Chapter 14 - Meeting His Match

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The following day I just finished my meeting with Mr. Han and was on my way back to my office when I received a text from Han-Seok: Come to my office. Now.
What did I do this time? That text didn't sound like he was about to tell me anything good. In that case I didn't want to anger him more. I was in no mood to argue with him that day, so I swiftly replied: On my way, sir.
A couple minutes later I was in front of his office, knocking on the door.
"Come in." Unlike him I waited til I was actually invited in.
"You wanted to see me, Mr. Jang?"
"Miss Kim, yes. Take a seat, please", he gestured to one of the chairs across from his desk. After I sat down, I patiently waited for him to say something.
"I think we need to talk."
"We do?, I asked.
"Alright then." D*mn. I thought I already had an idea what this was about. It simply happened too many times, that I slipped up in his presence, but simply couldn't decide wether or not to come clean. Let's see how it goes.
He got up an began pacing back and forth, what started to make me feel a little uneasy. The whole atmosphere just somehow felt threatening and caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. It's not that I was really afraid of him, I just had to stay on alert. I knew he could go crazy at any minute.
"You know, you are one big mystery to me, Miss Kim", he walked towards the windows that faced the hallway and closed the blinds.
"Why is that, Mr. Jang? You have my resumee", I said and mentally prepared myself to fight him off, while he ignored my comment and continued.
"First, you knocked me out cold." A little smirk formed on my face, but I quickly hid it.
"To be fair, you physically assaulted me, I was just defending myself", I stated. He threw me an angry glare, which caused me to say no more.
"Then you took out my three assassins."
"To be exact, I only took out one of them, the other two were k*lled by Vincenzo. I just got lucky."
"You know what I am talking about and don't interrupt me again, Miss Kim." I complied.
"Then you witnessed me brutally beating someone to death and seemed totally unfazed." He made his way over to the door and locked it. Seriously? Was that really necessary?
"And don't you think I didn't notice your little slip-ups. You knowing what a consilgiere is for example, or your friend mentioning that she had to pick you up from hospitals numerous times and so on. And now that you know the secret about me ... let's say ... going off the rails sometimes, I think", he slowly made his way over to me. My heart was beating fast as I felt the oh so familiar adrenaline rush coursing through my body. A thousand thoughts swarming in my head of how I could take him out and that this situation was also very arousing. Yeah, yeah, I know. Sick me.
As he reached me, he leaned down and put both hands on either of the armrests of my chair. "I deserve to know your secret, don't you? Who are you, Miss Kim?"
"What do you mean? I am a lawyer at Wusang Law Firm and I also work for you", I said with as much confidence as I could muster.
"Forgive my vocabulary but don't give me that bullsh*t, Miss Kim. Who are you?" He was getting impatient, but I would give it one more try to deceive him. Let's see if I could pull it off.
"I can explain everything, sir", I said, making my voice sound a litte shaky and scared. Han-Seok moved back to sit on the edge of his desk, then looked at me expactantly.
"Alright, so, the fighting. I took some self-defense-classes, because a woman should know how to defend herself nowadays." He just scoffed. "Me being unfazed by what happened to that prosecuter was me being in shock. You didn't see me when I arrived home. It's embarrassing to admit, but I was a shaking mess." I forced some tears up my eyes, which only caused Han-Seok to narrow his eyes, still remaining suspicious. "And the "consigliere"? Like I said back then. I'm a fan of mafia movies."
He leaned forward so we were face to face now. "B*llsh*t", he whispered. Alright, fine. I tried.
"Then I guess it's my time to say it", I whispered back.
"And what's that, Miss Kim?"
"Oh shoot, you got me." I smirked at him, dropping this whole entire scared little girl act. "I didn't take self-defense-classes. I was trained to k*ll. Bonus, I know how to shoot too. It goes without saying that I'm also excellent at that. About the k*lling, yes I've seen several dead bodies in my young life already." It felt great to finally get everything off my chest. Lately it just became to exhausting to watch myself around him, Vincenzo was hard enough already. But the fact, that I knew Vincenzo, or rather about Vincenzo, before I started working for Babel, I decided to still keep a secret for the time being.
"Did you ever k*ll someone yourself?" Excitement could be seen sparkling in his eyes as he awaited my answer.
"Well, I k*lled one of your assassins, duh."
He rolled his eyes. "Let me rephrase that: Did you ever k*ll someone before that?"
"That is for me to know and for you ...", I trailed off with a teasing smile.
"So why are you really here then, Miss Kim?"
"For the job, of course. Nothing changed there, only my backround. It's still true that I'm a lawyer, I just have additional attributes." Which is true, by the way. I have a law degree.
He kept silent for a long time after that, before speaking up again. "So, you said you could fight very well."
"How well?"
"Where are you going with this, Mr. Jang? Didn't you say you saw me fighting your assassins? I thought there were cameras?", I retorted, intrigued by the turn this conversation just took.
