Chapter 8 - Tae-Ho Loves You

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The next couple of weeks Han-Seok kept his distance. Even though he didn't say anything, I thought it might have been because of what happened after the trial. That was kind of disappointing. I expected more out of the infamous psychopath Jang Han-Seok, but whatever. Unless I hit him that hard, that he can't remember what happened.
Regardless of wether he remembered or not, he didn't even talk to me as long as it wasn't absolutely unavoidable. Whenever he had something to tell me he sent Mrs. Choi instead. How childish.
But considering the fact, that it was the weekend, I didn't want to think about that anymore. Instead I went to the amusement park with Na-Ri to have some much needed and well deserved fun.
We were strolling through the park as my gaze fell upon an all too familiar figure, so I tucked at Na-Ri's arm. "Hey, look! There's Vincenzo!", I said and discreetly pointed in his direction, while Na-Ri just flat out stared at where I was pointing to.
"Godd*mn it, Na-Ri! Could you be more subtle about this?"
"Sorry", she said and turned around once more, this time not that obvious. "So this is the famous Vincenzo?", she asked with big eyes.
"Hot d*mn! Is he still single?", she asked almost drooling.
"I think so. But I alreay told you, hands off. And shouldn't you be focusing on your crush anyways?", I said with a little grin.
"Ha ha." Na-Ri rolled her eyes in annoyance, before her expression turned curious. "Wait a minute. Is he with another guy?"
I looked over at Vincenzo and saw that she was right. He was infact with another guy and it seemed like they were on a date. Please no. Don't be gay. That would totally ruin my day.

"Is he bi?", I asked with a little hope

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"Is he bi?", I asked with a little hope. If he was bi, I wouldn't be out of the race just yet.
"Maybe. Oh, just imagine. He would be so into threesomes with another guy instead of a girl. Isn't that amazing?", she said giggling.
"Jesus, Na-Ri", I said and rolled my eyes. "Great. Pictures in my head, Na-Ri. You just put pictures in my head."
"Sorry." She didn't sound one bit remorseful though. I turned my attention back to Vincenzo and his companion, at whom I looked more closely then.
"Hold on a second. I know that guy he's with. It's Hwang Min-Sung, the heir of Shinkwang Bank."
"Shinkwang Bank? Didn't you tell me that Babel is going to sign with them?", Na-Ri asked.
"Yeah. Huge ceremony and all." I had a bad feeling about this. "Hey, Na-Ri, I know we had a girls day planned, but I think I better keep an eye on those two", I said to her.
"Can I keep an eye on them too?", she asked to my surprise, I thought she would be angry.
"Ok. But why?"
"Duh. Because they are cute and I always wanted to be a spy." I swear. She was priceless.
"Alright", I said with a smile. "Come on then."
So we followed them around for the rest of the day. After Min-Sung had a complete meltdown caused by zombie actors, they went back to their car and drove off. So I decided to also end my day here and drove Na-Ri home.
"Keep me posted, because I also have a feeling that Vincenzo has something planned for that signing", she said before getting out of my car.
"Will do. You're the first one I'll text", I said with a smile and she blew me a kiss in return.
As I watched her disappear into her appartment I waited for Mrs. Choi to pick up.

On Monday we all attended the signing ceremony. I was bored out of my mind before the whole thing even started, but at least I could wear a banging dress.

 I was bored out of my mind before the whole thing even started, but at least I could wear a banging dress

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But then things started to take an interesting turn of events.
When it was Min-Sung's time to sign, he hesitated. I knew the minute I saw Vincenzo and Min-Sung together, that something was off and here we go.
He looked up at the balconies, so I followed his gaze, just to see Vincenzo and Cha-Young. Vincenzo held up his phone and I squinted my eyes to see the screen. I could make out the words "I love you, Tae-Ho believes in you." Who's Tae-Ho?
Min-Sung winked at him and then announced that he won't sign, calling Babel immoral and unreliable. He's one to talk. I heard some things from Mrs. Choi, from back when she was still a prosecuter and let me tell you, his name ended up on her desk more than once.
I heard cheering coming from Vincenzo's direction. S*cker.
But then our secret weapon came in. Thank God I was quick enough to warn Mrs. Choi.
Onto the stage came Min-Sung's mother, the chairwoman of Shinkwang Bank, to sign instead of him. I looked back at Vincenzo, who was now looking at me and gave him a triumphant smile and a cheeky wink. Got you this time. Point Su-Mi.
When we made our way out of the banquet hall after the signing, two police officers appeared with a warrant for Min-Sung's arrest, for citing assault and blackmail. This whole thing got so dramatic that at the end, I kind of felt sorry for him.
Of course I also had to witness some bickering between Mrs. Choi and Cha-Young, as always. They just couldn't leave each other alone, could they?
"Thank you for your quick thinking, Miss Kim", I heard a voice right next to my ear and felt a hand on my lower back.
"You're welcome, Mr. Jang", I said, smiling up at him. And that's how fast we were back on speaking terms. Good to know.
My phone pulled me out of my thoughts as it started to ring.
"Sorry, I have to take this", I said to Han-Seok, already on the way to find a more quiet spot. That's why I was unable to see the frown on his face when he caught a glance at my screen.
"What?", I said in a hushed voice.
"I gave you two more f*cking weeks to settle in, but it has already been three! Three mother f*cking weeks, Su-Mi! Where the f*ck are the results!"
"Would you calm the f*ck down? You have no clue what I have to endure here to keep myself out of harms way. It's more difficult than we thought-"
"That's why I put you on the job, bella. So f*cking handle it." I took a deep breath before responding.
"I promise, you'll have the first report by the end of the week, ok?"
"By Friday. No longer than that." I pinched the bridge of my nose in an effort to calm down.
"Fine. Friday it is", I eventually agreed.
"Su-Mi, I swear, if you f*ck with me any longer, I'll send someone after you and believe me when I say, that you won't be that pretty anymore after that." *sshole. "Are we clear?", he added.
"We're clear." The only reason why he wasn't dead already was the chunk of money that he promised me for this job. Stupid b*tch. I could totally understand why Vincenzo wanted him dead.

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