Part 16

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"Do you have any advice for the Board meeting?"

Jungkook slides the question in before Hoseok heads to the elevator and off to an event. They've just finished having a check-in with CEO Jeon, who wanted to make sure that the two of them are well-prepared for this Friday, given that presenting during these meetings and contributing to policy and strategy are crucial in their roles as President and Vice President. Jungkook won't admit that it caused him a bit of anxiety, but he'll surely take the chance to ask his cousin for tips on how to make sure that he doesn't screw up.

"I do," Hoseok answers as he holds off on pressing the button. "Ask your assistant. And then listen to what she says."

Jungkook visibly sighs. "Hoseok, I mean it."

"I mean it, too," the older man replies. "If it's anything about our strategic plan or policies, just take my lead. And it's your very first so you're expected to still be adjusting. If it's about the presentation, let ___ brief you about it. She's been with me every single time I had to present. When I was focused on what I had to say, she was focused on how the Board was reacting and how those translated to the questions they eventually asked. She'd know what you'll need to emphasize on or who you need to be wary of."

There's an unsure look in Jungkook's eyes, and Hoseok knows it isn't about trusting you. It's about him.

"You're scared, aren't you?" Hoseok asks. "What are you afraid of, Kook?"

"You know what they think of me," Jungkook sighs. "I don't want to screw up and give them more reasons to doubt me because they already do. And they're definitely gonna ask about the Arts Center. What if they bring up my disappointing social skills? I don't wanna end up feeling inadequate and embarrassing father."

"Keep thinking that way and you will," Hoseok huffs. "Look. Our family owns the company. You and I were trained to run it after my sister and your brother decided they didn't want to. The Board knows this. They'll either stay in our good graces or plot against us. Your father knows that, too, and that's why he's being hard on both of us because he knows what we'll have to face. That also just means he'll always be on your side. He'll always be on ours. The Board could be intimidating but we still hold the power. They'll impose or question or cast doubt because they want to feel that sense of control. It'll only affect you if you let them."

"Okay" is all that Jungkook manages to say, a tinge of resignation on his face as he takes in his cousin's words.

"You've managed worse people than them," Hoseok assured him. "Just focus, stand by your project, and engage them. Simple as that."

"Yes, it's very simple," Jungkook chuckles with a shake of his head.

"Like I said, your assistant's there for a reason, Kook. This is when I get to tell you that it's her job. We would prepare together and debrief right after, and it always helped because she fills in gaps and informs me of things I missed. Trust me. Trust her."

The thing is, Jungkook does; he doesn't need to be reminded that he should trust you because he's learned to do that, despite it seemingly impossible given that you both started off on the wrong foot. It's the thought of spending more time with you, during a time when he's still trying to get used to you and how you affect him, that makes him worried about this. But it's not something he can talk about with Hoseok. It's not something he can talk about with anyone.

"Fine," Jungkook finally says. "I'll talk to her."

"Good. I'll go now. Have dinner at home tomorrow, okay? And I'll see you when I get back."

Jungkook waves the older man goodbye and then returns to his office, where he finds you dropping some files off for signing.

"Payment requests for the event," you explain, earning you a nod from him as he walks to his seat. "How did the meeting with your father go, Mr. Jeon?"

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