Chapter 35 - Scapegoat

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Han-Seok was safely tucked away in prison for the time being and Mrs. Choi was currently attending the trial concerning the Geumga Plaza Residents and the planned construction of Babel Tower. Without me. That left me in my office, restlessy awaiting a message from either Mrs. Choi or Vincenzo. Mrs. Choi was faster.
"Yes?", I answered after the first ring.
"It didn't go well. Of course the leaked video was shown. Our faces still blurred though. And they even showed another video made from Jang Han-Seok's house. Remember the party after the bidding?"
"Yes." Sure I remembered and sure I knew what was on there and also who recorded it in the first place. But obviously I kept quiet.
"A video was also made at that party. Someone betrayed us. Someone who attended both events. Does anyone come to mind?"
I pretended to think for a while before I gave my answer. "No."
"Not what I wanted to hear, but well. Back to the trial. The approvals of Babel Tower were overturned."
"Oh no. Mr. Jang is not gonna be happy about that", I pouted.
"I'm gonna meet you at your office in a couple minutes. I have to talk to you about something."
"Okay. I'm here."

Indeed, shortly after our conversation, she showed up.
"Su-Mi, we need to talk. It's about Mr. Jang."
"Alright. I'm listening."
"I think we should get him out of jail and let him take care of everything." Not good.
"How are we gonna do that? After the trial today he's probably gonna be charged with more than what he initially turned himself in for. Right?"
"Yes and that's why I came up with a plan on my way here." I hope she wouldn't try to blame Han-Seo for everything, because I would never let that happen. D*mn, couldn't she just leave it alone and try to save her own *ss like everyone else?
"What is it?", I asked warily.
"I need your help, Su-Mi." Wow. That was a first. By then I was curious what she would come up with. And d*mn, she did not disappoint.
"What can I do?"
"I need you to help me fabricate some evidence. I'm gonna tell everyone that I set Jang Han-Seok up to take the fall for me. I'm gonna turn myself in." Holy Moly! I never saw that coming.
"What? You can't do this!"
"I have to, Su-Mi. We can't trust anyone at this moment. I'm gonna tell you what you need to do and then you do it. Understood?"
"Well, it's not like you'll leave me a choice here. Right?"
"No", she said with determination.

As soon as she left my office, I called Vincenzo

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As soon as she left my office, I called Vincenzo.
"Mrs. Choi was just in my office asking for my help. She wants to take the fall for Han-Seok. Expect him to be out in a couple hours."
"I understand. Thank you for the heads up, Su-Mi."
"Of course."

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