Part 70

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You watch Jungkook from next to your closet as you wear your slip-on dress, a practical outfit given your shopping plans this afternoon. You've gone back to your apartment for a change of clothes and to bring some back to his place, and you left him in your living room as you packed your stuff from several meters away.

He stands by your couch, hands in his pockets as he looks at your photos on the shelf. He has a faraway look in his eyes, one that's different from the times he zones out and temporarily escapes to somewhere in his head. You wonder what specific photo he's focused on and what he's thinking, so you walk over to him and stand on his side.

It's the one of you in your uniform during your first day at your new school in Busan. You don't remember much from that day but your mom said you were shy to make friends. She told you that she was going to just be around because she worked there, too. You smiled just like she asked as she knelt down next to you while a moment marking your new life in a new town was being memorialized.

You don't recall taking that many pictures growing up but apparently she did, as she gave you a box of them when you moved back to Seoul on your own. They were all memories from a past you either couldn't remember or tried hard to forget, but somehow she kept the good ones, perhaps to remind you that in the midst of all that nightmare, she did her best to keep you safe and happy.

"You have your mother's smile," Jungkook says. "It's very warm and encouraging. I get it now, why my father thought you were just like her. You've always had this tenderness ever since you were young."

"I guess," you hum. "Who'd know the pain underneath all that, right?"

"I'm sorry for what you had to go through," he turns to you, feeling that tinge of pain in recalling what you experienced as a child.

"And I'm sorry for what it did to your family," you sigh, an apology that took you this long to give.

"It wasn't your fault," he responds, turning his gaze back to the photo. "I let the resentment get to me. I guess... my parents didn't deserve that."

"It doesn't change the fact that you were hurt, Jungkook. Your parents will always carry that with them. But they... they saved us. They helped us get away," you remind him.

"I know. You get to be next to me because of them and that... that's helped me alot," he admits. "It helped me understand and forgive."

"That's good. I'm sure that means everything to them."

There's silence as his eyes remain focused on the photo, and you wonder what else he's thinking, if there's anything else he's sorry or thankful for.

"I'm trying so hard to remember meeting you that day," he finally says, with a hint of desperation in his voice. "I've buried so many memories and this is the one I wish I kept but I... I can't because it's gone. I hate that it is."

"I've been trying to remember you, too," you respond. "I almost didn't believe my mom when she said that we've met before. She never told me about it but she said it slipped her mind. It was a long time ago and so much happened that day. Seeing you with that chocopie triggered that memory, I guess. We don't really talk about that time anymore. And I hate that it's buried somewhere in my mind. But it's a nice thought, isn't it?" You turn to him. "We met all those years ago and we never knew. But I kept you with me in the form of a dessert that I still absolutely love, that I eat whenever I'm sad or alone or upset. Connections aren't fleeting, I'm sure of it now. You're proof of that."

He returns your look, one of sadness but acceptance. It's one of those things you're both going to have to deal with, as all the truths about your past come to light. You hope you can just focus on the good things from now on, and with how his lips slowly turn up in a smile, you think that so does he.

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