Chapter 34 - The Beginning of the End

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Some time later I received a call from Mrs. Choi.
"Miss Kim, I thought you might want to know that Jang Han-Seo is in the hospital." Even though I already excpected this call, I couldn't help but feel scared, asking myself if everything went according to plan and Han-Seo was okay.
"I'm on my way. Which hospital?"
"I'll text you the details."
"Thank you, Mrs. Choi."
"Don't mention it."

Shortly after I arrived at the hospital, bursting right into Han-Seo's room, not bothering to knock.
"What happened?"
"Our poor Han-Seo was attacked by Vincenzo. Tell her brother", Han-Seok's voice came from the corner of the room. And that's when I noticed the Inner Circle was also there. Of course they were.
"Well, nothing really happened", Han-Seo tried to avoid the subject.

"Well, nothing really happened", Han-Seo tried to avoid the subject

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"Don't be shy, brother. I mean, you took a bullet. Tell her. Ladies love that stuff." I looked over at Han-Seok with a raised eyebrow, but he didn't even acknowledge me. Instead he fixed his brother with a piercing gaze.
"Ok, if you insist", Han-Seo began and I shifted my focus from Han-Seok to pay full attention to his explanation of what happened. I already knew that Mrs. Choi sent evidence to INTERPOL, because apparently they were looking for Vincenzo. So Han-Seo had the plan to lure him to the ice rink with INTERPOL agents and Korean police waiting in the wings. There the agents were overpowered by Vincenzo's men, whoever the f*ck they were supposed to be, and taken to a warehouse. The INTERPOL agents were k*lled, the Korean police was threatened and Han-Seo was let go with a parting shot and a message for Han-Seok.
Of course I knew that none of what Han-Seo just said happened like that, because that time Vincenzo chose to not keep me in the dark. But I had no clue that Han-Seo would get shot in this scenario. They probably didn't tell me, because they knew I would never allow him getting hurt. Nonetheless, I had to admit that this plan was great and the bullet wound was the cherry on top.
Unfortunately, as I looked over at Han-Seok, I had a feeling, that he didn't buy that story for a second.

As we were all about to leave Han-Seo to rest, he held me back.
"Su-Mi? Could I talk to you for a second?", he asked. "Alone?", he added while looking behind me. I followed his gaze and saw Han-Seok waiting for me to join them.
"Sure", I said to Han-Seo, to which Han-Seok reluctantly left.
"Did you seriously let yourself get shot?", I asked as soon as we were alone.
"Of course not. It was a blank. See?" He took his arm out of the sling and pulled his hospital gown down a little, so I could see for myself, that his shoulder was completely intact.
"Anyways. I better watch out for you from now on."
"Because I think your brother didn't quite buy your story. Didn't you notice?"
"Oh. Then I better watch my back."

While I was at work the next day, Mrs. Choi came bursting into my office.
"Su-Mi, we have a situation."
"What is it?"
"A video from that bidding for Babel Tower has been leaked. And Vincenzo and Cha-Yeong filed a lawsuit alleging that the approval process for Babel Tower was corrupt. They have no choice but to turn it over."
"Sh*t! We were all there." I think I was pretty convincing of sounding shoked and worried about the "news". Already being aware that the video was out, I knew what she was gonna tell me next. About me and the Inner Circle not being recognizable in the video.
"That's the thing. Our faces were blurred out."
"Yes. Our faces. Yours, mine, Jang Han-Seok's, Jang Han-Seo's and Mr. Han's."
"But why?", I asked, feigning confusion.
"Because Vincenzo doesn't want us in jail. He probably has other plans. Obviously."
"What do we do now?" I sounded like the perfect clueless little girl. Awesome. I should really think about pursuing an acting career.
"Mr. Jang has ordered us all to head home and go through the case files to come up with something to use against the allegations of corruption." He ordered us, huh? "You can pick up your stack at my office. Come on."

Let me tell you, "my stack" was huge. Another all nighter was calling, guys. If I would have actually done what I was told to, but of course I didn't lift a finger.
As I sat there in my apartment, enjoying a glass of wine, I was rudely interrupted by my doorbell and someone banging against my front door. What the h*ll?
"Su-Mi! Su-Mi open up!" Han-Seok? I hurried to open the door. "Su-Mi, let me in", Han-Seok said as he looked behind him. He was out of breath and only wearing his pajamas.

 He was out of breath and only wearing his pajamas

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It already happened?
"Sure, come in." I made way and followed him inside. Suddenly I saw that he was leaving a trail of blood. "You're bleeding", I stated.
"Yeah. I stepped on some glass."
"What happened?", my voice full of fake concern. Okay, maybe I was a little concerned for real when I saw the blood. "And what's with the hockey stick?", I added as I noticed the stick in his hands.
"I was attacked in my house", he told me and let the stick clatter to the floor.
"What? Did you see who it was?"
"No. They were masked."
"They?!", I interrupted. He simply ignored me and carried on.
"But, it's out of question who's behind this. Vincenzo of course."
"D*mn. However, if Vincenzo really was behind the attack, I think it's a concern for later. Sit down and let me take a look at your feet first. I also think it would be best if you stayed here tonight."
"We need to call the others. They need to come here. Now."
"Of course. Just let me check your feet."
"No. Call them now", he demanded. *sshole. I threw him an angry stare, which he deliberately ignored. So I did as he asked and everyone was here in no time. In my apartment.
"Mr. Jang, I may have a solution. At least concerning your safety."
"What is it, Mrs. Choi?"
"Please, don't get upset. I'm only thinking about your safety." As Han-Seok didn't say anything, she continued. "You need to go to prison."
"What?! Are you crazy?!", he bellowed.
"You should listen to her first", I chimed in and earned an angry look.
"Just turn yourself in for some minor crime. I will get you out after everything is settled. In the meantime we try to take care of Vincenzo."
"This is crazy. I'm not going to jail."
"I think she is right, you know. Why do you think Vincenzo blurred out all our faces in that video? Because he doesn't want us in jail. He couldn't get to us if we were incarcerated", I tried to convince him. Just take the bait already.
"They are both right. In jail you would be safe. You should do it", Han-Seo tried to back me up.
After a long stretch of silence Han-Seok finally decided. "Fine. Prepare everything", he told Mrs. Choi. She just nodded and left to do her part. The others soon followed and I took the opportunity to send a quick text to Vincenzo.

Everything going according to plan. Preparations for jail are being made.

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