Chapter 38

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Rhaenyra and Rhaelys talk. Daemon makes a decision about Arthur. I hope you guys like it 🥰

"Let him go." Daemon looked up at her like she had lost her mind and for a moment Rhaenyra was sure she had. "Just let him go and make it clear that if he ever returns you will kill him."

"Have you lost your mind?" Daemon glared at her, all the happiness and the kisses from that morning completely forgotten. "You want me to set free the man who kidnapped our children?"

"Yes, what good will it do to kill him?" She didn't want to have that man in her house for a second longer. "Daemon, he is a broken man and he has been broken for a long time. I'm sure he wants to die more than you want to kill him."

"Great, that works for me."

"I don't want him here!" Rhaenyra snapped, not having the patience to deal with her husband's sarcasm at that time. "I want him as far away from us as possible and I don't want to see him, ever again."

Daemon narrowed his eyes, his gaze moving over her as if he were trying to study her. "You are doing this because of Rhaelys, you are afraid she will hate you if you kill her father."

"No, I mean, part of it is because of Rhaelys." She wasn't going to deny she was thinking about her sister. "But is not because I'm afraid she will hate me if he is killed. She's never had anything, he has been the only constant in her life. Even if what he did was wrong, he is still her father."

"He should have made better choices."

"Yes, he should have." She didn't disagree with him, but she also didn't want to continue killing people and having others retaliate, making this a never-ending story. "But how do you think Doran Martell will react if you kill someone from his family? You have told me how insane and unpredictable Oberyn Martell is. We don't need another war."

She didn't want to always be worried about Daemon and her children, she didn't want to have to be looking over her shoulder all the time. She was tired of all the dead and the blood. This time the blame for everything that had happened was hers, she was the one who had been so desperate to find her sister that she hadn't measured the consequences of what would happen. She didn't regret finding Rhaelys and meeting her, even after everything that had happened. But she should have thought about the consequences to her family.

She kissed her husband before leaving his study, there was someone else she needed to talk to. She made her way to one of the sitting rooms where she found her sister sitting on one of the couches looking out at the gardens where Aemond and Aemma were playing with Syrax. Rhaenyra cleared her throat and watched as Rhaelys's face changed when she turned to look at her. Guilt overtook her sister's face.

"We need to talk." Rhaenyra looked towards her children, making sure they were ok before looking back at her sister. "We can't leave things the way they are."

"I know." Rhaelys stood up and gave her an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said, I don't think you are to blame for our mother's death and I don't think you took her from me. I was angry and wanted to hurt you, but you have to know that I never meant any of those things."

"I know. Believe it or not, we are very much alike." She moved a bit closer to her sister. "I also say things mean to hurt others when I get angry."

"I felt awful as soon as I said those words, I didn't mean any of them." Tears filled her sister's eyes. "I wanted to apologize, but I wasn't sure you would want to see me after everything I said and the way I acted." A tear ran down Rhaelys's face. "I'm so thankful for everything you have done for me, for everything you risked to meet me. I don't want you to hate me or regret being my sister."

"I don't." Rhaenyra hugged her sister, feeling bad for her. "I don't hate you or regret having met you. I love you, Rhaelys, even when we fight, I still love you."

Rhaelys sobbed as she squeezed her tightly. "I was terrified you would never want to see me again."

Rhaenyra hugged her tighter. She wanted her sister to see someone who would help her to sort through her emotions. Rhaelys had spent so much time locked up that she didn't know how to deal with her feelings. She didn't doubt that Arthur loved Rhaelys, but his love wasn't a healthy one. Rhaenyra didn't want her sister to go back to that man because she knew he would never allow her to be free if she returned. 

                                                              Rhaelys  Targaryen (19 years old

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                                                              Rhaelys Targaryen (19 years old.)


Daemon wasn't happy with Rhaenyra and what she had asked of him, but he could understand where she was coming from. He was tired of fighting too and wanted to have peace and not have to be worried about his family all the time.

He entered the cell Arthur was kept in, and the man barely moved. "I want to kill you slowly and make you suffer."

"Yes, I'm aware of that," Arthur answered while whipping the blood from his lip. "I'm surprised you haven't killed me yet."

"I can be patient when the situation calls for it."

There had been a time when Daemon had admired Arthur Dayne, he was a renowned killer with chilling accuracy. While Daemon had been on the running from Viserys he had wished to be like Arthur, to be as strong as he was and as smart. Looking at him now Daemon could see that there was nothing of that man left. Arthur was a broken man almost on the edge of madness, he was nothing like he used to be. The man was in pain and had been in pain for years, it was almost like looking at a ghost and it somehow made Daemon afraid. He could see himself in Arthur, if anything ever happened to Rhaenyra that would be him.

"I'm going to allow you to live." Arthur looked at him in surprise and Daemon moved a bit closer. "Your family is very adamant to have you returned alive and since I want to do business with the Martells and don't want to get into another war, I'm inclined to return you, but there are conditions."

Arthur let out an unamused laugh. "Of course there are."

"I will make sure you are returned after I have a little fun with you." Daemon squatted in front of the man. "They didn't say I had to return you whole."

Daemon would let the man go, but first, he would make sure to get his message across. He would make sure Arthur never forgot what happened to people who defied him and tried to hurt his family. 

                                                         Daemon  Targaryen (38 years old

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                                                         Daemon Targaryen (38 years old.)

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