Part 09

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The spring in your step tightens the closer you get to Jungkook's penthouse the next Monday. Walking here to start another week, there's a mix of emotions you're carrying with you.

You got to spend a proper weekend. On Friday, you made yourself some cold noodles and then watched a movie with Jimin and Soomin on video call, who'd said they'll be visiting you in a week. You took the train to Daegu on Saturday, went to the park, then stayed in to enjoy Min-woo's cooking and the girls' stories about school and their youth clubs. You then buried yourself in your mother's embrace as you told her about your week. You didn't want to say too much, not wanting her to worry that her daughter isn't being treated well at her job, but you suppose you said enough.

"I wish I was strong enough to protect you from everything," she'd told you softly. "All I can do is just give you hugs and say words of encouragement that might not even mean much."

"And you still are, mom. I look forward to being with you because of those hugs. But more than that, you were strong enough to protect me from the bad guys," you'd assured her. "Jungkook is many things but he's not a terrible person. I can handle him."

And you meant it. He may be hot-tempered sometimes but he's not evil. But just because he made you go home early last Friday, it also doesn't mean he's suddenly redeemed in your mind. Sure, he didn't email you at all over the weekend unlike last time, but he also still didn't apologize to you nor show remorse.

Perhaps that small nod after he called you telling you that you could go home was his way of saying sorry, or maybe it just isn't in his vocabulary. You wonder if Hoseok had told him off but even then, it's a pretty quick change, if you could call it that.

Regardless, you felt like a human being again these past few days; you just wish Jungkook woke up on the right side of the bed this morning and doesn't find a reason to complain about you.

Unlocking the door, you're surprised to hear silence - there are no grunts and deep breaths nor the sound of leather hitting leather from his morning workout. You scan the floor before walking around - a habit you've developed after finding that laced underwear last week - and then peep into the door on the right, only to find untouched equipment and no other traces of him.

You're in the living room when you hear another door close, prompting you to turn around and see a woman appearing from the hallway on the other side of the penthouse. Her hair's a bit disheveled and she's wearing one of Jungkook's coats that you saw in his closet.

"Uh, who are you?" The woman scoffs, her arms crossed and eyebrows raised now.

Taken aback, you just stare at her, until you realize she's not wearing anything underneath so you look away.

You try to make sense of who she is and how you could get out of this situation. You know for a fact that Jungkook doesn't have a girlfriend, at least that's what Lucas had told you, but who knows what Jungkook's been up to since he got back? There was that red laced underwear from last week after all. Maybe he does sleep around like what Do-hyun said. Maybe this woman just doesn't know Jungkook has a female assistant. Maybe he's—

"Hey, I'm talking to you," she says, sounding more annoyed now.

"Oh. Uh, I'm Mr. Jeon's—"

"She's my assistant," Jungkook answers, catching you off guard, given that you hadn't noticed him walk in.

He's not in his usual workout attire, although him in a white tank top and gray sweatpants with mussed hair somehow seems more overwhelming than him in nothing but gym shorts. You glance at him as he stands next to the woman, whose face suddenly lights up. Not wanting to look at her, you shift your gaze towards the ceiling, trying hard not to look awkward as you're rooted in place.

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