Chapter 6

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Daemon talks to Rhaenyra about what happened the night before and she gives him some important information. We introduce another character from the books. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

"We need to talk." Daemon had waited until it was time for Aemond's nap before looking for Rhaenyra. His son refused to be separated from the woman and if Daemon tried to even get Rhaenyra to another room, his son would glare and pout. He had seen Rhaenyra's smile every time his son fought for her attention, not that he needed to fight too hard. "It is important."

He opened his study door and did not miss the way she hesitated, he did not blame her. The last two times she had been in there he had completely taken her over and made her agree to things she never would have under another situation. He didn't say anything, just stood there. While he wanted her and they had come to an agreement, he didn't want to physically force her to do things. He enjoyed the way her body responded to him and took advantage of that fact. But the situation now was not about his lust for his niece, but about her safety. He needed some information from her and needed to let her know what had happened the night before.

After a minute she just sighed and walked into his study, her body was still tense. He closed the doors and watched her jump, he had to resist the urge to smile. He walked slowly and made sure not to crowd her as he moved around the desk and sat down. He gestured to one of the chairs on the other side of the desk and waited until she sat down.

"Do you know a man by the name of Adrian Tarbeck?" Her frown told him that was not the question she had been expecting.

"Yes, I have met him a few times."

"Who is he exactly?"

"He is one of Otto's hired goons." The frown had not left her face. "He came to the house a few times to meet with my father when he was having problems with the Starks."

"What do you mean when he was having trouble with the Starks?" Daemon had not known his brother had been having issues with the Starks.

"About five years ago Rickon Stark declared war on Otto when the man tried to encroach on his territory and killed a few of Stark's men. Otto got my father involved, unofficially of course. I guess that is why you didn't know about it. I don't even think the Starks know about it." The more she talked the more interested Daemon became. He had been right, Rhaenyra had a lot of information that he needed. "A month after the whole issue started, Adrian Tarbeck showed up at my house and was locked in my dad's study for over an hour. Two days later Rickon Stark and his youngest son were killed."

"Are you saying that your father is the one who ordered their deaths?"

"I mean, Otto was the one who wanted them dead, but my father was the one who gave the order and he is also the one who paid for it." Rhaenyra shrugged. "To this day Cregan doesn't know who killed his father and brother." She looked thoughtful for a minute before giving him a questioning look. "Why are you asking me about Adrian Tarbeck?"

"Because he was lurking around one of my restaurants last night." Her eyes filled with fear and he shook his head quickly. "You don't have to worry, he is dead." She let out a relieved sigh. "What I find strange is that he wasn't sent to kill you, his job was to get you and take you back to Dragonstone. Now, why would that be?"

"Because my father wants my inheritance." She said like that was the only explanation he should need.

"Wouldn't be better if he had you killed?" That would be the easier solution. "Wouldn't the money go to him as your closest next of kin?"

"No, if I die before getting the trust fund then it will go directly back to the Arryns, my father won't be able to touch it." Daemon raised an eyebrow and she gave him a secretive smile. "My mother set up the trust so that it would go to me on my twenty-fifth birthday or once I got married, whichever one came first. But if something happens to me before I get the money then it will go back to the Arryns."

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