Chapter 37 - Sacrifice

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"Su-Mi ... Su-Mi ... Hey ... Wake up."
I regained consciousness due to the voice that constantly called out my name. Why didn't they just let me sleep? What's their problem?
"Su-Mi. Come on. Wake up."
I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was still in Han-Seok's living room. The last thing I remembered was us sitting on the couch, talking about something.
"Su-Mi. Over here."
I turned my head towards the annoying voice.
"Cha-Young? What are you doing here?"

"The better question is: What are you doing here? Whatever your plan might have been, it seems like it wasn't working

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"The better question is: What are you doing here? Whatever your plan might have been, it seems like it wasn't working."
"What do you mean 'why'? Look around?"
As I tried to move, I noticed that I couldn't. I was tied to something. A chair? I turned to look at Cha-Young again, but this time it was too much. The whole room started spinning and I felt nauseous.
"Are you okay?", Cha-Young asked and I thought I detected something like concern in her voice. Who would have thought?
"Just give me a second", I said while I took a deep breath and tried my best not to vomit.
"How are the lovely ladies! Oh, you're awake. I was worried I gave you the wrong dose, because you were out for so long."
Han-Seok crouched down in front of me, smiling.

"Han-Seok crouched down in front of me, smiling

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"What the f*ck?", I said and tried to move.
"Yeah. Sorry about that. But I can't have you running away from me. You understand that, right?", he said while caressing my cheek. "Do you need something? Water?", he asked.
"I need you to untie me", I said in a calm voice.
"Baby, I just told you why I can't do that. But to show you just how much I like you, I will cut your legs loose. But you need to promise me, that you will be a good girl and not kick me, alright?"
I stared at him for a while before answering. "Fine."
"Alright." He did cut me loose as he said and then went to get me a glass of water. Fortunately that helped with the nausea.
"How do you feel?", he asked.
"Dizzy", I replied.
"It will wear off soon, I promise", he said, put a strand of hair behind my ear and got up to put the glass away.
"If you are done with pampering her, could you finally untie me?", Cha-Young chimed in.
"Why would I do that? Our guest of honour hasn't even arrived yet."
I frowned upon hearing that and looked at Cha-Young, who only stared back at me questioningly.
Han-Seok sat down on the couch in front of her.
"Do you know how much I loved you?", he asked her and I couldn't deny feeling a pang of jealously in that moment.
"Love is a human emotion and you are not human", she replied.
"If love dosen't make me human than what does?"
"Nothing. You're a monster! You should have never been alive!", she spat.
"Ouch. You know, a couple months ago that would have hurt. But now I don't care what you think about me anymore. Because I found someone new, someone better. I finally found my match", he said and turned to look at me.
All off a sudden the front door got kicked open and in came Vicenzo.

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