Chapter 26 - Carrie Vibes

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After the horrendous Babel Tower auction it was time for the inauguration ceremony. My lord. The press treated Han-Seok like some kind of celebrity. Girls were lining up, asking for autographs and God knows what. It was annyoing.
By the way, the lunch date with Han-Seo and Na-Ri was great. They went on a date a couple days after. Wasn't that amazing?
However, my thoughts about Na-Ri and Han-Seo were soon interrupted.
"Hello, Su-Mi." I turned around and stood face to face with Vincenzo.
"Vincenzo", I said and started to look around. "Where's your litte Chihuahua?" He raised a questioning eyebrow.
"You know who I'm talking about. Little, loud and annoying: Cha-Young." (Sorry, I actually love Chihuahuas) He chuckled.
"She already went inside. You look stunning by the way", he said, checking me from head to toe.

 You look stunning by the way", he said, checking me from head to toe

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"You don't look too bad yourself. But stop destracting me with flattery and tell me what you're doing here instead", I said, cutting right to the chase.
"What? I can't compliment you?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, you can compliment me anytime. Every girl loves them, especially when they come from you. But not now." He sighed in defeat.
"I came here to show Cha-Young something that she hasn't seen before and always wanted to."
"I could imagine better occasions for a date than the inauguration of Babel's chairman", I said, sounding a little bitter.
"Why would you think we're on a date?", he asked with a mischievous smile.
"Are you not?", I asked.
"Well, even if you were, it's none of my business anyway."
"If I wouldn't know better, I would think you're jealous."
"Oh please. Me being jealous? Of her? That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time", I said laughing. "As if she were any competition for me. But if you'll excuse me, I have the inauguration of my boss to attend to. It's mandatory", I said, flipped my hair over my shoulder and walked passed him.

As I joined The Inner Circle, I deliberately took the free seat next to Mr. Han instead of the one next to Mrs. Choi, still p*ssed at her for Han-Seok "opening up to her".
After a while the guest of honor finally arrived at the venue.
Han-Seo began his speech and welcomed his brother on the stage. The hug they gave each other may have seemed like a loving one between brothers. But I knew better. I noticed how stiff Han-Seo got and only relaxed when he left the stage.
Then Han-Seok announced Babel's next venture: Electric cars.
Suddenly, the commercial, which was playing on the screen a couple seconds ago, was replaced with a video of one of my former colleagues at Wusang, Mr. Seo, meeting with Team Leader Park. Their connection to Babel and their titles were explicitly stated in the video. You could see that Mr. Seo blackmailed the team leader over the anti-union documents. I heard the crowd gasp in shock when the team leader said, that he only did what the chairman ordered. That was not good.
Han-Seo jumped out of his seat to get to the sound engineers to pull out the plug on the video, but it seemed like he couldn't reach them. Then I caught him laughing at the whole situation. How could he laugh at this? It was a disaster!
As I looked back at Han-Seok, a bucket of red liquid was emptied right over his head. I hoped it wouldn't be what I thought it was, because I got massive Carrie vibes at that moment. I couldn't help but burst out laughing, because of the dumb look on Han-Seok's face. But I recovered quickly when I heard someone cheering.
"Bravo!" Vincenzo stood on a balcony with Cha-Young, illuminated by spotlight, both clapping.

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