"I was just wondering if you were good enough to take me on." I started laughing. Of course I was good enough to take him. What kind of a question was that? He would be out within seconds. As far as I knew he wasn't trained in any fighting sports at all. But I didn't tell him that, of course. You know, ego and stuff.
"I already took you out once. You even said so yourself."
"That's different. You took me by suprise!"
"Oh, right. So you wanna find out and fight me, Mr. Jang?" Please say yes! My body started tingling at the thought of getting up close and personal with Han-Seok.
"I don't think so, Miss Kim", he replied with a chuckle.
"Why not? You're scared I could beat you? Again?" Throwing him a challenging look I stoked his ego on purpose.
"Oh please, Miss Kim. I don't want to be disrespectful but you wouldn't stand a chance against me." My oh my, macho at his best.
"Why do you think that, Mr. Jang?"
"You know, I'm a man. I'm also taller and heavier than you. Believe it or not, but I wouldn't want to hurt you." How noble. Not hurt me? Oh please.
"The way I see it, we will never find out unless we fight each other."
"No, Miss Kim. I'm not gonna fight you."
"Well, Mr. Jang, then I just have to assume you're too scared."
"What?" Oh, I knew this would get his attention.
"Nothing. I just said that you're too scared to fight me, Mr. Jang", I said with the sweetest smile. He stood up straight, being royally p*ssed at that point.
"Okay. If you like your *ss handed to you that bad then let's go! I'm not scared of a little girl like you!"
I raised an eyebrow. "Little girl?" He didn't add anything to that. Good choice. "All right, Mr. Jang. Right here?"
"If you insist."
I moved to the open space in his large office, cracking my knuckles and my neck too losen up. The familiar feeling of adrenaline rushing through me once more. Then I put my hands behind my back and looked at him expectantly.
"Let's go, Mr. Jang."
"Aish! That's ridiculous!"
I just kept looking at him with a smile on my face. Apparently that made him so mad that he came charging straight at me. I grabbed his arm and sent him down with an arm drag, using his own momentum against him. With a Kip-Up I swiftly got back up standing, ready to go again. Meanwhile Han-Seok was still laying on the floor, looking up at me in surprise. After he recovered he took his chance offered by my cockyness and put me down with a kick to my legs, taking them out from right under me. He quickly made his way on top, holding me down by my neck. But this time he thankfully wasn't squeezing. God that was hot. His weight pushing me down, his hand around my throat ...
"I'm usually not the guy who says 'told you so', but ... Told you so, Miss Kim", he said with a jubilant smile. I rapidly transitioned his hold into an arm bar.
"That hurts", he said, so I let go and was up on my feet again.
He also got off the floor and stood across from me, the wheels in his head turning as he thought about his next move. This time I charged first, because he was taking too long for my taste, sending him down again with headscissors. I stood up and looked down at him triumphantly, while he looked p*ssed. As the good sport that I am I held out my hand to help him up, but he just scoffed, getting back into a standing position on his own. Then he came running at me full speed. I side stepped with ease, got behind him, hopped on his back and put him into a choke hold.
"Finally admit that I am better than you, Mr. Jang", I said squeezing.
"Never!", he yelled and tried to fight me off.
"Just admit it!"
"No!", he said, grunting from effort.
"Admit it and I let go!"
"No!", he said and slowly went down on his knees, with me still on his back.
"Admit it!"
Right before he faded he gave in. "Fine! You're better than me, alright!" That was what I wanted to hear, so I immediately let go. He was laying on his back, taking deep breaths, while I sat next to him and just admired the view.
"Satisfied, Miss Kim?"
"Very, Mr. Jang." He had no clue how satisfying it really was to see the great and all-mighty Jang Han-Seok lay before me. Because I defeated him. Because I was better than him. "I'm not the woman who says 'I told you so' but ... I told you so, Mr. Jang", I said, mocking him, which he only acknowledged with a dark look.
"You know, Miss Kim, now that we're sharing a moment of truth here, I'm gonna let you in on another secret, despite you being so dishonest."
"You are just too gracious", I replied with a sly smile.
"I usually like to be in control, but what you did just now kinda turned me on. Also watching you fight my assassins and Cha-Young, that was s*xy as h*ll. Witnessing that was way better than any p*rn I've ever watched. I could barely contain myself", he said in a low voice, biting his lip. Game on, handsome.
"Oh, if you like, I could manhandle you any time, Mr. Jang. You're my boss after all, so all you have to do is ask."
"Is that so?"
"I mean, didn't you tell me yourself that I had to do whatever you asked of me?" He stood up from the floor and walked over to his desk, sitting down in his chair. My eyes trailed after him as I waited in anticipation. The air was crackling with s*xual tension at this point. He looked at me with a smirk. Come on, play along, I silently whished, because I was not ready to end our game just yet.
"If that's so then I ask you, Miss Kim, to get up, come to me and sit on my lap."
I did what he asked and slowly made my way over to him, hips swaying.
"How do you want me on your lap, Mr. Jang?"
"Take a seat", he answered in a raspy voice.

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