Chapter 3 - Duty calls late at Night

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It was late in the evening and I was still at the office to prepare myself for the trial that would take place the next morning.
When I was getting ready to leave, my phone started to ring. Looking at the caller-ID I rolled my eyes: Chairman Jang. Great. What did he want now? More work, so I'd have to spend another night here?
„Hello, Mr. Jang."
„Miss Kim, are you still at Babel?" Hello to you too.
„Yes.", I responded reluctantly. "Why?"
„That's good, because I need you to do something for me."
„How may I help you, sir?"
„My, my. How eager you are to please me." Pff, as if. I rolled my eyes, but decided not to comment, now curious to see where this was going. I don't know why but my thoughts went wild all of a sudden. Maybe he was going to ask me for sexy pictures of me on his desk? Or some phone s*x ...?
„Han-Seo and I are having business partners over at my house and unfortunately I forgot some important documents at my office. Would you be so kind to bring them over?" Sadly no sexy pictures and certainly no phone s*x. Whatever.
„Sure, sir. What am I looking for?"
„It's a red folder. It should be on my desk."
„Okay, I am in your office now. Hold on a second." I started to look through the papers and quickly found the folder he described.
„Found it. I'm on my way. Could you text me the address?"
„Of course. Thank you, Miss Kim."
„No problem, sir."
When I was in my car I received the text with Han-Seok's address. Thank God it wasn't that far from Babel, because I was tired as h*ll and only wanted to go home and sleep. At least Han-Seo would be there too. It felt like I haven't seen him in ages.

After about 15 minutes I reached his house. It was everything I expected when I thought about Chairman Jang. Flashy, way over the top, but yet beautiful.

As I walked up to the front door he was already there, waiting

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As I walked up to the front door he was already there, waiting.
„Miss Kim. That was fast."
„You know me, Mr. Jang. I work fast", I said with a smile and entered the house. He closed the door and followed me into his living room. As I looked at the open space in front of me I saw that it was completely empty.
„Where is everyone?", I asked, even though I already had an idea of what might have been going on there. Sneaky little f*cker :).
„Not here", he said with a smirk. Surprise, surprise. Just like I thought. He only wanted to get me in his house. Alone. And I fell for it like a rookie. Shame on me! Nonetheless I acted confused and shocked.
„I hate to repeat myself, Mr. Jang, but this is highly inappropriate. You can't do things like that!" I took a deep breath, trying to calm down my excitement, that quickly arose.
„Good bye, Mr. Jang." I turned around to leave.
„Oh, really?", I heard him mumble and then he did it: He grabbed my wrist, spun me around, put his arms around my waist and pressed me into him. Took him long enough to finally get his hands on me. However, I slapped him across the face so hard, it made my hand burn.
„Yes! Show me that fire! That's what I'm talking about! That's what I wanna see." Oh, Mr. Jang wants me to put up a fight. That I can gladly give him. So I tried to squirm out of his hold and get out of there once more. Fighting the urge of just ripping his clothes off. There would be plenty enough time to do this. First, let's play the game, that he wanted to play.
Before I managed to get out of his embrace, he put one hand on the back of my head to push my face towards his and kiss me. At first, I wasn't able to resist anymore and reciprocated. Silly me. I seriously had to get it together!
This time I shoved him off and punched him square in the face. He wanted fire, he got fire.
He looked at me surprised, while gingerly feeling at his split lip. But there was something else in his eyes. Was it desire? Does he like being beaten?, I wondered. I never tried this kind of stuff, but I was more than willing to do so with this fine specimen.
I looked down at his swollen lips, and wanted to kiss him again ...
Stop it! I mentally slapped myself. I needed to get the f*ck out of here, before I lost myself completely.  Even though I was curious to see what he might try next. But I knew that I already let this whole thing go too far.
He stepped towards me and grabbed my wrist once more. "You should remember one thing, Miss Kim. You work for me. I am the heir of Babel. I can do anything I want with you. I own you", he said in a low voice, while staring me down with devils in his eyes.
I admit it. My sick self was turned on by that. Him thinking that he could talk to me like that. That he owned me? Cute. But I couldn't allow this to go any further, so I got up in his face, looking at him menacingly.
„Even if you should become the king of Korea one day, talk to me like that again and I'll f*cking k*ll you", I said, my voice barely above a whisper. I wrestled my arm out of his grip, turned around and walked to the front door. „Good night, Mr. Jang."
"Oh, I love a good challenge, Miss Kim." So do I. "You'll soon be on your knees before me, like everyone else", he called after me. "And I'm sure as h*ll gonna enjoy the view of you on your knees, Miss Kim."
Let's see who would be on their knees at the end, shall we?
The last thing I saw when I looked back was Han-Seok sitting on his sofa, watching me leave with a smirk. Sexy devil!

After I stepped out of Han-Seok's house, I immediately called my best friend Na-Ri, while walking towards my car

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After I stepped out of Han-Seok's house, I immediately called my best friend Na-Ri, while walking towards my car.
"Hey, girl! What's up?", she greeted me.
"Na-Ri. Can you meet me at my apartment? Like now?", I asked.
"Sure. What's going on? Did something happen?", she sounded alarmed.
"Yes. But nothing to worry about. I'll tell you at my place. Just wait for me, I'll be right there."
"You're not home?"
"No. But I'm on my way."
"Did something happen with that boss of yours?", she asked teasingly.
"Ok. On my way. I can't wait for the tea!"

When I arrived at my apartment Na-Ri was already there, waving at me.

When I arrived at my apartment Na-Ri was already there, waving at me

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"Finally!", she called out when she saw me.
"What do you mean, finally? I drove here as fast as I could", I argued, before pulling her into a hug.
We made our way in, I got us both a glass of wine and we got comfortable on the couch.
"Now spill. The. Tea. I'm going crazy here!"
"Ok, ok. So ..." And then I told her what happened at Han-Seok's house and also at the office before that.
"So?", she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"So, what?"
"Did you kiss him back?", she asked.
"Of course I did. Duh."
"So, what now? Your gonna play one of your perverted little cat-and-mouse-games?", she asked with a knowing smile.
"I don't know. I think I'm just gonna see what he has in store for me", I replied, pretending that I didn't hear the last question.
"Oh come on, Su-Mi. Don't play with me. I know you. What are you up to with Mr. Arrogant?"
"I don't know what to tell you. Obviously he likes to be dominant, but on the other hand enjoys it when I fight back. And of course he needs to be put in his place, I mean, he can't talk to me like that and get away with it. Nobody dared to treat me like that before."
"Yeah, because they were too scared of you back home and here you're just playing a role instead of being yourself. But come on. You little pervert liked the way he talked to you", she replied with a smirk. "And, you told me that he's hot."
"You are not wrong", I said and took a sip of wine. She looked at me with raised eyebrows, not expecting me to agree with her so easily on that one.
"I bet. And you love how he treats you, because he gave you a perfect opportunity to fight with him and finally put him down. I know how much you love that."
I just rolled my eyes at her being so dramatic, before I replied. "Mr. Jang won't know what hit him when I'm done with him."
"You're so bad", Na-Ri said giggling.
We spent the rest of the night talking a little more about Han-Seok and my work. And apparently there was a guy at Babel, that Na-Ri was into. But she wouldn't tell me who it was, because she was "too embarrassed". Weird. We tell each other everything. Of course I didn't want to push her on this. But seriously. Who was he?

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