Chapter 29 - Angel of Death

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The next day I got a text saying that Han-Seok is calling an urgent meeting at his house. I could already imagine what this was about and was actually looking forward to this.

As I arrived at his house I saw my target sitting right there: Mrs. Choi.
"So, Mrs. Choi. I heard Vincenzo is free again and also caught Mr. Oh's k*llers. But don't be sad, it was a really good plan", I said with a mocking smile. Before Mrs. Choi could reply, the doorbell rang.
"Do you mind getting that, Miss Kim?", Han-Seok asked. I rolled my eyes but got up anyways, to open the door for Mr. Han and Han-Seo. They really should be more subtle about their partnership.
I was about to go back to the others, when my attention was caught by the monitor, which showed the surveillance footage of Han-Seok's cameras in the drive way. Someone made their way towards the house: Vincenzo.
Curious I kept watching. He was just effortlessly fighting his way through Han-Seok's security. Some security they seemed to be. I was so captivaded, I could not look away. Just then, I noticed someone stumbling in front of him. I took a closer look. It was a man, barefoot and covered in bl**d. His own?
Still I was unable to move or function in any way, because I was still so mesmerized by Vincenzo taking out security guard after security guard. This may sound weird, but it was the hottest thing I'd ever seen.
When he made his way to the glass front of the living room, I finally fought out of my stupor.
„Guys -", was all I managed to say, before the glass shaddered. I looked towards the noise and saw the man from before stumbling inside, just begging for his life. Who is he? And what's going on?
Suddenly I heard a g*nsh*t and the man dropped to the floor, as bl**d flowed out of the b*llet hole, right between his eyes. All h*ll broke loose after a second of stunned silence. Everyone started screaming, crying and hiding behind furniture, while I remained standing at the front door.
Amidst all this chaos I saw Vincenzo standing there, with a g*n in hand and covered in bl**d. He looked like an angel of de*th.

He started to shoot around the living room, which again caused the others to scream and taking cover

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He started to shoot around the living room, which again caused the others to scream and taking cover. Han-Seok sat on the floor, looking at Vincenzo shocked and also scared. Wow. I never thought that this man was even capable of feeling scared.

 I never thought that this man was even capable of feeling scared

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Vincenzo said something to Han-Seok in a low voice. I couldn't make out what though, because I was too far away. Then he raised his g*n at Han-Seok. No!, I thought. I was just about to sprint towards them, when I already heard another g*nsh*t. I was too late.
But as I dared to look, I saw Han-Seok holding his ear, bl**d seeping through his fingers.
Vincenzo turned towards me, raising his voice, so I could hear.
„Ask him what he did and then you should decide who's side you're on, Su-Mi. If you make the wrong choice, I can't go easy on you anymore."
And with that he left.
I made my way towards the de*d guy, while the others were fuzzing over Han-Seok. I squatted down and examined him closely. He had multiple injuries. His finger nails were pulled out. Ouch. What did Han-Seok do to drive Vincenzo to such madness? I know that Vincenzo was actually a nice guy, so something horrible must have happend, causing him to snap like that.
I turned my head towards Han-Seok, who watched me intently.
„What did you do?", I asked in a quiet voice. Everyone stopped what they were doing, looking at me like they just remembered I was still there.
„I k*lled his mother", he said nonchalantly.
That I was shocked was the understatement of the year. I knew the story between Vincenzo and his mother. They recently started to bond. That was just cruel.
„You monster", I whispered, damn sure he could hear me. I turned around, walked towards the door and grabbed my things.
„Su-Mi!", Han-Seok called after me. „Where the h*ll you think you're going?"
„Away from you!"
I was just about to open the door but stopped dead in my tracks at what he said next.
"I had an interesting talk with Paolo yesterday." No, no, no, no! "You know, he was quite talkative. Not only about Vincenzo, but also about you. At least now I know why you're basically a k*lling machine. I only whish I would have heard it from you, but well. I also wish I would have known sooner about what you're capable of. Because then I could have used you in different ways. Instead of being one of my lawyers and an occasional good f*ck, you could have gotten rid of everyone I needed to. However, what's done is done."
It was one of those out of body experiences people constantly talked about, whenever they were in exceptional situations. I felt like I viewed the whole scene, from next to my body. I watched myself just standing there, not being able to move or even talk. Sometimes I asked myself if I even still breathed.
Meanwhile I saw Han-Seok in the living room, still trying to staunch the bleeding of his ear. I wasn't able to grasp the meaning of his words though. Only what he said last seemed to seep into my brain.
„He was right, you know. You really should decide who's side you're on. Choose wisely, because if you're not with me, you're against me. Do you really think I would just let you leave, Su-Mi? If you're on his side, you'll die with him."
„Is that a threat?", I asked in a calm voice, still facing the door.
„No", he said. „It's a promise."
I left his house not knowing what to do for the first time in my life ...

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