Chapter 13 - The Bathtub-Discussion

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Because Vincenzo found out about his real identity, Han-Seok went to his father's villa in the woods, to lay low. I on the other hand didn't think he was in any immediate danger at that moment. If Vincenzo wanted him dead, he would have k*lled him by then. But I felt like he got something else in store for Han-Seok before he delivered the final blow. And I was just dieing to find out what.
But yeah, Han-Seok was hiding out at his father's villa, because Mrs. Choi (and maybe I, just a little) feared for his life.
My thoughts were interrupted by knocking on my door.
„Come in." Speaking of, in came Mrs. Choi.
„Miss Kim, I need you to do something for me."
„Alright. But do you have a minute?" She seemed surprised at first, but then sat down. "I wanted to talk to you about what happened at the underpass." I paused for a moment, trying to make her tell me on her own. As she just kept on waiting for me to continue, I tried once more. "Are you sure you told me everything I needed to know before you sent me there?"
"I'm not sure I follow."
"See, the thing is: Two assassins were already d*ad and I couldn't prevent Vincenzo from torturing the remaining one, so he would give up the name. But that's it. He only had a name and a phone number." Crossing my arms, I leaned back in my seat, gauging her reaction. The lack of it only increased my suspicion. "You knew, didn't you?"
"It was still too dangerous. I couldn't be sure if they knew who Joon-Woo really was or not. It was just way too risky to not do anything."
"Don't you think you should have told me though? I mean, you literally sent me into the crossfire and I did you that favour. So don't you think I at least deserved to know all the details? I can't help but feel disappointed, Mrs. Choi."
"Look, I'm sorry. It wouldn't have made a difference after all. The risk was still the same."
"That's beside the point! It's a matter of trust and something like that shows me, that you obviously don't trust me enough and that makes me not being able to fully trust you."
"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but all I can do now is apologize. I was wrong. I should have told you."
I kept looking at her for a while, her gaze never wavering.
"Fine. Water under the bridge." Even though she seemed indifferent about the whole situation, I could observe a little smile spreading across her face. "So, what was it you wanted to tell me?"
„Right. Here are some documents regarding the current law suit against Babel. Mr. Jang wants to go through them as soon as possible. But I have an upcoming meeting with a client in half an hour. Mr. Han will also attend this meeting, and Mr. Jang's brother has another business meeting to attend to. So, could you bring him these, please? They are confidential", she said with a meaningful look. Ah, probably including some things that aren't so legal. Classic.
„Does he need them right now?"
„Yes, he said it's urgent." Great. I was not his f*cking little errand girl.
„Okay. I'll be on my way", I said and forced a polite smile.
„Thank you, Miss Kim."
„No problem." But it really was a problem, I had tonnes of work to do and not enough time. But no, I had to leave it just to bring „King Jang" the documents he was convinced he needs right now! His attitude really p*ssed me off sometimes. But getting all worked up about it wasn't gonna make things better, so I tried to calm down, making my way to my car.
When I was on the road I called Han-Seok.
„Yes?" Didn't he seem so nice and relaxed?
„Mr. Jang, it's me, Miss Kim."
„Oh, Miss Kim", his mood changed immediately. He sounded more ... playful? Was that the right word to describe it?
„I was just calling to let you know that I'm on my way to bring the documents you requested. I should be there in about half an hour."
„Alright. I'll let my security detail know that you're coming."
„Thank you, sir."
„Thank you, Miss Kim."
Before I could hang up, he called out one more time. "Oh, and Miss Kim?"
"I'm really looking forward to seeing that pretty face of yours." Oh ... Looked like Mr. Jang was in a frisky mood today.

By the time I arrived at the villa half an hour had passed. As I got out of my car a guy in a black suit approached me, probably one of the security guards Han-Seok mentioned.
„I'm here to see Mr. Jang", I said with a smile.
„Miss Kim?", he asked.
„Follow me, please."
„Thank you." I followed the guard into the house, which was just as luxurious inside as it looked on the outside. I took a seat on the couch while I waited for Han-Seok. But seriously, could he hurry up? I needed to get back to work.
Just like he knew that I thought about him, he sauntered in out of nowhere. Freakin' shirtless!

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