Part 31

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You try to keep your distance from Jungkook for the next few days.

You do your usual - fix his outfit, eat with him the breakfast you prepared, go through schedules, and join him in meetings. You do away with the eye contact, you skip the teasing, and you don't share about your evening like you've been doing. And that's only because doing so just gives you moments to remember, like his gazes lingering or the sound of his laughter. Even more, it messes with your mind thinking that just like you, he spends most of his weeknights alone.

You act unbothered, although him catching you looking at him from your office seat and then you, quickly looking away doesn't really help your case.

It's on Wednesday when he passes by your desk to put back some files and you return to your task after giving him a small smile when he asks if you're okay.

"Yes, Mr. Jeon. Just a little tired but aren't we all?" You respond, your eyes flitting from him to your desktop screen.

"Yes, but most of us take breaks. You don't," he counters.

"Neither do you," you turn to him with an arched brow.

It's become a habit of yours to remind him to rest but just like you, he's pretty stubborn.

"Ah, there you are," he chuckles. "I was almost convinced you're not really my assistant if you didn't point that out but alas, it's you."

"Are you testing me, sir?" You frown at him.

A mistake, really, since he gives you that teasing smirk of his that you're learning is your weakness.

"Maybe," he shrugs. "You just haven't seemed like yourself all week and I just wanted to make sure that you're okay. You can take a leave tomorrow, if that's what you need."

"It's okay, sir. And I'm fine," you assure him, realizing that there's not much that could keep you away from him. "Plus, we have that dinner with the media festival organizers tomorrow evening and it's the only time they're free."

"I know," he sighs. "As long as you're sure. It's selfish but I do need you there."

Of course he does, you think to yourself. You're there to make his life easier, after all. It's the only reason why he'd ever need you or want you around.

You confirm that you'll go to work tomorrow and sigh in relief when he doesn't say anything more. You decide to go home, wanting to get to the weekend so you can find some distraction, in whatever way that may be.

Thursday comes and you spend your day divided between working with the support team for the upcoming VP events and coordinating with the Arts Center marketing team for the deliverables they need signed off.

It's busy enough that you don't see much of Jungkook but that only really lasts until you have to accompany him to that welcome dinner with the organizers of the international media festival that Jungkook wanted to collaborate with for the Arts Center promotions. It's happening in August of next year and while the partnership has been established, he wants to work on his relationship with them so that the plans could firm up quickly.

You head to Jungkook's restaurant of choice in Itaewon, a fancy place that serves Korean dishes in a modern, artistic way. You've heard about it before; the food looks like something you could put at an art gallery. Korea's exceptional ability to merge traditional and modern elements is reflected in this restaurant's menu. It's why he wanted to bring them here, he tells you.

You settle in your seat, excited for the dishes that are about to come out, and that's when you see him, the man you dated before Hajoon, and someone you haven't heard from in a while. Of course, that wasn't always the case. He continued to reach out months after you ended things with him. It seemed harmless then, and it was only two years ago when he finally stopped.

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