Biggest fan

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Dakota's pov
Milo: Baby shark!
Dakota: I told you don't call me that *laughs*
Milo: But it's so cute! You like sharks and your my baby so your baby shark! : )
Dakota: Okay it is kinda cute but this nickname stays between us, got it?
Milo: Okay : )

3 hours later in school

Milo: Baby shark!
Dakota: Milo we talked about this *laughs*
Milo: But Kota your so cuteeeee
Dakota: Shut up *blushes and smiles*
Milo: Look what I got you
Dakota: Awww baby, you got me shark gummies that's so sweet *swooning*
Milo: I try : )
Dakota: So no more calling me baby shark in school okay?
Milo: Okay baby shark : )

1 hour later

Milo: Baby shark! I missed you!
Dakota: I missed you to : ) and I said no more baby shark
Milo: But Kota your so pretty and look at your shark hair clips! Your baby shark to the core
Dakota: When did you even come up with this *laughs*
Milo: Yesterday when you made us watch animal planet just to see the sharks again : )

Asher's pov
Me and Hayes didn't really get into a argument over the phone it was more like a conversation that was gonna lead to a argument. When I picked him up for school we didn't say anything he just buckled Rocket in then started drifting to sleep in the passenger seat, I was playing with my tongue piercing trying to stop myself from asking if he slept last night because I want him to be the first to break the silence, I stop at the gas station for some gas and to get something out the store and Hayes usually volunteers to pump the gas but I left before he could. I got the gas then went in and got a Red Bull for Hayes because he's my husband and I love him, I handed it to him and he did the cutest little smile ever. My heart melted as he looked at me then took the drink "MY PRECIOUS BABY!🙈🤭💕" I thought to myself as I drove to school

Everest's pov
Me and Ryan wear matching hairstyles sometimes because his hair is long enough to make two ponytails so we wear them together, with our matching hair clips : ), I love Ryan he's so nice and caring in a pretty type of way "Everest~ lets go" Ryan called out to as I was lost in thought, "Coming!" I said running up him, I jumped and he caught me in his arms "Your so crazy" he said laughing and I replied "It's the sugar" as he kissed my cheek "Where are we hanging today?" He asked a I thought for a while, "Let's go on a double date! I love those : )" I said and he smiled and nodded "I'm thinking of a number from 1-3 and that'll decide who we got with : )" and I didn't think much before choosing a number because as long as I'm with Ryan it doesn't matter "2!" I say and he responds "Hayes and Asher it is" "YAYY I LOVE HAYES AND ASHER!"

Hayes pov
"I was at the store and guess what" Asher said to me and I replied "What happened?" While pausing my phone to hear him "This guy complimented my eyes, that's my favorite compliment : )" he said and I got jealous but I didn't want to say anything about it "Oh that was nice of him" I say trying to let it go "Yeah and he towered over me and gave me a pixie stick" Asher said and I just looked at him for a second "I thought pixie sticks turn you into a whore?" "I dunno" "And what did you say when he gave you a pixie stick?" I asked and he looked up at me "I said; get back I'm married!" And that was so cute, my heart melted "Good job I'm proud of you baby" I said and he smiled then turned around, he started walking to the kitchen eating a pixie stick. I promised myself to not argue with him anymore so I didn't say anything then the phone rang, it was Everest saying to do a double date with her and Ryan so me and Asher got ready and met up with them

Asher's pov
We did our double date and while Hayes and Everest were ridding motorcycles, me and Ryan were shooting zombies. While Ryan was playing I said "I'll be right back" as I went to the bathroom to pee but when I was walking a boy came up to me, the first thing I noticed about him was he had hypnotizing blue eyes then I noticed he looked older like 18-20 so I rolled my eyes and kept walking but he stopped me again "Want a pixie stick?" "No thanks go away" I responded to him, why do people keep offering me pixie sticks? I'm not a whore, anyway I kept walking while he followed still holding out the pixie stick, when I noticed he was following me I started to walk in Hayes's direction so he can help me

(B.E = blue eyed random guy following Asher)

B.E: You have beautiful eyes
Asher: Thanks, you do t- I shouldn't say that please go away
B.E: What, do you have a boyfriend?
Asher: I'm engaged see my ring, it's purple and my husband wouldn't like you talking to me, I'll take that pixie stick though *takes it*
B.E: Look how petite you are love, don't run away from me
Asher: Okay yeah your done, get out my face
B.E: I can show you a good time
Asher: Sir how old are you
B.E: 20, come on babe what's the worse that could happen
Asher: I'm sixteen go fuck yourself, Hayes! Hayes, this guy is following me and offering me pixie sticks
Hayes: What guy?
Asher: Right he- where'd he go?
Hayes: Are you okay? There's no one there
Asher: He must've left but he gave me this pixie stick, see look
Hayes: Are you sure you didn't just find a pixie stick?
Asher: There was a guy, he was 20 with brown hair and beautiful blue eyes- oop
Hayes: Beautiful eyes okay keep going
Asher: And he complimented my eyes
Hayes: What did you say
Asher: I said thank you
Hayes: .....So when's the wedding?
Asher: Oh my god
Hayes: No no no when's the wedding
Asher: Hayes come on-
Hayes: You might as well do it with him in our bed
Asher: LeT mE gO fInD hIm TheN, I'm so sick of your attitude all the time
Hayes: Here you go bro
Asher: I can't do one little thing without you getting mad
Hayes: You got it gang
Asher: Gang?! What the hell? You don lost yo mind huh?
Hayes: You got it Asher
Asher: Ryan get yo friend, he must not love his life
Ryan: Come on guys....let's get out before we get kicked out

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