Part 69

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Your heavy eyes flutter open before they close again, and for the briefest moment, you think you see Jungkook smiling at you, his doe eyes gazing at your sleeping form. You do it again, and right after your eyes fall shut, you feel soft lips on your bare shoulder, his warm breath heating your shivering body.

His absence causes you to quiver, but you're too tired to move. Even if you weren't, you probably wouldn't be able to pull the covers over you, not when you have the said man leaving kisses down your spine and then back up to peck on your exposed cheek. Yet no matter how tempting it is to return them, your mind decides it just needs a bit more time to wake up, and so does your sore body that feels like it ran a marathon that you just weren't trained for.

Because much as you took on Jungkook's challenge last night about being able to have sex all night, as it turns out, you're the one who couldn't do it.

He first had you on top of him, kneading your ass and directing your movements while he pounded on you from below. The way he felt from that angle had your stomach in knots, and when he wrapped his arms around you to keep you steady while he tried to go deeper as he sucked and licked your neck, you were a goner.

You were on your back before you knew it. And while he aided you in coming down from your high through languid kisses and licks on your mouth, it wasn't long before he had you keening again. His tongue lapped up your folds and swirled around your sensitive nub, and despite your mind feeling numb by then, your cunt throbbed for him. It wasn't long before he was inside you again, thrusting into you fervently before slowing the pace and taking you more gently.

The way he grunted as you whispered for him to come suddenly rings in your mind. Coupled with his morning kisses all over your body, you moan in pleasure, and he hasn't even done much yet.

Perhaps it's also because of these luxurious Egyptian cotton sheets that are making you feel like you're in heaven. Or the fact that they smell so good, too, like fresh laundry but more delicate, and all you want is to drown in this softness. So you do something close and bury your face on the pillow while you remain flat on your belly. You take a deep breath and release it with another moan.

"Sounds like someone slept well, huh?" You hear him chuckle, his mouth now detaching from your skin.

"You tired me out, Jungkook," you hum, your eyes still closed as you bask in the comfort of his bed. "Why are you even awake?"

"Because I always wake up early. And it's past 10," he reasons. "I went for a run then hit the gym. I figured you'd be awake by now and well... you aren't."


Your mind slightly catches some life as you hear that he'd just done a workout, so you take a peak and the sight doesn't disappoint. He stands by the bedside with only his track pants on, his hands in his pockets with damp hair while he looks on as you slowly twist and turn on the bed.

"I—" you repeat.

"You don't have to get up if you don't want to. I'm sorry I woke you," he says softly.

You catch on to his apologetic tone and it's what forces you awake. You know he's used to starting his day early and you... you're used to burying yourself in your bed until you have to get up to eat. Having someone to spend your days with is probably something you're both gonna have to start getting used to.

Your eyes finally open and stay that way, and despite his sweat having dried already, Jungkook still looks like he's glowing against the late morning sun that's shining through his bedroom window. You shift yourself and sit up, suddenly hyper aware of how naked you are... in his bedroom, and for a brief moment, you think it was all in your head.

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