Thats not right

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3 weeks have passed and everything is sort of a mess, Hayes has been my haven through my arguments with Dakota because we have been arguing ever since the sleepover. The sleepover went surprisingly good other then Cole and Dakota's argument but the real problem came the next day when I tried to use their argument as a reasoning for him to see that they don't need to be together and he said "Cole apologized and said he didn't mean to do it" to which I responded "Rather if he meant to or not he still did it when he knows just as well as I do that you don't like physical touch" but he continued to defend him, I gave him every reason in the book of why that wasn't okay but do you want to know how it ended? I'll tell you, he said "This is my relationship not yours so just stay out of it"

When I vent to Hayes about it he listens but he doesn't agree or respond but one day while I was telling him how Kota was being he said "Okay let's see it from his pov, what if I did something you told me you didn't like but after I did it I told you sorry and I didn't mean to do it, would you forgive me?" I thought about it for a second then said "Yea I would forgive you" then he asked "Why?" And I said "Because I like you" then he smiled "And that's most likely how it is for them, they like each other just like we like each other so he would forgive him with out a second thought" and now that I think about it that makes perfect sense

Everest pov
Asher's been stressing himself out but I get it because his friendship with Kota is thicker than blood and he knew him before he met the rest of us and I think he needs to get out of the house so I suggest an outing.

Asher: Outing?
Everest: Yea you need to clear your head
Asher: I guess so
Everest: So yes?
Asher: Sure why not
Everest: Yay let's go

Asher's pov
I guess Everest was right in the end because the outing really took some weight off my shoulders even though we just walked around hearing each others opinions changed of perspective on the matters, I didn't realize that me being stressed out made her stressed out to.

Everest: Tell me how you feel about everything, start with Dakota and Cole
Asher: Okay, so I love Dakota and I want to support him but I can't do that with Cole in the picture
Everest: Love him or support him?
Asher: Support! Because he wants me in his life but then pushes me away then he wants me to support him and CoLe but he's giving me every single reason not to!
Everest: Okay so your saying you and Cole can't both be apart of Dakota's life?
Asher: No I'm not saying that...
Everest: Then what is it about him that irritates you so much?
Asher: I don't know, what do you think about it?
Everest: I think that if Kota loves him and he loves Kota which he has to if they keep getting back together then we should let them be, don't get me wrong you have every right to not support them but face it, they love each other and we can't do anything about it
Asher: *huff* your right
Everest: I notice that everything your stressed about has nothing to do with you personally
Asher: Yea I guess not
Everest: So you need to focus on you then, it doesn't make sense for nun of your problems to belong to you. Tell me about what's going on with you personally
Asher: Well... Urm...I don't know
Everest: How are you and Hayes relationship going?
Asher: It's great, he's always there to listen to my problems and he's super nice and supportive
Everest: Are you official yet?
Asher: No...
Everest: Why not?
Asher: I dont know, he haven't asked me yet
Everest: Well you like him and he definitely likes you because he talks to me and Bryce about it 24/7
Asher: He does?
Everest: Yeah all the time and I think you guys should spend more time alone together even though I'm always asking to tag along  you guys make out all the time so it's over due for you to get some privacy
Asher: Shut up I told you we made out 1 time and kissed twice

Hayes pov
Asher hasn't been talking about Kota and Cole anymore and he's gone back to being the Smiley so I'm glad, yesterday he told me how he went on a outing with Everest that weekend and she gave him some good advice and I think I should go on a outing with her next because Asher's back to his old self like he never changed. We were in class on Thursday and he asked me if I wanted to spend the night at his house this weekend and I said yes, it's Friday now and we're about to walk to his house together

Caleb: What's up guys
Asher: Hi :)
Bryce: What are you guys up to this weekend?
Hayes: We're having a sleepover
Neil: Cool can we come?
Asher: No not this time guys but we can hang out tomorrow
Everest: Taking my advice I see
Asher: Mhm : )

Me and Asher barely get time alone together because the others are always there, I don't mind at all because they make me laugh and I consider them friends but some private time would be nice every once in a while. We leave school and hold hands while talking then when we get there he asks me to wait outside and I say sure while sitting down on the porch thinking about how spending the night for the first time will be

Asher's pov
I make sure my house is clean and give my parents the same instructions I did when Hayes came over the first time, I come back out and invite him in and we sit in the living eating fruit that I asked my parents to leave out for us, as we watch tv and talk about anything, Avery comes back from the back door so I assume she was in the treehouse watching tv. She says hi and we say it back and as she goes upstairs my parents come downstairs

Mom: Okay we're cooking diner early tonight because me and your dad are going out with a few coworkers
Asher: Cool
Dad: What do you guys want to eat?
Asher: Urm I don't know, do you have any suggestions Hayes?
Hayes: Nope
Avery: Pasta!
Mom: You got it Av

My mom starts to cook while my dad comes to sit on the couch with us, I trust him not to embarrass me because he's really easy going so I take my chances and leave him alone with Hayes while I go to the bathroom. As I'm washing my hands I hear "This is him and Everest when they were smaller, I always thought they were going to end up together but..." then I realized I forgot to hide the photo albums, I hurry and dry my hands and storm out the bathroom, I give my dad a death glare and say "I think mom needs help in the kitchen" and he responds "Oh okay 😅" then he leaves and I take his spot beside Hayes on the couch

"Sorry about him" I say and he responds "No it's fine I don't mind : )" then my mom calls out from the kitchen "Foods on the table we're going now you boys behave yourself" and I reply "We will" while side eyeing Hayes because that may become a lie, "Avery's in charge" my dad says as he walks out the door and Avery shoots downstairs and I swear she missed every stair

Avery: Where's the food?
Asher: On the table

Hayes: Dang that looks goodAvery: Dang she cooked this fast, what did dad say?Asher: He said your in chargeAvery: Oh okay- this food is so good- anyway do whatever you guys wantAsher: Okay

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Hayes: Dang that looks good
Avery: Dang she cooked this fast, what did dad say?
Asher: He said your in charge
Avery: Oh okay- this food is so good- anyway do whatever you guys want
Asher: Okay...
Avery: Hayes are you gonna eat that?
Hayes: Urm yea
Avery: Damn, what about you-
Asher: Go away
Avery: Fine
She leaves

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