Chapter 2 - Being Tense

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Like I expected, I spent the whole night working on that stupid lawsuit, keeping myself alive with tonnes of coffee.
Later that day I was startled by a knock on my door. Whoever it was didn't even wait til I invited them in, but stepped in immediately.
Why bother knocking?
I looked up and saw Han-Seok, who casually took a seat in front of my desk.
„Miss Kim."
„Sir", I said, nodding my head in greeting and couldn't help but wonder if it turned him on whenever I called him that ...
„I just came by to see how things were going with the lawsuit we talked about yesterday. I thought I told you that I wanted it on my desk first thing in the morning. Well, I'm here, I already had lunch and there's still no lawsuit, Miss Kim."
With great effort I resisted the urge to throw the papers, that lay in front of me, in his face. Instead I took a deep breath and forced a smile.
„It's done, sir. I was just going over it one more time to make sure that everything is in order."
In a matter of seconds his sour expression changed into a pleased one.
„My, my. Not just a pretty face but also smart and hard working. Now I'm even more glad I kept you around."
He's glad he kept me around? Oh please. He could be glad that I was still working for him!
He got up to walk around my desk and stepped behind me. Suddenly I felt his hands on my shoulders. Massaging them? What the f*ck?
„You're so tense. Don't tell me you worked on this all night long?", he asked sarcastically. Yeah, like you couldn't already tell by my wrinkled clothes wether or not I spent the night at the office. But not gonna lie, the massage felt great and I enjoyed him loosening my tense muscels for a bit. Til I remembered that I was supposed to be a hard working, innocent lawyer, so I jumped up from my seat and played the part.
„With all due respect Mr. Jang, but that is called s*xual harassment!" I underlined my accusation with an angry look. What now?
He looked at me in surprise and then smirked.

"Is it really that inappropriate when I feel bad that my employee worked for me all night long and at least want to relieve her tension?", he asked innocently

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"Is it really that inappropriate when I feel bad that my employee worked for me all night long and at least want to relieve her tension?", he asked innocently.
"When this is your idea of 'relieving tension' then yes. It is inappropriate. You can't do that. Buy me some tea instead", I retorted. I couldn't deny that our bickering got me turned on. But only a little.
"Tea? Seriously?", he asked with a raised eyebrow, to which I just shrugged my shoulders. „And we'll see about what I can and can't do, Miss Kim." Was that a threat, or a promise ...?
I couldn't help but feel heat rushing through my body in excitement. But he didn't have to know, so I still played the role of the upset employee.
He sauntered out of my office, still smirking and as arrogant as ever. As he reached the door, he turned back around to look at me.
"Oh and Miss Kim? It's not s*xual harassment if the other person likes it. Am I right?"
How did he know?, I asked myself as I watched him leave my office.
He was right though. This was going to be so much fun: Player 2 just entered the game ...

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