Chapter 12 - He Knows

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As we've been driving for a while, Han-Seok spoke into the comfortable silence.
"By the way, Miss Kim, thank you for covering for me."
„Of course, sir. No problem."
„Still, I wanna thank you. How about you come back to my place and have a drink?", he said with a suggestive smile. Since I seriously needed to unwind after that adrenaline rush I thought: Why the h*ll not?
„Alright. If you insist, sir."
„I do", he said with a smirk.

It didn't take long for us to be taken by surprise, after we set foot in Han-Seok's house.
„Jang, Joon-Woo." I stopped dead in my tracks. When I turned my head towards the voice, I saw Vincenzo making his way around the corner. A look of surprise flashed across his face upon seeing me, but he quickly recovered.
„Mr. Cassano?", Han-Seok asked.
Vincenzo raised his arm, pointing a gun at Han-Seok, who put his hands up in the air.
„Kneel", he ordered.
„What's going on?" Han-Seok still feigned confusion, while I was torn on what to do: On the one hand I wanted to stay out of this and let Vincenzo do his thing, because he looked so f*cking hot in that moment, being that dominant and scary. I was simply captivated. On the other hand I thought, that I should intervene and help Han-Seok, because I didn't want him to get k*lled. I pondered about it a little more and decided to at least make a weak attempt at helping.
„Vincenzo", I said.
„Stay out of this, Su-Mi", he ordered, not taking his eyes off Han-Seok. „Kneel", he repeated. „Do it."
Han-Seok slowly went down on his knees. „Can you tell me what's going on here?", he asked, sounding scared. Faking, of course.
Vincenzo made his way over to kneeling Han-Seok, aiming the gun at his head.

Han-Seok looked up at him with big eyes

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Han-Seok looked up at him with big eyes.
„That's enough. Jang Han-Seok."
My eyes widened. He knew.

That's when Han-Seok dropped his scared Joon-Woo act

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That's when Han-Seok dropped his scared Joon-Woo act. „Oh damn. You got me."
„Say your final prayer."
„I don't pray." He grabbed the barrel of the gun, putting it against his forehead.
„Han-Seok", I said, sounding pleading. That dumb*ss. What is he doing?
„Stay out of this, Su-Mi." Why does everybody think they have to tell me what to do? „K*ll me already. You mafia bastard." Stupid!
„As you wish", Vincenzo said and cocked his gun. Next, a gunshot tore through the eerie quiet, making me believe that Han-Seok was  dead.
„Freeze!" I whipped my head towards the doorway to discover, that the person giving the order turned out to be Prosecuter Jung, who was accompanied by a sh*t tonne of police officers.
„This was a blank! The next one is gonna be real! Drop you weapon!", he yelled.
„But he really is Jang Han-Seok!", Vincenzo argued.
„I'm not! I have no idea what's going on!", Han-Seok yelled and scrambled away from Vincenzo in fear, picking up his Joon-Woo act again. Not bad, I was impressed.
„If he's really Jang Han-Seok we'll get him. But now, lower your weapon!", the prosecuter said. Vincenzo looked between Han-Seok, who secretly smiled and told him to shoot, and Prosecuter Jung, not knowing what to do.
„Drop your weapon! Last warning!"
Vincenzo gave up, dropped his gun and was put in handcuffs. He looked at me as police was leading him away.
„We will need you both at the station to take your statement", Mr. Jung told me and Han-Seok, before he left.
"By the way, thanks for your help, Miss Kim." I looked down at a p*ssed Han-Seok.
"What do you mean? You handled it well on your own. Plus, should I have gotten myself k*lled? In case you didn't notice, he had a gun."
"Oh come on. Even after I so kindly helped you after you "passed out". And, in case you didn't notice, my assassins had guns too. And there was three of them."
"You're right. But I wasn't fighting them alone."
"Oh please. Don't give me that bullsh*t. You could have easily taken him, but you chose not to and we both know it."
He wanted to say more, but I spoke up before he could. „Come on, we need to go to the station to give our statements." I held out my hand to help him up, but he just glared at me and got up on his own, storming ahead. F*cking baby.

By the time we arrived at the station, Mrs. Choi was already there, waiting for us, because Han-Seok thought it was better to call her. B*tch, please. I could have handled everything on my own. He was just being an *ss.
After giving our statements, we came across Cha-Young in the hallway. Before Han-Seok could say anything though, she slapped him in the face. Nice one.
He looked at her in shock. „Sunbae. I'm not Jang Han-Seok." She slapped him again. Well, in my opinion, that one was a teeny tiny bit over the top. I don't know why he still bothered to keep up his act in front of her. It's clear as day that she would never believe him over Vincenzo.
„You are not even human. You don't deserve to live!" Ouch! That was harsh.
„Sunbae", Han-Seok said, sounding hurt. But that only seemed to make her even more mad because she tried to slap him again. Ok,  it was funny the first time, but that was it!
I pushed her off and slapped her instead. You have no idea for how long I've wanted to do this. That b*tch annoyed me.
„Watch it you crazy b*tch!"
Holding her cheek she looked at me, seething with anger. „I'm crazy? I'm crazy?! You're crazy for siding with that monster!", she yelled at me. That was the last straw, I was gonna kick her *ss now! For real!
As I was about to pounce on her, I felt someone holding me back by my waist.
„Easy there. You will get your chance to unleash your anger. Just not now. Besides, if you keep going like that, I can't promise that we even would make it to the car before I'll rip your clothes off", Han-Seok whispered in my ear, causing shivers going down my spine and my anger dissipated into nothing. My oh my, that was hot.
Meanwhile, Cha-Young used that moment of distraction to rush off.
After she was gone Han-Seok released me and I turned to look at him. For a moment there I thought I saw something like admiration flash in his eyes. Was it though?
„We should leave", Mrs. Choi interrupted our moment.
But before we could, we were told that Vincenzo was released because his gun apparently was fake. Nice one, Vincenzo.

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