add to the collection."

The three heroes found themselves unable to move, impaled and repeatedly shocked with high voltage electricity. Their voices having given out a while ago. Purposely kept alive. In constant torment.

"I want to see these three faces twist into despair when I drag the corpse of their friend in." He said with a cackling laugh.

"As long as I have his body for examination and experimentation afterwards I don't care what you do. Just keep him in one piece." A new more feminine voice spoke. Vilgax and the figure turn to see a woman walking in looking a fair bit similar to Vilgax.

 Vilgax and the figure turn to see a woman walking in looking a fair bit similar to Vilgax

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"You will have the corpse for your experiments. I begrudgingly accept your help. Vinax." Vilgax spoke sneering at her as she could only smirk back.

"My my, it seems my counterpart in this universe has an attitude problem." She spoke her sword dragging behind her. The figure quickly moved between them most of his body hidden by a thick cloak.

"Come now, we must not fight amongst ourselves. We all want the same thing. The universe as ours to rule." The figure spoke. The two from before would bow before the figure nodding.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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