Chapter 39 - Come With Me

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I was in the hospital for two weeks then and I would finally be released the next morning. It was late in the evening, so Na-Ri already left, because visiting hours were over.

After desperately trying to sleep for what felt like hours I heard the door to my room opening. First I thought it was a nurse checking on me, but then I saw that it was a doctor. Weird. Because when I checked the time, I saw that it was close to midnight. Why would a doctor show up at this hour?
All my alarm bells went off as he approached my bed. It couldn't be. He wouldn't dare to come here, would he? Who am I kidding? Of course he would.
"Han-Seok", I whispered.
"I feel flattered that you recognized me right away, even though I'm totally covered up", he said, taking off his surgical mask.
"Sorry, that I'm visiting so late. I would have come sooner but you know. You have been swarmed 24/7", he said, smiling down at me.

 You have been swarmed 24/7", he said, smiling down at me

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"What are you doing here?", I asked.
"What do you mean? I wanted to see how you were. Plus: I've missed you. A lot. And I also wanted to apologize for ... you know. Me shooting you. Which is kind of your own fault though. You weren't supposed to jump in front of my brother. But still. I'm sorry."
I could just stare at him, dumbstruck.
"What? Do I have something on my face?", he asked and started to whipe at his face. "Oh, or is it because you haven't seen my handsome face in quite a while? It's okay. Just keep looking. But be asured, that you're gonna see this handsome face a lot from now on", he said with a huge smile on his face. That brought me back to my senses.
"What are you talking about?"
"What do you think? Get up. We're leaving."
"What? No!", I said.
"Su-Mi, don't be difficult. Just come with me. If you're in too much pain I can carry you."
"No! I'm not coming with you", I insisted.
"Su-Mi. Don't make me force you", he said in a low voice.
"If you don't f*ck off, I'm gonna scream for help", I warned, because I had no intention of leaving with him. His look changed from angry to challenging. So, a challenge he got.
"Help! Someone is in my room! Heeeelp!", I started shouting, after throwing him a smirk.
"F*ck, Su-Mi!", he yelled at me. "Fine! But I'm gonna come for you. Like I said, I won't let you leave me." And with that he slipped out through another door in my room.
Shortly after nurses came bursting in with Vincenzo behind them.
"Miss Kim!"
"Su-Mi! Are you alright?", he asked, as he came up to my bed.
"Yes. Han-Seok was just here", I told him.
"What? Where is he?"
"He's already gone."
"What did he want?", he asked.
"What do you think? He wanted me to come with him."
"I was right to not leave you alone."
"Did you stay here watching over me?", I asked puzzled.
"Of course. I thought this might happen. But trust me, we won't leave you out of our sight. Come on. We're leaving. You better stay with us, you're no longer safe here."
"Who is we?", I asked curiously.
"Han-Seo, Na-Ri, Mr. Nam, Cha-Young and me. We've all been together 24/7 since that night. Just to be sure. We planned on getting you out tomorrow, but we can't wait that long anymore."
"Yeah. I agree."

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