Chapter 21 - Being Watched

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It was the day after the negotiations took place and it felt strange. But not because of that. No. There was a completely different reason: I sensed that I was being watched. Of course I didn't waste any time calling Han-Seok to tell him about it. Also, that I'd better try and find out who was behind this. That's why Han-Seok so generously gave me the day off.
So rather than working I spent all my day walking around without a destination, trying to find out who followed me instead. They were good, I had to admit it. But I was better.
I was casually strolling through the streets, looking at stuff in the windows of various stores, waiting for them to make a mistake. And they did, walking into my line of sight. There they were: Two guys dressed in all black with a hats and a masks. They stood a little off to the side in front of a window display, looking at me. Let's find out who you're working for.

I sat in the dark for quite a while then. Not moving, just waiting.

Eventually I could hear someone unlocking the front door

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Eventually I could hear someone unlocking the front door. About d*mn time!
The light went on, illuminating the room as he came in and took off his shoes. I watched him walk into to kitchen with his groceries, not noticing my presence at all. Sloppy. I expected him to be more alert considering his job and his background.
But apparently he did sense something, because the next moment his head turned in my direction, leaving him startled.
"Su-Mi?! What are you doing in my appartement? How did you get in? How do you know where I lived?"
"Hello, Vincenzo. I picked your lock, that's how I got in. Getting your address was easy. I'm a lawyer, remember? Also, by now you should know, that Babel and Wusang also have their ways of finding things out. And for what I'm doing here? I think we need to have a little chat." Vincenzo stared at me, not knowing what to say, so I continued. "I believe those were all your questions. Or did I leave something out?" He remained stunned. "Why did you have someone tail me?"
"You noticed, huh?" He didn't even try to deny it. Probably because by that time he knew that it was useless.
"Oh please. They were good, but not good enough. At least not for me." I said with a smirk. "So. Why did you have someone following me?"
"I wanted to find out your secret", he reluctantly told me.
"Vincenzo, Vincenzo, Vincenzo", I said, shaking my head. "I already told you. It's easy to find out about my secret. All you have to do is tell me about yours."
"Fine", he agreed nonchalantly.
"Well, that was easy." I chuckled incredulously.
"I'm giving up at this point. But only because now I'm convinced that your secret might be very similar to mine."
"Let's find out. Shall we?, I said with an amused smile, because I already knew where he was going with this. He presumably thought I was part of the mafia as well. Which wasn't quite true. And I was positive, that he had no clue who I worked for.
"I am Vincenzo Cassano." Yeah, like I didn't know that before. "I am the Consilgiere of the Cassano family. One of the biggest mafia families in Italy." There it was, the "secret" that I wanted him to tell me for so long.
"Oh, I know", I stated.
"So I was right", he mumbled, totally unfazed by my revelation.
"Alright, don't be so shocked that I already knew ... Wait? What?", I asked in disbelief, blood draining from my face.
"I know who you are. Kim Su-Mi", he simply said, like it was no big deal.
"Right before I left Italy, I saw you at the mansion a couple of times and immediately recognized you at Babel Pharmaceuticals. Paolo sent you, right? To keep track of me?"
"How did you know?", I managed to get out. He really got me there, I was blindsided.
"Paolo is not the only one who has spies. Let's leave it at that. I also noticed the phone calls you've been receiving, which made you hurry off every time. Guess Paolo isn't satisfied with your work?"
"Who says I'm still keeping taps on you for Paolo?", I asked suggestively.
"Why else would you still keep an eye on me?", he retorted.
"Because I've got a tremendous crush on you", I said before bursting out laughing.
"Su-Mi! Seriously", he replied and threw his hands up in the air in frustration.
"Relax", I said inbetween laughs. "So, who's your contact?", I asked after a while.
"Like I would tell you, my dear Su-Mi." Aw. His dear Su-Mi.
"You don't trust me. Alright, that's fair. But would you trust me if I'd tell you that I sent Paolo a fake report?"
He frowned in confusion. "Why would you do that?"
"Because Paolo is an *sshole and I didn't appreciate the way he treated me", I said defiantly. Vincenzo looked at me intently to see whether I was lying or not.
"Luca", was all he said and I couldn't help my heart beating faster as I heard that name, while trying to avoid Vincenzo's scrutinizing gaze.
"Oh, really?", was all I said.
"I take it you know each other?", he asked. Did Luca tell him?
"I think we met a couple of times", I said, pretending to recall who he was talking about.
He certainly remembered you", he mumbled, trying to surpress a smile before switching back to business. "Whatever. All I want to know is what you want."
"What do you mean?", I asked confused.
"I take it the fake report was not for free and the next ones aren't gonna be either, so: What do you want?" Well, well, well. A huge smile spread across my face.
"I don't know. What can you give me?", I asked and the air was immediately charged with s*xual energy.
"Why don't we both think about it and then get back in touch?", he proposed.
"Alright, let's do that. Even though I already know what I'd like from you", I said with a suggestive undertone. "But let's see if you come up with something, that's worth me helping you", I said and made my way towards the door.
"Oh, I already have plenty ideas on what to offer. And believe me, every single one is worth it", he said with a smirk.
"We will see. Oh, I almost forgot. Stop your goons from following me."
"I tell them to stop as soon as you stop following me", he retorted.
"I can't do that, because I was hired to do so and I get paid good money for it too."
"However, I need you to stop."
"Ok, then keep your little lap dogs following me, but I guess then you'll have to find new ones soon", I said with an evil smile. "So do me a favour. When you send one of those after me again, don't pick the cute one. It would be a shame."
"Su-Mi", he called out once more. "You should give Luca a call. He sounds heartbroken lately." I didn't respond to that, but shut the door way harsher than I intended to.

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