One more

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Hayes pov
I don't know what Asher thought he was gonna find, I don't lie to him because I'd rather me tell him then he find out, he loves to jump to conclusions. "Hayes if you were my friend and you came out to me I wouldn't support you" Asher said out of nowhere when we were both getting ready for bed "I wouldn't support you either" I said brushing my teeth and he looked at me "I was just kidding" he said and I started buttoning up his pjs "I wasn't" I said and he rubbed his eyes "Your sleepy, let's go to bed" I said and his eyes changed colors "I think I need a kiss" he said and I laughed while wrapping my arms around his waist, I kissed him a few times and he smiled "I love you : )" "I love you more"

Milo's pov
Dakota is spending the night with me and went to bed after a while but he took off his hoodie, I know what that means "We getting busy tonight?" I ask and he laughs "Hmm I don't know" he says doing something on his phone. "Turn on some music" he says and I already knew that was a yes, a few minutes later we're making out and things are escalating. As we were doing it I messed up by touching his chest, he sighed and completely shut down like he lost interest and didn't want to do it anymore

Milo: What's wrong did you finish?
Dakota: No of course not
Milo: Then why'd you get quiet?
Dakota: You touched my chest
Milo: Oh I'm sorry, it was a accident but why do you not like it so much?
Dakota: Can you speed up or something, I'm getting bored
Milo: *sigh* Your never satisfied huh?
Dakota: Definitely not

Avery's pov
Me and Caleb have been arguing lately, small things that we always argue about are turning into big deals and I'm bored of this if I'm being honest. I think I'm in a twin curse, how come Asher gets a happy relationship that has been going for almost a year, he's engaged, he has a kid, they go on dates, yeah they argue but they have a perfect relationship! Where's that for me?! Why don't I get that? All my relationships end the same way in less than 6 months "Bro I don't give a fuck get out!" I yell at Caleb as we argue over something stupid "You called me over here! I didn't come over just to fuss with you bro!" He yelled back and I'm so fucking mad "THEN LEAVE! Like damn! If you don't want to be here leave, your so fucking stupid!" I yell and open the door signaling him to go, as he puts on his jacket Hayes and Asher come out to see what's going on

Hayes: What happened
Avery: Your friend is being stupid
Caleb: Okay don't call me back over here then, you hate me so much but you keep making me come back
Asher: If you're going to argue can you not yell, we tryna sleep
Caleb: Don't worry about it I'm about to leave, let me put my shoes on
Asher: It's late you shouldn't walk, you need a ride?
Caleb: Yeah, I appreciate it
Asher: Mhm, Hayes you drive him
Hayes: Me?! I was asleep!
Asher: Well you up now so go ahead

Caleb's pov
Bro I'm about to break up with Avery, I love that girl with my whole heart, that's my lady but GODDAMN! She really piss me off, Hayes put on his shoes and started to drive me in Asher's car "So what happened?" He asks and I sigh "I was asleep and I was on her side of the bed" I said and he raised a eyebrow "So?" He asked and that was it "Yeah" I said and he laughed "That's dumb" he said and I nodded "I don't know what the fuck is wrong with her bro, she do to damn much" I said putting my hand on my cheek "Be honest, do you think I should break up with her?" I ask and he shrugs "I don't like commenting on other peoples relationships" he says and I nod "But..." he starts "I think your just going through a rough patch" he says and I ask "Did you and Asher go through that?" "Yeah it was a whole thing when he was mad that some girls liked me then it was a whole thing with Mason. It was dumb"

Finley's pov
I've tried to date other people to forget the past (Bryce) but nobody is what I'm looking for. I moved away but not to far away and I made new friends but I just don't seem to fit in with them, I miss my old friends and Bryce even if he doesn't care about me anymore so I decided to make a bad decision "I want to get back together" I said to Bryce over the phone and I couldn't see his face face but I think he smiled "Sure"

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