Chapter 15 - How does 8 p. m. sound?

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I took my time getting ready to leave, because I hoped that maybe this little encounter at Han-Seok's office wasn't the end of our little game, so I was somehow trying to regain control over the mess, that was my desk. Eventually someone knocked and patiently waited for me to invite them in. That's why I wasn't so sure anymore, if that person really was Han-Seok.
"Come in."
But wouldn't you know, in came Han-Seok. Finally. With a satisfying smile in noticed the little cut on his neck.
"Still here?", he asked.
"I thought I'd organize the chaos before I left", I said, gesturing towards my stacked desk.
He closed the door behind him and slowly walked towards me, his face not giving anything away. Since it wasn't like I could go anywhere, because the wall was directly behind me, I stood my ground as he kept coming closer, til he was right in front of me. Then he put his hands against the wall, next to either side of my head, to cage me in.
"Mr. Jang, to what do I owe this pleasure of you in my office?", I asked innocently.
"That was an interesting stunt you pulled, Miss Kim", he began. My eyes darted back to the little cut on his neck. Excitement rushed through me when I thought about what happened.
"I must say, I'm very intrigued. No one ever dared to challenge me like this, because, let's face it, they all ended up d*ad. But with you I find it rather thrilling as you might have noticed." Oh, if your talking about your b*ner, yes, I've noticed, I though with a smirk forming on my face.
He bent his head down, our lips almost touching, his hot breath fanning over my face as he spoke. "So, how about you stop by my house tonight and show me what else you got. What do you say?", he suggested with a sly smile. I just kept silent, too busy thinking of what I could do to him that night, which made me shiver in anticipation.
"I take your silence as a yes then. How does 8 sound to you?" He interrupted my train of thought.
"I guess I can make it work", I replied. "Now that we set a time, could I get back to finishing up, please? I finally feel like I took care of everything and can go home", I said nonchalantly, playing it cool, what he acknowledged with a little chuckled.
"Of course, Miss Kim. Go home. I want you to be well-rested later. See you at 8", he said, biting his lip. Before he left, he stopped to turn around one more time. "Just so you know, I pushed you on purpose back there, to see how far I could go. Well, you definitely did not disappoint, Miss Kim."

As soon as he was out I texted Na-Ri.
Su-Mi: The game continues at 8.
Na-Ri: All right, girl. Go and have some fun!
Su-Mi: Trust me. I will! :P
Na-Ri: So, I was thinking ...
Su-Mi: ?
Na-Ri left me waiting for a couple moments, before responding.
Na-Ri: Do you still have those handcuffs?
A smile crept on my face.
Su-Mi: Yes, I do.
Na-Ri: Good and that's what you're gonna do ...

We came up with a plan and after that I seriously couldn't wait anymore til it was time to go to his place. I didn't do this in such a long time.

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