Grandmas house

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Hayes: Hello?
Hudson: What you doing
Hayes: In class why?
Hudson: Tara's on the way to pick you up
Hayes: Tell her no, I'm with my husband right now
Hudson: Well she's already on the way
Hayes: What she coming to get me for?
Hudson: So you can go to grandmas house in my place
Hayes: No I don't want to go
Hudson: Pleaseee
Hayes: No like I said I'm with my husband
Hudson: Grandma wont mind, bring him with you
Hayes: Hudson I don't want to go
Hudson: I'll pick you up at 4
Hayes: Fine but you owe me
He hangs up

Hayes pov
And now me and Asher are in the car to spend 4 hours with my grandma, it didn't take much to convince Asher to go, most people are nervous to meet their others parents but Asher has been happy to meet my family so I'm glad, when we get there my grandma opens the door before we could even knock

Hayes: Hey grandma
Gma: Hey my Haystack, how've you been?
Hayes: Good : )
Gma: That's good, Hudson told me your bringing your husband, where is he?
I step to the side to reveal Asher who's picking up something off the ground
Gma: Your so pretty! Now tell me your name : )
Asher: It's Asher : )
Gma: Hello Asher I'm Grandma so just call me grandma : ), when did you get married Hayes and why wasn't I invited
Asher: We're not actually married
Hayes: Yet
Gma: How adorable : ), why are you still standing out here? Come on in I have cookies already ready
Hayes: Ou I love cookies
Gma: Not for you, you stay outside and line those shoes up while me and Asher go inside
Hayes: Your so mean grandma

Asher's pov
Me and grandma go inside and she tells me to sit at the kitchen table while she gets the cookies out and I do then she brings them to me on a plate along with milk "Tell me how you like them : )" she says as she goes to the door and yells at Hayes "Now why wouldn't you put them in order?! Come in the house I'll do it myself" then Hayes comes to the table while I'm enjoying my cookies "let me get one" he says and reaches for the plate "Don't go bothering him, don't you know how to treat a guest" she yells from the door and he said "Sorry grandma" as he ate two cookies and I laughed. When grandma came back in she said "How did you like them Ash?" As she takes the empty plate "Let me wash that for you and they were great : )" I say and she replies "Oh how sweet of you, such good manners"

Grandma's pov
I love Asher already! He said he liked my cookies, he washed his own plate and he offered to help me straighten up, that Noor that Haystack dated was no good and I knew it from the start but Asher is the real deal and I predict them being together for a long time. I notice it's getting dark so I say "It's getting dark are you sure you have a ride home?" While looking up from the picture book I'm showing Ash

Hayes: Grandma please stop showing him my baby pictures
Gma: But look at your chubby cheeks
Asher: You look so adorable Hayes
Gma: I'm going to go call Hudson

Hayes pov
Hayes: I see you two are besties now 
Asher: Your grandma is so cool!
Hayes: That wasn't cool when she made me put away her shoes
Asher: Your were so adorable as a baby
Hayes: Stowp 🤭
Asher: You kinda looked like a menace though, like you did mean things for no reason
Hayes: What?! I was a angel
Gma: He's lying, he used to flush my fishes down the toilet when they were still alive
Asher: What a awful child
Gma: He was as cute as a button so he got away with it
Hayes: Thanks for that information grandma, we can always count on you
Gma: Hudson won't be here for another hour so you boys go shower and we'll watch a movie until your ride gets here. Haystack go give Ash some clothes to wear
Hayes: Okay

Asher's pov
We go into a room that has pictures of Hayes, Hudson and their parents and I can't help but stare because look at my good looking baby, he's been pretty his whole life not to mention Hudson doesn't look bad either.

Hayes: Well your kinda...small so you can't fit my clothes
Asher: So what are we going to do
30 minutes later
Asher: I look gay
Hayes: You are gay
Asher: I look gayer
Hayes: Well you don't look gay but you do now
Asher: I'm not going out there like this
Hayes: I think you look cute
Asher: Thanks but no, untie this
Hayes: Fine but it looks like a dress now
Asher: Tie it in the back
Hayes: Okay that looks better
Asher: The shorts can stay looking like a oversized skirt

I go into the living room and sit on the couch with grandma as Hayes goes to take a shower (if your wondering they didn't shower together Asher took a shower while Hayes waited outside) as we watched tv grandma noticed my tongue piercing because I kept playing with it "What's that Ash?" She asked me and I showed her then she said "I used to love piercings when I was younger" then she tucked her hair behind her ear to reveal holes where ear piercings used to be and it was a lot of them, I knew she was cool, after about 20 minutes Grandma was in the kitchen making some food then she said "Asher I hate to be a bother but do you mind getting me a rag out the room you got your clothes from?" And I reply "Sure grandma your not a bother at all" but I think Hayes might be in there because I don't hear the shower anymore, I take my chances for grandma's sake and go into the room

Hayes pov
I was in the room changing then the door opened, Asher peeked in then saw me and closed the door, I wondered what he was doing then he came all the way in and walked to the dresser and grabbed a rag not taking his eyes off me the whole time, I look at him as he grabbed the rag and walked out while still looking at me then he closed the door. I thought about what just happened and laughed about it because I'm completely naked, after around 30 minutes we hear a horn outside so we know it's Hudson "Bye bye Grandma" I say as she hugs me and kisses my cheek "See you later my Haystack" she replied "Bye Grandma" Asher says and she hugs him and kisses his cheek "You'll be back to visit soon right Ash?" And says and he responds "I'll try" and we wave as we walk out the door

Asher's pov
As we're in the car I'm snacking on the cookies Grandma gave me to take home and she gave me the best lemonade I've ever had
Hudson: What are you smacking on Ash?
Asher: Cookies from grandma
Hudson: No fair! Lemme get one
Asher: No focus on driving before we crash
Hudson: Cmon Ash stop being selfish, if I had cookies I would give you one
Asher: Your a liar
Me, Tara and Hudson have been getting a little closer because Tara takes me shopping and Hudson talks to me when I come over
Hudson: How many do you have left
Asher: Six
Hudson: You can spare one
Asher: No
Hudson: Pleaseee

I look at Hayes and he's not paying attention but when he notices me looking he looks at me, I smile at him and he smiles back, Just looking at his face puts a smile on mine "Your so pretty" he says and I can see his eyes sparkling, I blush because I was going to say the same about him then "Asherrr give me a cookie my arm is getting tired" I cave and give him a cookie then lay on Hayes till we get home

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