Chapter 9 - A Hockey Surprise

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I was finally off work and just relaxing at home, til my phone rang.
"Hey, Han-Seo! Calling because you miss me and wanna hang out?", I cheerfully greeted him. It felt like I haven't seen him in years.
"Yes and no", he responded.
"What do you mean?"
"Yes, I wanted you to join me, but not to hang out unfortunately. I need your help."
All my merriment was gone at once, concern taking over immediately. "What's wrong?"
"Han-Seok told me to intimidate the prosecuters because they refused to be bought off. I have no clue how to do that and I would feel a lot better if you would be there. For moral support, you know."
I rolled my eyes at Han-Seok's tactics. I'm so fed up with him always using his brother to do the dirty work. Why didn't he do it himself?
"Of course I'm gonna help you. Text me the address, I'm on my way."
"Thank you, Su-Mi."

As I arrived in the middle of nowhere of course, Han-Seo already waited for me, pacing back and forth. That poor guy.
"Su-Mi." I could see how relieved he was by my arrival.
"So let's do this", I said and he lead me into a shipping container, where I saw the rest of the Inncer Circle, as well as prosecuters Hwang and Seo, who were tied to chairs.
Han-Seo looked at me one last time and I gave him an encouraging nod. Then he put his game face on, starting to chastise the kidnapped prosecuters right away. Meanwhile Mrs. Choi and Mr. Han remained standing next to the door, looking on nervously. No offence, but Han-Seo sounded more like a dad who's scolding his kids for bad behaviour than someone who's goal was to intimidate.
Suddenly the door to the shipping containter was pushed open to reveal a guy with a hockey helmet on and a hockey stick in hand.

Suddenly the door to the shipping containter was pushed open to reveal a guy with a hockey helmet on and a hockey stick in hand

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I looked at the others to find out what was happening, but they seemed to be just as confused as I was. Han-Seo took a couple steps back and pulled me behind him. He definitely knew what was going on and what could happen next.
As I looked past him, I saw the hockey guy walking up to Prosecuter Seo and didn't waste any time to hit him on the side of the head with the stick. I watched Mr. Seo fall to the ground and the hockey guy just beat the h*ll out of him, even though it was for certain that he was already dead after the first blow. That was on point.
Everyone got splattered with blood and I was thankful that Han-Seo covered me with his own body. I mean, that outfit was really expensive, okay.
Finally that hockey guy stopped and started in a singsong voice: "Is he dead? Well, I guess so", while poking the lifeless body of Mr. Seo. Then he threatened Chief Prosecuter Hwang, so he finally gave in and joined Babel.

After Presecuter Hwang scrambled off, we all gathered outside.
Mr. Han was hiding behind Mrs. Choi, who looked a little pale herself and Han-Seo stood off to the side, obviously shaken up as well.
Then the hockey guy came out and finally took his helmet off.
"Mr. Jang?!" He looked at me, smiling like a complete idiot.
"Enjoyed the show, Miss Kim?" Wow. I was speechless. Despite the fact that he was even crazier than I thought, I couldn't deny that he looked hot as h*ll covered in blood. Maybe something's seriously wrong with me, I don't know.
Instead of giving him an answer, I shifted my attention to Han-Seo. "Hey, Han-Seo?" He looked up at me a little starteld.
"How about I give you a ride home? Just go wait in my car, I'll join you after I had a chat with your brother."
"Sure. Thanks, Su-Mi."
"No problem", I said, smiling at him.
After he left I turned towards Han-Seok, who now seemed annoyed.
"Forgive me, Mr. Jang, but, are you stupid?" Everyone looked at me wide-eyed and I even heard someone gasp. Yeah, sorry. That just came out. It seemed like I was a little tired of holding the facade up lately.
"I am your boss, Miss Kim! So watch your mouth!" He went to stand in front of me, giving me an ice cold stare, which I countered with my own.
"I'm not talking about k*lling him. But did you have to do this in front of your brother?! Also, who is going to take care of the body and clean up the whole mess?! I sure as h*ll won't!"
What followed was dead silence (pun intended). Everyone was shocked by my outburst and the fact that I was so casual about witnessing a murder, because they didn't know that I was used to it.
"I got it covered", Mrs. Choi quickly said.
I gave her an appreciative nod and made my way to my car. "If you don't mind, I'm going to drive Han-Seo home now."
"Ya!", Han-Seok called after me, so I stopped in my tracks. "Aren't you shocked by what you saw?", he asked in disbelief.
"No. Why should I? I didn't know him."

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